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Whitby Free Press, 2 Sep 1981, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1981, WHITBY FREE PRLESS whitby Pbihdeer ensa jiI~~g ~ 3Phone 66>9-61 Il - Th1e F ree Press Building, Voice of the County Town Michael Ian Burgess, Pubisher- Managing Editor 1:11 Brock StrIpet North, The only Wbitby newspaper independently owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whitby residents. P.O. Box 206, Whitby. Ont MICHAEL J. KNELL Community EdItor MARJORIE A. BURGESS Advertlslng Manager MaIling Permit No. 480 Member of the Whilby Chamber of Commerce Trustee John Buchasnan charges. Editorial was act of public censorshi]p Dear SI r: 1 wouid like ta inform you that 1 take great ex- ception ta the editorial that appeared ln the Whit- by Free Press Jui1y 29, 198 1. In the editorial you express strong criticismn toward the Corridor Area Ratepayers Association for their efforts ta have a change made ln the municipal bus routes and service. The article suggests that the association Is oniy a special ln- terest grouip trying ta hinder the bus system, not help it. The editoriai also raises doubts as ta whether or not the association represents the wishes of the majority of area residents, and It imn- pliles that they shauld not be interfering in muni- cipal affairs, nor have they the right ta do so. Let me put your mInd ta rest: not only do they have the right ta look into ail 'matters' that might affect the residents of the Corridor Area of the Town of Whitby, whether it be municipal, provin- cial or federai, but by iaw the association is required ta act upon ail matters relating ta the amenities, comfort, safety and weifare of residen- ts of the Area. Their autharity and direction cornes from the charter issued by the Province of Ontario under "Letters Patent", guiding themn as ta when and haw they conduct their business. In the editorial, you f iercely attack the residents for having the audacity ta even suggest any change ln the municipal bus service. Your editorial neglects ta mention the specific change that the Ratepayers Association requested. You aiso fail ta mention the fact that the Corridor Area Ratepayers Association have held a number of public meetings, meetings that were advertised ln your paper and others, dealing with variaus Issues ef fecting the Corridor Area. You also seem ta Ignore the fact that It was at these public meetings *the area residents requested the association ta petition the town council for a route change. It would appear that you deliberately omitted mentioning the petition containing several hundred area resident's signatures, requesting a change. i arn very concerned that a paper, the calibre 0f the Whitby Free Press, wouid sanction suchan. editorial ta be printed. It reeks of public censor- ship. It does exactiy what It accuses the rate- payers association 0f doing. It implies that the Whitby Free Press is anly a speciai interest graup. In conclusion, i would like ta say that far a local paper, that has enjoyed a goad reputation for ac- curately reporting local issues and events, your editarial is one of the worst sa-cailed pieces of journaiismn that I have had the misfortune ta, read. Regretfuily 1 feel this editorial has drasticaliy af- fected the pubiic's opinion af your abiiity ta honestiy and accurateiy report the Issues and events aff ecti ng our County Town. Sincerely, John M. Buchanan, 108 Broadview Avenue, Whitby. EDITOR'S NOTE: We can't help but wonder whether Mr. Buchanan Is writing this letter as a private citizen or as one of Whitby's two represen- tatives on the Durham Board of Education, or whether it is even possible ta differentiate the two. Considering that the letter printed above con- cerns itseif with an Issue upon which the board may or may not have ta, contend with then It must be assumed that Mr. Buchanan Is speaking as a Trustee an the Durham Board of Education. It seems ta us that Mr. Buchanan Is being parti- cularly partisan in this issue. Not only does he reside ln the Corridor Area, but he is a past officiai of the Corridor Area Ratepayers' Association. As an officiai af the association, Mr. Buchanan ac- see our opinion on page 