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Whitby Free Press, 9 Sep 1981, p. 28

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PAGE 28, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 198 1. WH1TFFY FREE PRESS Free IPress mporium EmorumAds wili only be occepted subject to the following Conditions. QARI CLESSCL ANTIQUE$ à COLLI Butter churner $50 radio $50. piano Mahogany mentie1 cîoeed bookcaao $1 wardrobe $19-0. Col 9 One GO KART, aski 65&-3282. ICE CREAM FREEZEF ft. wide x 6 ftL high x1 truck chasis. ldoî storago. Two 2 hoi working excellent. near new. Run10 de 0. Asking $3.000. Call LAWNMOWER for working condition. Fi wheoIs. Asking $6! 868,6 4 x 8SLATE POOL TAI Complote with a Asking $80. COeil668- MARY KAY Showcase Supplies. Asking $& fer. Oelil668-4744. DIAMOND ENGAGER aimosl new. Appri $445. PrIce negotia 263-8025. TEINT. 9 x 9, sleops f abîy. In good shapi camping. $45. Oel i 7 COUCH AND CHAIR, Skier, $150. Baby Strcl Dorol Car Seats, $15 655-4140. OAK CHAIR $10. FI $15. Vacuum Cleane Light Fixture $15. i Handpeinted Plate: Winton Handpaintec Colectors Iem Royal $20. Royal Abert Ci Record Player $20. Ca 15s - 6' ROUND CEE sharpened. Assorti 3" - 5" tops. $1.75 e, FIREPLACE SCREEI $15. Bîack FIREPLAI good condition, $8. 10", AQUARIUM, $1 SPOOL TABLE $70. 579-929. ELECTRIC WATER1 gallon, in good con Boy's Bicycle, suità $40. Firo Scroon, 36' tool sot, brasa colou Car Set $15. Baby B $10. 8' Electric Baset with thermosat $60. 486. FOR SALE: Antique CRADLE. oak. origîna collent condition, $2 Plinse Harvest TABLE natural finish. good 5225. Antique Wli CARRIAGE, Vctorar wth umbrella, wiro whels. excellent co collent for window dis natural wlcker wthi padding. $350. E ROCKING CHAIR,( canod sisat and I Bowmanviîio ROCKI Cîrca 1850, uphoistor volvet. 5150, Antiîqu Ladies SIDE CHAIR.c arma & legs. uphc tapestry, wîth matchir excellent condition. ci $325, BOSTON ROC ped. noode10 be asse P>hono 6662815 eveon SELL Il QUICKLYt Freo Pr*sa Cai 66"- 46 RECORDS, Rock & Roll from the '5Os to the laIe *708. Over 2,000 records. $1,500 for lot. SOFA, green 3-seat or. $75. LOVE SEAT, contomporery style, black & white, $65. 54" BRASS BEO with frame $175. Oit. PAINTING, Reynolds, harbor scene, suit contemporary or modern living room grouping, original oil & canvase, $65. PANA- SONIC STEREO SYSTEM with 2 speakers and record changer $95. Two Telefunkon SPEAKERS, 3 wey, new, rated for 60 watts rms, $150 for pair. Custom PINE BAR with serving counter and preparetion counter. worth over $80, asking $485. Open CURIO CABINET, weInut, storage com- pertment et bottom, $50. DRAPES. Royal blue, goid and white design, lined, 96" Iength x 12' wldth, $95 for pair. 9 x 12 ORIENTAL RUG, Royal blue, gold and white design to match curteins $125. OUT- DOOR PLANTS and shrubs and IifWFSA -i a urailUfimm eî .ECTAI LES 1Mahogany sf001 $50; $150; glass- 50; mrrored M&-3907. JuI.8,81<P) ýng $50. Cal J uI.8,81 (M) 'R, portable. 8 16 fIt long, on al for moat orse motors, One motor legrees beiow 16493U43. Sep.9,81 J) sale. Good taise & lower 5. Cali 683- JuI.29.81<S) RBLE for sale. iccessories. ".712 days. Jul.29,81(W) a & Business 30 or best of- Aug.26,81(J) rMENT RING, aised value able. Phone Aug.26,81 (S) four comfort. a. Ready for '28-097. Aug. 26,81(J) floral green, oIer $15. Two 15 each. Caeil Aug.26,81<5) loor Polisher or $15. Neon Royal Winton $12. Royal d Bowi $12. al Wlnlon Cup up $20. Hi-Fl aIl 668-6080, Jun.24,81<P) MAR POSTS, id suaes f rom each. BRASS EN, Like new kCE SCREEN, 36" x 12" x 15. Anique Cali evenings Aug.12,81fG) HEATER. 