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Whitby Free Press, 2 Sep 1981, p. 20

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PAGE 20, W[DNI SDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,198 1,WHITBY FREELPRESS Free Pressmporiun t mýCoul 668-6111 EmpoiumAds wiII only be accepted subject to the foliowing Conditions. u -- -~---.* - ~PLEASE READ ANTIOUES à COLLE Butter churner $50, radio $50; piano Mahogany mentie cloeed bookcase $15 wardrobe $150. Cal 1 S On@ GO KART, askIr 655-3282. LAWNMOWER for working condition. Ri whoels. Asking $65 6638. 4 x 8 BLATE POOL TAI Compiete with ai Asktng $80. Cai 668- MARY KAY Showcaae Supplies. Asking $8 fer. Cati 668-4744. DIAMOND ENGAGER aimoaf new. Appri $445. PrIce negotia 263-8025. TENT,"9 x 9, steeopafi ably. ln good shape. camping. $45. CatI 7Z DEHUMIDIFIER, MotF H18D. $125 or bast new. Cail 668-1328. COUCH AND CHAIR, Skier, $150. Baby Stro Dorel Car Seats, $1! 655-4140. OAK CHAIR $10. Fi $15. Vacuum Cleane - Ltght Fixture $15. t Handpainted Plate Wlntan Handpatnte( Collectorsa Item Royal $20. Royal Abart Cu Record Player $20. Ce 18 - 0' ROUND CEDAR POSTS, sharponed. Assorled szea ram 3"* - 5" tops. $1.75 each. BRASS FIREPLACE SCREEN, Like new $15. Bleck FIREPLACE SCREEN', goad condition, $8. 36" x 12" x 10", AQUARIUM, $15. Antique SPOOL TABLE $70. Caîl evoninga 57M429. Aug.12,81(G) ELECTRIC WATERi HEATER, 60 gallon, In good condition, $75. Boy's Bicycle, suit age 5-7 yrs.. $40. Fire Screen, 36" x 26", and toot set, brasa colour, $30. Baby Car Seat $15. Baby Bicycle Carrier $10. 8' Eiectric Baseboard Mater with thermostat $60. Phono 668- 4686. Sep.2.81 (F) FOR SALE: Antique Four-Poster CRADLE, oak, original finish, ex- caltent condition, $200. Antique Pine Harvest TABLE, drop-leaf, naturel finish, good condition, $225. Antique Wicker BABY CARRIAGE, Victorian Circa 1890, with umbreila, wlre spoke matai wheels, excellent condition, ex- cellent for window display - refait, natural wicker with uphoistered padding, $350. Bowmanviile ROCKING CHAIR, Circa 1850, caned seat and back, $150. Bowmanviile ROCKING CHAIR, Circa 1850, uphoistered ln beige velvel, $150. Antique Victorian Ladies SIDE CHAIR, carved back, arms & legs, uphoistered ln tapestry. wtth matching footatoot, excellent condition, quality piece, $325. BOSTON ROCKER, slrip- ped, needs f0 be assembted. $50. Phone 666-2815 evanings. Aug.1 2.81(G) When the advertised Item la soid, disposed of, or unavallable for whatever reason, the Item wiiI be deemed 10 have been soid and a commission wiii be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Illustrated below, regardiess If price la stated with "besi offer". If the Item le NOT SOLO, or dlsposed of, the ad wiil be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $8.00 wiii appiy payable ln advance of publication of the first ad. Otherwise a $7.50 charge wlill Sp. ply If billed whIch muet be paid upon receipt. The aboya minimum charges will b)e applied to the final commission due but In any case the hlgher amount wIii be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-paid, $7.50 billied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertisemenls must be