PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 19~81, WHITBY FREE PRESS. Former fiddle chamnion featured at Big Brother beer garden Rick Cormier will be one of the band mem- bers playing for Rick Johnson's County Band on Saturday, September 12 and Sunday, Septem- ber 13 from 4:30 to 7 Flapjack supper, mechanical bull, free street dance and beer gardens. What do these ail have in common? These special events are al part of Rodeo Week from September 8 to September 13 in Whitby sponsored by the town's Parks and Recreation Department and CHOO RADIO. The flapjack supper will be 6 p.m. Friday at the Dominion Plaza. The street dance will be in the vicimity of the four corners featuring The Whitby Parks and Recreation Department is hosting a Rodeo Park- ing Lot Market at Iroquois Park Complex, Saturday, September 12, 10 a. m. to5p. m. Vendors, sport groups, organiza tions Cowboy bats will be sold by the Chamber of Commerce and there will be a dance spon- sored by that organiza- tion. The hats will be $3.50 each - there will be 50 available in adult sizes, medium and large. The hats are made of straw, off white in colour, with a feather band. Referring to the excellent quahity for the p.m. This country and western band imitates contemporaries and old favorites including fid- die numbers which Cormier has plenty of experience at. He is the Western music at 7 p.m. Friday. The Beer gardens will feature Rick Johnson's County Band along with an ap- petizing supper menu fromn 4:30 to 7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. The Beer gardens will- be open from 12 noon to 12 midnight Saturday and 12 to 7 p.m. Sunday. The High County Rodeo features 100 cow- boys, 20 horses, a dozen bulis and a cast of clowns - performing bareback bronco riding, bull riding, calf roping, North Amez~an Junior Fiddle Champ-Ion three Urnes and has won ninety fiddle contests across North America. The other band mnem- bers blend thieir instru- ladies barre-! racing and steer wrestling. Each show will be two and a half hours in length commencing Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m. at Iroquois Park. Ad- mission is $5 for aduits and $3 for children and seniors. For more infor- mation contact Iroquois Park at 668-7765. T and individuals are wel- come to display their wares. Booth fee is $13. Caîl 668-7765 to reserve a booth. Spaces are limited. In the event of rain the sale will be held Sunday, September 13. price, Mandy Crawford of the Chamber of Commerce remarked "How can they make the hats for that price? " The bats will be avail- able from Downtown merchants in the Whit- by core. For further in- formation or purchasing large quantities, contact Shirley Acker at the Chamber of Commerce, 668-4506. Ail Your Fali Decorating Needs " Wallcoveriflgs " WALLCOVERi Î " PAI NT " DECORATING TOOLS WE GIVE FRIENDLY PERSONALIZED SERVICE WE GIVE FRIENDLY PERSONALIZED _ SERVICE SOMETHING GOOD IS HAPPENING FOR YOU WE HAVE A SELECTION 0F INSPIRATIONALGIFTS__ KUNGS KOLOUR KORALMc 135 BROCK ST. SOUTH 6.1231 UTJ~[LELZ 211 BROCK S WHITBY, ON' 668-9161 3RD ment expertise to pro- duce tunes ranging from Charlie Daniels to Merle Hagard to their own fid- die and banjo numbers. If you like Waylon Jen- nings or Kenny Rogers, the County Band plays It. Dave Pierce, a former Black Creek member,' plays banjo, lead guitar and sings. The last two years he's been with Ronnie Prophet. ,Rick Johnson has had his own band for six years. Re has organized the Coun- ty Jamboree in Brougham for the past five years.- Mike Mîlligan, a student at Humber Jazz College, plays bass. Marty Coomber is on steel "the higher. Sale runs from Sept. 14 Hope to see you there! ~~~~ :] 0 .p~1À i ~ ' v , I i F f t l v SPECIAL RODEO PULL-OUT SECTION guitar and Brian Yo plays drums. The group has played in West Virginia three times, featured with Hank Snow and Crystal Gayle. They've toured Ontario spots suéh as Kitchener, Peter- borough and numerous ot.her towns. On Thur- sday, August 27, they'll be starting an engage- ment at the Broom and Stove. The beer gardens is sponsored by big Brothers. It wil be open Saturday from 12 noon to 12 midnight and Sun- day fromn 12 Wo 7 p.m. The show is a family af- fair offering picnic tables and a supper menu featuring beans and bacon and soup. There will be a limited numnher of seats, up to 300, so don't miss this Rodeo special event. For more infor- mation, contact Iroquois Park at 668- 7765. Du ring Rodeo Week The Readers Cholce and look over our fine selection of gift books 13'1 Brook St. S. Whitby 666-3232 200 JOHN ST. T. S. MIDTOWN MALL T. OSHAWA.) ONT. 571-3520 After the rodeo corne on down for our ANNIVERSARY 19, '81 Flapjack supper, mechanical bull, many more special events Rodeo Parking Lot Market Cowboy hats on sale downtowIn XX X'~XA.Q X'1~X ~ XX XX X X ~X R LOUND UP It 's our 3rd Anniversary in Whitby and we'd like to celebrate it! FÀ - 1 =1 1, H ~BUY 1- GET ANOTIIER /2PRICE i price purchase prevails"50 in boih our Whi*tby & Oshawa stores ç#blbý 1