19 If tbi s mi rte -~ tI i., t' os bois... Board will re-instatt sy MICHAEL K.ELi. Fret Pres suit if tht Tocs ef Whitby reducea i% but service inte tCirriderAres, il stems as tboiegh tht Drham Bard et Educatlen shatt ce- ist transportation sevices fr high scbeat steaits instier arias. Accordai ta William Gltflîas, thse bard$ transportationimasae- lu. tise petlcy la tht i a stadesi lices mire Ure one mute (rom tht schel. bS service clU be WecLd. AM"ed hetisuor nt th bard woîtd re. letate twlsrvice if th miasicipat service cwu cr51 bec. GItai la ai service bisE gov b thtie miailci -oy... ,ina,:eae etter. te Aterte . Buhan iaid. 'aI tri dsuppert the residents et tht Crrider in thtir requett te ater tht preseet schtdttled routes er- etth. Tece iby. 1I1eeutd aIme support tht reinitatement et the Drham Berd et Edsctos h.aisgtf fths rua se Uhst mcedary studenslaculd h. trans. ported teaMd fren An dersen Citlegiate and Vicationaî Insitue."* h ceoinSad. Bth Brows aid Buchanan rceien tht Crridor ares and Buchanann cas th feus- ding rriaident of tht essecatien. Prier te seaking diaction ta tht board lait Nvembr. Buchasan raigiid as a ice.Prsdast ef tht greup In as interview lait weuk. Buchanan said tist b.e okte ffaly supports the pitionescg tise Crridor Arie Rata- papas Asociàtioi. Hoeeer. h. naid that camlo liîe Iotehave th igh acheol buses bremepisibc, e. . oud nt comider reit-r dicieg it mie otier arias et tees. for example 011r Creek. tiecever. it thet tee puttes bus service (rom. fer exempte. Otter Creeh. then lbe ceetd s lar t tis *If they pled frem Otter Cretis then ced have te bei Otter Cree.- Buchanain id. He sien pinte eut tiât ne cemplainte about th municipat service have been recieltdfrin t- tr Creeh. a position thsaI bas aIs e ben heit by Mayer Bob Ater- Intfact. Attestty sasd tisai peoptee hliadt spehen to front tisat&ae cere iappy cits tht tiervice. I'ee hai ne cer- plaints trom Otier Creeh." Buchanainida l'Ive ues' bhad s com- ment frin tr CiSk te e-lstatth higis ,"." lksirvie" Tht roehie truste cas &ac ecritical of the Wutby Transit Service calliii "pre.ature" ,*They bavent povided anadequte hus service. Buchsse aid "hlyey mml er- vcrntq kh Hte sid that th mets bosse t contentosn th issu tht bus that ruts nrtb and seutb &teng tiarrard and Ken- dalwood Rited Buchaann altoe con- ttained tirat many hisgh srbeol siedi rildres bsd te catch à Wbtby btai&a rly au 7:40.m, cbicb fgot thtmtooc"oo at Approxîmatety aie &.nm.esning thtybhud te bang &round" for an heur befere cbol ope.ed. Hie added that if Umet chîiksen caittd te catch tise next hut.tbey could be lite for scboît arrîninfi ut approsi- matcty i:OSs.m Mayor Bob Attarstey couttred Buchani«s suggeston tisatthtotec no. service cas inede- qiate iayute t it t "stesys ndtr study -. "were strivisg te im- prove si daity." Ater- mey said adding that tees staff art comstes- tly ricelvinginCputfren residentio These uggstions etl bi eeamiied and i icteded tt a report tisast ilbe hetore cunI some- tîrne inlote Septeber or «rly Octeher Buchantanre mtars ttsar rasepayers Vl IE U M associatinsmadea rurtia. th bord i-emnarriqast.CU I mu «1 cam bave te "*If tise rstepopers C II 1petttr-13,11t- madu a rqumt, tisa. i'd 1 .-=dc.lbud- chavtecemmeder it, bi HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTH C me1 tise athtrltp e at!nidddir natltiuch àaXttl lttrU et09dmActiegi, rquutt as madie. he AJAX, ONTARIO Ka Nunru.e. nsiud nol advoate 83-67 OWUilredscewtacs va. lats.83-07 in tbe Comdo rrctaservictin ooiser a re la me îets ate bld ta have tht e serMvice rewve&GIcii fillasn id tchaI addtiosaî cota ciesisibie ccruies acaunecrise sud for moacbume% IVT lb. cou for tht sec O KT D vice. mtimatesiail anir 'N ma&Useesl 1I2S a day mI eitcresattal At,, ,.,O FRES N SS, At ast c e" aietl-ead rîtepapers assectaîlm erquetes mtia th e wvitte p i W.-irvi ýttî vIitpi x4 r clicîrr t ti. .v .titii.)iîrirut vises by lise mmui tise ue-isea ard t netî hri: p i iur uwprt'.ii itrc-1.N. %r mai ts swa cmt tffl 1,t' in pi t ft.lic. o.i-. bair go tmayw r tmitiii.utrptu- BosAttsesly. Istue n..ivpîn.rtr c VOU sti wl tise r.