placed on an exclusive basis wlth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atteast one month If flot sold. RATES (if article la mold): 5% of advertlMd pricO up to $«0.00 -2% of balance over $400 EXAMPLE: Sold Item adverfîaed for $120.00. Commission due S6.00 (minimum charge la 36.00> Private advertising onlyt Please notify the Whitby Free Press lmmediately when Item is sold so that we may delete It f rom the foliowing Issues. Ail ads not fItting the Emporium guidetines wiil be treated and charged per week as regular classtfied ads on a pre-pald basis such as: services, hetp wanted, ciothing, real estate, and personai message type adie, or ads not quoting price or quantity. Private ciassified ads may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL AOS TO: If ln doubt cali: OR DELIVER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 6861 131 Brock Si. N. P.O. Box 206 6811WhltbyOnt. Whltby, LIN 551 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON ,a~ATOMOBILES VV uooiEMTRYLSPT SFOR SALE I AUTOMOTIVATOMOITIV : HDUSEHOLD MTRYLSPT -I *1 O RÈýPA(IR/PAT EARPRGODO[S ] iM SALES/RENTAIS l . SUPPLIES ECTABLES- lMahogany etool $60: $150; glass. 150; mlrrored 86.3907. JuI.8,81(P) ng $50. Cati Jui.8,81<M) sale. Good aise & lower ;5. Cati 583- Jul.29,81(S) kBILE for sale. ccessories. k8712 days. Jul.29,81(W) a & Business M or best of- Aug.26,81(J) MENT RING, atsed vatue able. Phone Aug.26,81(S) four comfort. . Ready for 28-0997. Aug. 26,81(J) Point, modet t of fer. Like Sep.2,81<Z) floral green, oIer $15. Two 15 each. Cati Aug.26,81<S) loor Polisher er $15. Neon Royal WInlon $12. Royal d Bowl $12. ail Winton Cup up $20. HI-Fi a11 668-6m8. Jun.24,81<P)I The difference belween yOU and person who's fit is that anything you con do he con do better. Tha CAr."man momnt«fape AN AD IN THE EMPORIUM SECT1< WIU SELL ALMOST ANYTHING FOR1 CAL L 668-6111 door, new Fr utmFbris RC rer steerîng, Fr utmFbrfs RC r windows, CAP. Asking $350. Cati 723-9989. ýd. Asking J u1. 15,81<(P) 311 655-8052. Jun.3,81(C) CHEV 350 MEADS, good con- dition. Aaking $75 or boat offer. ieeds tran- Cali 688-0482. for parts. Jul.29,81<B> offer. Cal 5 p.m. Jul.15,81(C) FOUR 1311 SUPER LUG MAGS, 4 boit Chev, $175. Three tJniroyal RWL BR7813 TIRES $120. Cati ning condi- 666-3096. kand la be Aug.19,81(C> 8-7470 altar _______________ Aug.5,81t5> 1973 FORD TORINO PARTS: 302 Engine $200. Transmission for sae $85. Radiator $50. Front TORINO, end, fenders, grill, bumpers, Asking $450 drums, etc. Complete car $350. 3679. Catil 656-3006. Jul.1,81(B> Jui.1,81<R> YSPORT, 4 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS SEDAN t. ties5ce- PARTS. 429 motor, windahield, >. Cti 55- front end, grill, fendiers, rad, air condllioning unit, etc. Asking Jul.8,81(L) $200. Cati1655-3006. Jun.3,81(R) an ad ln the 1l668-6111. AN Emporium Ad wlilI sei your automotive parts quickly. Cati STATION 6W8-111 now. AMIFM, 8 __________ ks, air con- PIONEER Car Stereo, 4 speakers, ,air shocks, 2 ampa, cassette deck and graphic klng $2,995. equalîzor. Asking $M00- must be Jun.3,81<C) had ai68M . Jun.27,81<W) iente coi- f iOUR 14" RADIALS, Unroyal h1en man - steel beited, raised while-tetter 5. Cati 576- tires. Under 10,000 mi. on att tires. 