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Whitby Free Press, 2 Sep 1981, p. 23

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Between You and Me vpr un TI-me for m__e mo ries This is the time of year for memnories of mothers and their offspring rushing about buying'clothes and sundry things for the new season at school. A special time, a new beginning and generally an eageriy anticipated one for the youngsters and often the parents too. Summer has spent itseif and now autumn is stan- ding in the wings ready to step on stage at any given moment. A beautiful time of year, the air is soft and ail the colours about to burst and cover the land- scape as nature prepares for her winter's rest. Many people think of auturnn as a foreboding of death, a depressing time as growing things die off before a new season takes over. I think of it as a respite, a very speciai timie, a preparation for spring, a rebirth of one of the most beautiful times of the year. Precognition and predestination, two topics which came up this week. During the past few years well documnented and researched by professionals these subjects are interesting and to those with an open mind quite fascinating. As I sat down to write this a friend popped in to vîsit and over a cup of tea the matter of dreams came up. She is afraid of dreaming because they al seem to corne true. A forerunner of what is to come and this must be frightening to say the least, Neither my husband nor 1 ever rememnber our dreams, here one moment and gone the next, IReport from Q ueen 's Park By THE lION. GEORGE ASHE, MPP (PC - Durham West) Ontario Minister of Revenue In many centres of Ontario the vacancy rates in rentai accommodation are very low. To ensure that ail Ontarians have access to adequate accom- nmodation at a reasonabie price, your Provincial Government has inaugurated and since enriched, a $42 million no-interest loan prograrn to stimulate the construction of rentai units ini low vacancy areas. The Ontario Rentai Construction Loan Program has been in operation since the beginning 0f the year. Under the program boans of $4,200 per unit are available to the private sector for the construction of rentai housing within specified price limits. Ministry of Municipal Mfairs and Housing offi- ciais are optimistic that as many as 10,000 new ren- tai housing starts wiil occur because of the incentive offered by the new program. Builders accepting boans fromn this plan wili be required to offer up to 15 per cent of the units they construct to local housing authorities responsibie for managing assisted housing in the community. As well, where there is a definite local need shown, provision must be made for units specially designed for use by the handicapped. To ensure that the boan program best serves the need of the entire community, boans will not be availabie for 'adult only' or 'luxury' buildings. In addition, the program does not apply to con- dominiums, non-profit or cooperative housing developments. At present the program is targeted for low- vacancy m-ban areas, like the greater Metro Toron- ta area, Kitchener, Sudbury and Thunder Bay. Assistance will be extended ta smailer and rural WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEVI'EMBER 2, 1981, PAGE 2.3 YMCA's p1ayschoobs always pleasant, but no doubt without substance and thankfuliy aiways in living colour. However the following is true and probabiy could be cailed a form of precognition, a foreknowledge of what is ta come. A man I know had a dreain many, many years ago, one which a stayed with him throughout the years, as vivid now as when he had it. Neyer one to, remember a dream it amnazed hirn that this par- ticular one stayed with him always. A very seriaus young man interested in his studies and sports he had littie time for girl watching. Upon graduating at a young age fromn university and preparing for his iife's work he had the foilowing dream. At this time he was living in England far away from Canada. In the dream he came to Canada, probably by ship in those days but this part is in- distinct. He stepped off a train in west Toronto and walked into a coffee shop where he met a girl. She told him she had a log house by the lake and took him to see it. I wonder how many log houses there were around Toronto in those days? Probabiy none, aithough there could have been the odd one here and there put up by an Indian. However, this was a house, not a log cabin. He neyer ever discussed this with anyane; it was just a dream pure and simple. So the following years provided much interest and a wonderful career with a war in between, a lifetime which would make a speil binding book. Throughout the years the dream was there, it just neyer left him but it was his dream and neyer taiked about. It neyer occurred to this intelligent man, always full of logic to dwell or think about anything as mundane as a dream. In ime he ieft England and came to Canada with his family and again had a wonderful career. To make a long story short this man now lives in a log house by the lake with someone, a wife needless ta, say whom he feels he has known forever but in truth has only known for thirty odd years. Naw he feels he has "corne home" at long iast. Sa this is life; coincidence, hardiy. To hear the whole story precludes any frivolity. Fate no doubt plays a large part in aur lives. Neediess ta say we are responsible for our own fate, we should be masters of our own souis but I am fir- mly convinced that if one does what they feel is right, foliaws their own conscience, ail will be weli. We journey through life, changing route on the way but uitimateiy we may see a pattern like a pat- chwork quilt and often the end result may be per- fection. Precognition recognized by many to be a valid truth but experienced by few or so we feel because these things are not discussed with every Tom, Dick and Harry. An open, intelligent mmnd is something ta, aim for, as this may be "what dreams are made SOLEMN BLESSING 0F RESURRECTION ROMAN CATHO LIC CEMIETERY (Taunton Rd. East of Brock St., Whitby) By MOST REV. ROBERT B. CLUNE AUXILIARY BISHOP AND MASS FOR DECEASED CONCELEBRATED 8V LOCAL PARISH PRIESTS' SATUR DAY, SEPTEM BER 12,1981 - 10:30 A.M. The Catholic Cemetery by' Soiemn Blessing is The Durham Region Family YMCA's Nur- sery Schobs and Play- schools, due ta resume eariy this September, are part of the 'Y's pro- vincialiy llcenced Pre- School Program operating in Oshawa, Whitby, Port Perry and Newcastle. Play, one of the most meaningful forms of learning, is integral ta the two hour daiiy sehedule. In addition, the learning format in- cludes cognitive activity apprapriate ta, the child's age, interest cen- .tres, arts and crafts, snacks and circle time for stories and sangs. Added this year 18 an inter-national theme emphasizing learning about other cultures and lifestyles - family struc- ture, work, food, clothing, housing, sehool and climate. Three characteristics make these pre-school experiences uniquely valuable: 1) A 2, 3, 4 or 5 hall-day enrolment; 2) Parents, working in support robes with the teacher, provides for an ideai transition in reiating about the child's play school ex- periences at home; 3) Playschoals extend throughout Durham Region and benefit con- tinuaI interchange of classroani resources and program ideas. For cornpiete details regarding registration, fees and scheduling, cali the Whitby 'Y' office at TYPE WR ITE RS ADDING MACHINES e CALCULATORS SALES * SERVICE,@ RENTALS 'Ilt's a poor day when *we haven't helped a customer" Friendship Tour To Austria Summer 1982 <TO 1INCLUDE 6 DAYS IN FELDKI RCH) WH ITBY'S TWI N CITY INTERESTED IN JOINING? Cali1: Joan at 185 BROCK ST. N. esley'sWHITBY Corner of Brock & Mary 668-7955 r.Traveli. StyYug .. aTr u ...Tavel 1c k. k i

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