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Whitby Free Press, 2 Sep 1981, p. 21

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEM BER 2, 198 1, PAGE 2 CALL A PROFE, -*'GIVE YOUR FURNITURE A FACELIFT RUCHARD'S FURNITURE REFINISHUNO 600 EulIId St., Whltby FREE ESTIMATES RICK FORESTAL S666-2992 *ANKRUPTCIESa ekIlllIng amaIl businesses. If your printer has genseout of business we have a bonus for you. Cal Lau Dcksan at 683-1968 for detalse. MR. Sc RAP WiliIpick up any kind of metai at any time FREE 0F CHARGE. CALL 666-3176 WHITBY FABRICS Custom Shoers & Drapes WE ALSO DO ALTERATIONS 216 Dundee St. E., Whitby OPP Pool Of fi"e 668-4821 'I WE SERVICE ail makes end modela of typewritera. Dlckaon Printlng, 218 Harwood Ave. S., Aax. 683-1968. ADVERTISE YOUR SERVICE IN THE MOST-READ PAPER IN WHITBY. CALL: 668-6111 SEVICES A HANDY REFERENCE BOOK "Grammar for people who hate Grarnmar'. Ideal gift for students or offie workers. $3.95 par capy et Dickson Printlng, 218 Harwoad Ave. S., Ajax, 683-1968. ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTîSERS Please check your ad for errors on the first day of publication. The Whtby Fre Pres *11 nol be fiable fer falure te publish an ad, or for typographic or ather errera ln publication beyend the ceai af the space eccupled by the errer up to a maximum coat of the f rst Insertion. The Whltby Free Press resarves the right te classlfy or relect ail advartisements. Box numbers va avallable at an additienal charge of $2.00. PRE-PAID ADVERTISEMENT DISCOUNT: You may charge your Claslfled Advertisernarit to your Cthargex or Visa Account and receive a discount on the price of the ad. Pieuse havayeur Visa card roady when callng. DEADLINES:- Deedline for Emporum Ada la Frtday no prior ta publication. Oeadlîne for Classlfled Ads la Menday noom por ta publication. CALL 668-6111 m McCARTHY GENERAL CONTRACTING e SIGN PAlINTING e CERAM IC TiLE e DRY WALL e STUCCO " INTERIOR & EX- TERIOR PAlINTING " ETC. FREE ESTIMÂTES 683-7179 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Goid and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, Jeweiery, dishes, fur- niture, crocks, oli pain- ,tings and sealers. FRIEN DLV FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W, OSHAWA CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tiling, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Calîl 668-4688 MA. à MAS. CLIFFORD TRICK are pleas.dta annaunce the marriage 0f their daughter. Ruth, ta Mîke lKehoe, September 26, 1981 at 2:30 p.m. at St. Johns the Evangellat, WhItby, Ontario. DUPLICATE BRIDG, Centennial Building, Whitby. Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. Sason begîns Septem- ber 16. New members welcome. Cati 66&m997 or 008.360. WATCH FOR the Dcksor. Prlntlng Monthiy Maler. Full of humour and Information. Cal683-1968 for caste on advertlslng apace. DON'T FORGET GRANDPARENT's OAy - SEPTEM BER 13,1i981.~ M ATOMOILE1 FOR SA.ELE 1978 CORDOBA, black on black, 58,000 km., loaded. Asking $5.000. Certifled. Calil 5768614. 1981 860 XL VAMAI-A. milsage. Cali 571-1021. Low OSHAWA OBEDIENCE CLASSES. Starting Septernber 15. For further information cati 655-4066 or 571- 3405. Long distance 1-623-712. IT'S TIME TO START MUSIC LESSONS AGAIN. PRIVATE PIANO LESSONS for beginners. Starting September. Cali Mrs. Bourne at: 666-3213 HIGHLAND DANCING LMSONS Experianced, qualifîad teacher. Mamber of British Association of Teachars of Dancing. Ottar Creek ae.666-1477 Jili Narthey, B. Mus., A.R.C.T., sa now accepting studants for PIANO & THEORY TUITION et ail levais. Cali (Oshawa): 579-1558 PLACE YOUR AD FOR LESSONS NOW. SCHOOL STARTS AGAI N NEXTWEEK. CALL: 668-6111 CALL NOW TO RESERVEVYOU R SPACE: 668-6111 a otARTICLES FOR SALE URINE-ERASE guarantees removal of urine stains and adora from carpets. Free brochure. Reidaîl ChemîIcals Ltd., Box 7500, London. FOR SALE - One pair C.C.M. junior tacks, sîze 4, used 1 season. Plus ana pair of boys roller skates, sîze 7, used 3 monthe. Phono any. time 664961. 12 H.P. MASSEY GARDEN TRAC. TOR with 42" mower. Aaklng $1,200. Caîl 57.5 SWIMMING POOL CLOSE-O UT Ail 1981 stock WIN be Sold at a fraction of the regular seîli ng price. Most sîzes ln stock. Easy terms avaiiabie. Free deîivery. Cali toil f ree: 1-800-268-.5970) Toronto: 1-416-746-3340 NEW à USED Office Fumîiture at big savings. We have a warehouse full ln Ajax. Dîckson Prlntlng, 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, 683.198 MUST SELL - Patio umbrella set, new this yesr, $180. Smsll hsndy barbaque $10. Two patio plantera $8. Beautîful Chinese mink stole and jacket, $50 each. Phîllîpa sun lamp, sutomnatIc tImer and own stand, $80. Lavely hal Ires, top turne,$55. Babys Swlng-O-MatIc $10. Everythlng ln excellent con- dition. Witt take beat 0f fer on some Items. Phione 6558042. W3AITED SUPPLYI rHighestpricespaidg for scrap t rucks, mtrtransmissions 831-1531 GET TOUR MESAGE ACROS a Economîcaîly Convenientîy Accuretoîy CAL Classif ieds 668.6111I OFFIC SUPPESI OFFICE IN ONEI CombinatIan desk and flllng ca6lnet, new but scratch and dent ln manufacture. Lesa than $100. Dicksan Prînting. 