15. ali 76- Asking $200. Cati 655-4108. Aug.5.81(E J u n.17,81 (H) fiRAVELLE, collent con- etsteln, SEL LYOUR ld. Asking Use thîs th Jui.15,81<O) I have read the EmporîL vert isement pîaced und( ~~ n 1 enclose $6.00 to COm E Charge $6.00 to mY 'V E Bill me for $750 afti adi. J Card No. Narne oea print> YOU. Add"ress City CUSTOM ROOF RACI size station wagon.A Cali 5764592. REAR WINDOW for Dc truck." New. Fits ye Asking $25. REAR BUMPER for 'h tont Asking $50. Cali 668-79 BABY FURNISHINGS Crib , mattress and orange & whtte, $125 $35. Two walkers, $1 Two pottie chairs, $7ai back pack $10. Higi Swing-O-Matic $15.-j( on a stand $20. Cati M Perego Combnation1 STROLLER, exceltent red, $150. Colonial Be made to canopy. wlt $35. Perego Stroiter,c navy, S45. Cati 683-157à I!W Gu:C) 47 square yards of Bl bitter aweet. Aaking 723-9989. 30" VIKING STOVE, $7 7658 af ter 6 p.m. S to fît fuit- Asking $80. J U . 15,81<O0) ýodge 12 ton ,ar 1975-80. qCHROME truck. New. '60. Aug.19,81(L> S à ITEMS. îd dresa ln !5. Playpen ;10 and $15. and $8. Baby h chair $15. Ioiiy Jumper e82702. Sep.2,81(L> CARRIAGEJ tl condition, ed, couid be h mattreas, detuxe size, 74, Jui.1 ,81(S) ROADLOOM, j $200. Cali Jui.15,81<P) ;75. Cati 579- Jun.3,8llP) WALNUT DINING RO( compiate with buffet ar months old. $850. i chestartietd suite, exci dition, $450. Cali 576-5 p.m. CUSTOM-MADE SHI embroldered hems, al wide. Asking $200 or Cali l668-0495. Speed Queen DISHWAI energy saver, ln exce dition, £300l or beat offei 0495. HOUSEHOLD GOODSi In the Emporium aectko 6111 to place your ad. HOUSEHOLD SALE.- mirai range $250; grai range $250: kitchen eiectric fîreplace $25; clothea dryer $25; waahing machine $25; beque $30; two Hoov cleaners, $100 and$ f loor polisher $20; set cases $25; green ares r Irons $20 and $10. Calit STEREO, AMIFM, 8 tra with turiable. Excetl tion, $185. RECLINEF BLACK & WHITE DOUBLE BED with hiea Two pairs of DRAPEE $30. Cati 668-0776. At UNWANTED ARTICLES NOI handy torm to mail ln your Emporiumn ad. 014 SUITE ind hutch. 2 Four place eîlent con- 5062 afler 5 Aug.5,81(E) EERS wtth approx. 16' best offer. Jul.1,81<C> SHER with llant con- r. Cati 66&- Jui.1,81(C) Oeit qulckly on. CatIl668. -White Ad- an Kanmoro lsuite $50; ; white GE white GE wagon bar- ýver vacuum $30; Viking t of 3 suit- rug $40; two 688-7014. JuI.8,81 (S) rack buit in taent condi- R $25. 26"' T.V. $75. dboard $75. ýS, $40 and ug.19,81(M) wl îmn guidelines above and wish to ha 've the following ac ler this section of the Whitby Free Press. (don't forgol 10 inctude your phone numnba ver the minimum charge. M I er f irst publication of my TO: Exp ate WHITBY - FREE PRESS ___ -P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Postal cO"e Whitby Li N 5S1 r> 1975 SUZUKI 125 MO« excellent condition,1 parla. Asking $450. Cal 1977 VAMAHA YZ,c rebult. Asklng $850. MO8. 1981 850 SPECIAL, chrome highway - backreat, ail warrantyc tif lad. AskIng $2,700. 668-866after 4p.m. TC9O needing tile ral $100 or basf offer. Call NEED EXTRA MONEY unwanted articles witl lisement In the Emporl of the Whitby Free Prot 6111 now. ITOCROSS, many naw Il 579-572. Jui.8,81<O) complotoiy -Cali 723- Jul.15,81(P) 2,500 km., bara, KG checks, cer- Cali Larry et Jul.8,81(B) paIr. Aaktng I728-2578. Sep.2,81(W) Y? Sali your h an adver- lumn Section aes. Cati868- MrrSIAE1 CLASSICAL OG with case, $120. 