îCr: traiepetttmil tth %, a i mat c -n mater ae Imslme~ hue servi c saris ta - - m la~lt 1h1 aramt tie f'fer esampkui ifervice ac TbWksIe5d tait hme.che s casn W114111111111 cri» attien posérp ,- ci" ats ttal f cari i - à" »ueheAi e own service Tht mayor aise said une are&sin mutation.- lHe cas aisecrttcat ot tiat tise own cant aci lhesaid liechanans pmition as soeey on tht destres of Attersley &aid that tontet Whitbys tee th Corider Artîs Rate- mcitihan tut i&Il t trusees aon tht Durham payera Assctation but areas etf town isthe Board oEducatieut. musi tale th eeSd. et saine master se that "He should atse treat th etire lace inta con. evetynne whe te estitttd the tocs in tht sane sdtratitat te use tht servýice ba&imariner,- Attersley "Coueictcant oohai the rigisto do seu aad )NTARIO -'.i. V~~> titi~ n îirtiv.lIr i nipeip i i tht'. prî ic histxl inb.dit: '. irtt ti ltll cr î tsi i l -'- l(t% si: O ntan.r jo t -J 111r11 U >gm c iit, N1 lo t Vh4 n -oîs . Pr ili r o 'r. i .treto .it11do inrts i4 c -- witby < volce of th@ Counly Town Michoel ton Burges Publisher -Managing Edioto U Cemmun y Edita MAAJOAIE A, BURGESS Adven sng Mat Corridor ra tepa yers sh ould s upport buses not try to have service eut back Tise Corridor Aria Rtepayers Association te &gairn trying te persuade Whitby Toey Ceuncil la cul back sirviche providîsi by titistifllinient Whiby Transit Synlere in their arieo0tisaI scisoal bue service fer iigi sechoal studînts cen bu te. instled. At tait elek'smeeting aI Whitîby Town Ceuncit tJuip 20), tise essociation requestid tisaI ptans for tise cut-backs bu matie ans iimplemented hilare July 30 t0 al le lise Durhsam Board of Education te, re-Ivette tihs service atie beginning of tise scisot pyeu in Saptembur. Titi Juiy 30 dissiuive was requestesi because tl te etai taIirme tisaItishe board wil eard centricts torlils transportation service. *bour madiseare witI aware, tise Wiitby Fris Prisse ttaltp supports tle concept et a public transît service fart tiis cemmunity. We have alca oppesedaitp reamve by tise Corridor Area Rtepaers Association 10Ioshve ibis service riduced or eilmnated Iv tise East Word sa tisai they cen liave scisool bus service beck. And, vie dosei nec. It la ivlereling la note tisaite Corridor Aras Rtipayets Association ttis e avty secit organtra- lien In titis municipaelity tis a is publtcally op- posid titi transit servtce. To tha st et aur ttnawtedge, allier ratepayers* associatiovs have nat saugist te ihave transporta- tien for iigis sciteol students re-instatesi or ta havi public transit service tiducet in tiseir ares Theretate, tise question muet Deasokei. clip dostisa association voeant ta cabotage tise Whitîby Transit Service? eTisey claim r isaithse runîcîpally ruv transit set- ice mienis tai hey have 10 pey terce for a set vice tisaI tilipuserdIota py lot enly once Witii certain liitethiis tesa correct observa. tton for not ovly do thse teepayars support lise transit service listougis their proparty taies, but met pay cit muet bic constderad to De a nominal tare te, use tise servtce. Wisen tise Durhram Board of Educatran provîdes titi service, tise faepayar assumes tise total Durdan citisne contribution comrng iv item tise tara boa Tise tapayer. cite c useelly an aduli. cannai rmise use ofttis servca proertiid by tisa board. but riss tise riglit le use tise service prevrded by tisa Tocn ef Wtitby. Il sues to us ihat if tise leepayar lias le psy for a service, ha or te tsiteeltiai ieact itave tae rgtgs ta use il et hie or bar option. Tise propoesai fronthtie Corrocar Area Ratapayere Association eeetd net spactitcaily injure tis riglit, but coulti mahe it mucis more tirficultIo Anotiser argument putl fwiarti Dp tisa associa- lion os tisai tisescisool tuc service os calai bicause tise driver canen aarcse greater super vision ofririis paceengeis Dosfrits mesan trisailtea socîstran battîtes tisI tigit ehcil studevîscisose averagae&ga te 14 andi up. are vol mature eveugli le use a public transit sevice cis vomi tigrai et comnmon secv se? Our cenlentron 's $net pouvg people i 1.s gt group soultiDeb-'- turs enougi t teusea apublic transiticystem sernd il thepare vot l iosteàaati rcliec tien on tkrii upoirngirig Tint assaczialrov os aise advocating livat tiose rctiuct-on e hamiade oeii en tis e*taanti ovtp toi Thr-.mufttriai