218 Harwoed Ave. S., Ajax, 683- T 1EWITA for rant, manual and eIeclric, by the weekend, manth or week. Dlckson Prlnting, 218 Harwaod Ave. S., Ajax, 683- 1968. AUCTION SALE THURS., SEPT. 3 -6 P.M. 1614 Charles St., Whitby South of 401 Many fine old pieces such as: beautiful 10-pc. Mission Wainut dining room suite with refractor table, 4-pc. Wainut bed- room suite, oak dining room table & buffet (refin- ished), old oak fiatback cupboard with glass doors, waInut bookcase, dropleaf table, oid Colony f Iatware, large wali dlock, 4-poster bed, dresser & highboy, Colonial bed chesterfield & rocker, an- tique dressers, vanities, beds, tables, rockers, tea server. Good rotary gas iaWnmoWer, lazy boy Chairs, color TV, many fine pieces of antique & modern furniture in- ciuding good glass, china and so on. A reai good sale. To see is to believe. Many pieces not- men- tioned. BILL WANNAMAKER AUCTIONEER 666-3731 579-250 DAYS EVGS. Byline - Consignments taken 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Frlday tg serve you. Plan to attend. WANED DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Experlenced, mature person for dental office ln Whltby. Must also be able to d ch r-side asslstlng. Phone: [chir 666-1 121 i for Interview. EARN EXTRA WOtiEY. Show our PAAT.TIME ACCOUNTS RECEIV- excitlng lins of Chrstmas carda AIBLE. Seasonabie business. and gite ta fMinde, neighbours. Some typIng an saset. Cali 0M& No experience needed. Our 2055. beautiful catalogue makes It easy and profitable. Write today for free Christmas catalogue and In- RELIAULE PEASON wanted to formation. Monarch Greeiting cars for 5yearand 1 ysarold In my Carda, 217 Cannon, Hamilton LUN home. For Information cl 668- 3K3 or phone (416) 527-3891. 6996affer 6 p.m. INSIDE SALES, persan with know-_ PART.TIME daytlme chlld sitting ledge of printing end forma, large required, ln Kathleen Rowe School are& fIrm, aalary. P.O. Box 561, ara. Pleasma caîl 668-4370. Whltby, Ontarlo. BAC K TO SC HO00L!! Need money for bac k-to-school supplies? Take on a Whltby Free Press paper route and earn cash & prîzes. Caîl the Circulation Manager now at: 668-6111 WANTED - Responsabie persan nl Pringle Creek ares ta cars for a 3 yr. aid and a 6 yr. aid. Part-tImne et- ternoons. Cali 668-2875. EXPERIENCED CLEANINO women want full or haif-day work In Whltby or surraundlng ares. Calil 668HI7566.R SERVICES BABYSITTINO dons ln my home. $30 per week. Brock and MannIng area. Cali 668-5870. EXPEAIENCED DAY CAAE ln West Lynde area. Cali 068"750. JOG FOR LIFE AND BREATH Support your local Lung Association 723-3151 FOR RENTJ CENTRAL WHITBY, room, kit- chen, laundry, parking. Calil686- 3568. ROOM IN WHITBY - Matura per- son ta rent bedroam and sitting raom. Upper part of hausa. $200 manthly. Cali86-3197. WHITBY - Modemn 1,275 sq. fit. store - air conditloned, carpeted; goad parking. $750 monthiy. Cal W. Schatzmann, Bowman & Glb. son Ltd. Realtors - 68-3338. INVITATION TO TENDER SEALED TENDERS for the projects or services llsted beloW, addressed to the Regional Manager, Finance & Administration, Ontario Reglon, Depart- ment of Public Works, 4900 Yonge Street, (lOth Floor), WilioWdaie, Ontario M2N 6A6, wili be received until 1500 hours on the specîfied closîng date. Tender Documents can be seen, or obtalned through the off ice of the Dîrector General, Depart- ment of Public Works, Ontario Region, Tendering Office, lOth Floor, 4900 Vonge Street, WilioWdale, Ontario. PROJECT No. 170021 - Cisaning, Post Office, Albert Street, Claremont, Ontario Closing Date: Deposit: Enquiries: Thursday, Septomber 24,1981 Nil 416-224-4240_, SCREEN & GLASS REPAIRS Whitby Aluminum Home Improvement Centre REPLACEMENT WINDOWS - DOORS - SIDING DISTRIBUTOR FOR 2 PLUS 2 PATIO DOORS 900 HOPKINS ST. UNIT 3 (AT BURNS ST.) WHITBY, ONT. ALTILING JOBS > TRACTOR TRAILER DON E. TRAINING 11*MIOOM1 AND KITCHEN. For Ciass A & D License WALLS 08 FLOORS. Cal 1 FOR FREE ES TIMA TES PARTICIPATION CALL 416-363-8031 LEIGH HALL eRE etgtCa Ta ra@ 666-3981 Day, Eve. & St ore = \Y', jo- %ýlq rýl The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. 8«-2252 686-1853 %iýN v7l% M,

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