1967 CADILLAC, 4Ë paint, radiai tires, powe power brakes, power power seaab, certified $1,800 or basfoffer. Cal 1971 TORONADO, ne amîssion, Mwlisait1 AakIng $35 or betat Barry at 723-0962 aftor 5 1972 VW BEETLE, runr tion, needs body work cartified. $200. Cai6M 1973 GRAN mechanlcaliy sound. A or basf of fer. Cali 655-3 1975 CAMARO RALLY spead, standard, radial lifled. AskIng $3,400< 3336. CARS seit quickly wtthi Emporium Section. Call 1976 MERCURY WAGON, new tiras, track, power door tocl dttioned, traiter hitch, roof rack, certif ted. As Cati 655-8052. 1979 BUICK Park Ave grey, four door, excal tion. Low miteaga witt lions. Asking $8,49: 502afler 5 p.m. 1979 CHRYSLER CA blua, 49,000 km., exc dtlion, 4 door, powe power brakes, cetitfie $5,500. Cai 668-1436. UITAR (Eko), new, l- Cati 668-9482. Aug.5,81(M) Basa Guttar, ex- on, $300 wlh case. Jun.27,81(W) IDER GUITAR. JusI Tiplte wlth case. 3M6. Aug.5,81(R) FIER - Peavey, 60 king $325. Cati 668- J ut.1,81(N) Gatanli F-20, duel 3pedals, 8 rhythm omallc & menuet pedal & drum beal. h. Asklng $1.300. Aug.2681M PETS & SUPLIS lx STUMPY CATI ara aid, very amati. cod home. CatI 66&- Aug.19,81(K> SHIRE BULL eeks aid, female. 1Asking $300. Cail Aug.19,8llR) PONY MARE. 15 yeers oid. Bey kinga. Malter broke. excellent childaà Asking $40. Cai Aug. 19,81f R) AQUARIUM KIT, complote, 4 galion capacity, etectric pump, filter, charcoal, wooi and orne- ments. Asktng $18. Cati 668-6563. Sep.2,81(M) 30 GAL. AQUARIUM, hexagon with wroughl iron stand. 2 months oîd. Att accessortes lncluded. Asking $150. Cali aller 6 p.m. 571- 0701. Jul.22,81 (K) One Triumph Lana Fox cutback SADOLE. Perfect condition, $450. Telephone 855-4067. Aug.19,81(S) SPORTIN 150 ROSSIGNOL SKIS, Tyrolea 160 bindings with ski brakes, Munar ski boots. Was $275 - Askîng $150. Used one wtnter. Cati 668-9898. Aug.28,81 (M) BOX TRAILER, 4 x 8, excellent" condition. Asktng $400. Caîl 723- 0394. Aug.26,81(S) fl*pARTICLESU ARICLS ivFOR SALE FO SLE LABOUR DAY HOLIDAY. Please note that the Whitby Free Press Office wlI be CLOSED MON DAY, SEPTEM BER 7 due to the Labour Day Holiday. To ensure space for your ad ln the September 9th edition, please have your instructions to us as soon as possible. ce1111eN codît Cal 688M2. 12 STRING FENI like new. Con $285. Cait 655-3( GUITAR AMPLI watts a side, ask 6297. ORGAN, 1979 keyboard, basa patterns, auto chords, volume1 Inctudes benci Calt l668-0630. 0ES BLACK MAN) femese. 1½ Yeu $1 or free to go( 1576. STAFFORDS TERRIER, 9 wi CKC registered. 668-3995. HACKNEY Reogiseored. 49" wlth white mar Would make aaddie pony 1 FOIR SALE 1975 CUSTOMIZED lh TON TRUCK, 302 angine, red vaivet In- tarior, AM/FM cassette plus lots more. Certif ted, $3,000. Cali 668- 1585. Aug.26,81(A) THE WORLD IS YOURS .../IF YCLI KNOW THIE RIGHYT PEOPL1E.. WOhaitver fou move the Wetcome Wagon hostess is the figili person la heip you lnd a place in yout six communly Cali 60&1-isu23oaiS7621 1

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