citai clan taeir spohesman tooit-' "tlyTownirCouocrlt tiailliey *canot anti ciii nout speais lot any ottiti orgéniztlion' Il os obviaus to usthlut tise Cottidoir Aiea Rate paers Association te seitting special privilege andital tisey are not cancerned cit an issue tisai concerne ait esidonts ai tisa Town et Wiitbp. Il aise ses te us tisai if this speciat priviloge te gratetd ltise Corridor Aria thlm il muet aiea ha grantasi teîr arias ai losey, for exempta, ta Or- tir Creendi West Lpnde. Tisey aIse do flot se ta ba cancerneti cils tise tact lIai te Durham Board et Eductien tax. pepers iv otitîr muvîcipelities, reost noiabty Osisawa anti Atax, de nat receive transportation fer titeir iigit ccisaa aged ciildren. Tisit ciildrev reust miSe use ofthtie municipally run transit cystemreiv tituir respectiee cemmunities. tIc e aînterestiîvgta note tisaitisose parents are nat protestîng wci cecsentiellytisesa situation. Siseulthtie Corridor Maia Rtepayers Associan be succasstul invîus bld tlavane higit scitool transporiatien re-instatîti l dît set an un- tait andi castly precedenitishai ciiiliave Itebobr- ne bp ail rigiliflal taxpapets. not lueit tiose living cîtin tishevaiofWiîb Logic ceulti aissese ta indicatetrisaIlte association es val suppartîve e1thtie bus Service despîte sasMaternent by tise spahesman tisai tisay *de vol etivocate tise dîscantîvuence aiflte public transit service -- We seere te recaîl tisai coma mîmbers efthlie association bemoavedth ie tact taitise bus ser- vice dees net previde transportation Iotes Osisawa Shopping Centre ai s meeting titey helei lp eat Andi tisa Witby Transit Servtce siseuidt' oi pravîde transporaionrtot a commercral iecirty iv avaliser communrty Tht Oshtaca Travni Syclere cerlarnly deesvl. veor doasvpetiser local system Tise local servrce te supporteti Dp local île dollars, tise majarty oai Cisare parC Dpitlocal busînesses. clicis ivtuireisave th isergis t 10exti lte transit systere te pravîde service toi tisei cuclamere In tremalter. it sees Io lisepublication tisai tisa Corridor Ats itatepayers Association es behaving mucli lise a ispicial InIerait group.- They do vol se 10 buc cncernied euh itow their particular demande wiul affect the rasilof tisa cammenity. In tact, tiep seem oniy tbebicoincer. nid cilh how something lisel itivotveis(hoe eritra' community affectse hur. lTe associatian doe not catit ta peeicipate In a service tht witt binoi I, end dos bneflt. the entira communily. They are seeking ipecil privlegea, and do not saure te Cari ehether or vol thé rtet fthe lex. payars cen avait thîmaîtees oftMalim. t.ie limre for, thé Corridor Aoc Rtîpepers Association ta stop crilicizing tise Witby Travail Service for wisît muet bu cansidoed lo bu a ve tisatI svotldeiiby tise.majority of rîsidîenta of 1he Town ai Witiby, andwe're doubîfut la aventisetd by a majorily 0f Corridor'ta rea identa. They sheutti, Inîtead, bu saehing cape le ire. prove tlie service sa ilialit Con bu butter utlizid by ait reerbefe ai aur community. Perisapseaven more important Il soutd bu pain. tat ouitisat tise educalionat eyetem ta being aub sîdized by AIL teepayere ta titi lune of OVER 50 per cent ai aur fao dollars..endt iis fantastc bll for educatian te being patd NOT juel by tise tamilies wits chitdrîv. but by chittitîse familles, cingle peopte. retirîsi peopte, senior cilizena. etc. etc Nobocly FORCES ivybody Io lave ct'itdrin, ansi cerlarnty nobotip FORCES people te lave aven more chirldren fi cauid maire tisit consideritig tise actent te wich ere ateady subîidizing familles citis ciltdren (dont target about 'baby bonus,. lie deduclions. O S-il P.etc.) il eould appear tisaI asktvg peopleIotepay s portion ofI liîr 0ev cdilidrtn*s transportation toeandi irom schooal woutd ha acreal ihrng to asis We dont betteve tise msîortty ci Wisitby rosi dents veto, or even want, itantiauts tram othîr reidelits, bultcisin pou diges lram tise'user psy'systae ils vol a lot dîffierevt rore social cil- ta.e BRIAN DEEGAN' ftEulE Vt iUgBAUV 4~.9 PceipVE~uf >-' H4&. 1 Molk, ýM lll0 1 lei 1 illI', M il lý - , - , l' %, .1 1 il m d 4 %% Il )Ill *11) %ý Il 1 % , , 1 - 1 % 111111% 11ell l'tel %,,

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