60 nditlon, $75. cge 5-7 yrs., 6" x 26", and jr, $30. Baby Mcycle Carier board Heater Phono 668- Sep.2,81fF) 3Four-Poster ia finiSh, ox- .00. Antique E, drop-ieaf, d condition, cker BABY .i,- ira 190 When the advertised Item Is sold, disposed of, or unavallabie for whatever reason, t ho Item wili be deemed 10 have been soid and a commission wiIl be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as il iustrated below, regardless If price Is stated with "best offer". If the Item Is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wii I be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $600 wii f eppi y payable ln advance of publication of the f lrst ad. Otherwise a $750 charge will ap- ply if bllled which mueI be pald upon receipt. The above minimum charges will be appiied f0 the final commission due but In any case the higher amount will be charged. Minimum charge: $600 pre-paid, :i.so bilied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertIsements must be placed on an exclusive basis wilh the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atleast one month If not soid. RATES (If article le sold): 5% of advertlsed price up ta $40000 .2% of balance over $«0.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertleed f of $120.00. Commission due $6.00 <minimum charge la 56.00) Private advertising oniyl Please notify the Whtby Free Press immnediateiy when Item sa soid so that we may doiete it f rom the foilowing issues. Ail ads nol fitting t ho Emporium guidelines wlll be treated and charged per week as reguiar classlfied ads on a pre-paid basis such as: services, heîp wanted, clolhing, real esi aIe, and personai message type ads, or as not quotIng price or quantity. Private cîaaified ads may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headIngs. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSîFîED SECTION IJNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIEO. MAIL AOS TO: If ln doubi cali: OR DELIVER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 668-6111 131 Brock St. N. P.O. Box 206 WhIiby, Ont. Whitby. LiN 551 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON .16 -. ]i Ford Custom Fiberg CAP. Asking $350. Q CHEV 350 HEADS, dition. Aaking $75 c Cati 668-0482. FOUR 13" SUPER LI boit Chav, $175. Th RWL BR7813 TIRES 666-3096. AN Emporium Ad w automotive paria qt 668111 now. 1973 FORD TORINO Engina $200. Trame sae $85. Radiator end, fenders, grill drums, etc. Compit Cali 655-3006. deOUR 1411 RADIAL steel baitad, raisad tires. Under 10,000 m Asking $200. Oelil 655. CUSTOM ROOF RACI size station wagon. Oelil 576-592. REAR WINDOW for C truck. New. Fits y Asking $25. REAI BUMPER for 11 ton Asking $50. Oelil 668-7 gass TRUCK ail 7239989. J u1. 15,81 (P) good con- Dr beet of for. Jul.29,81(B) .UG MAGS, 4 hree Uniroyal $120. Oel Aug.19,81(C) Ilil sali your- uickiy. Oel SPARTS: 302 smission for r$50. Front 1bum pers. île car $350. Ju I. 1,81 (R) -S, Uniroyel Swhite-lter i. on ail tires. i-4108. J un. 17,81 (H) ýKS to fit full- Asking $60. J u1. 15,81 (0) Dodge 1/2ton year 1975-80. R CHROME truck. New. 7960. Aug.19,81(L) BABY FURNISHINGS à ITEMS. Crlb , mattr8ss and dresa ln orange & white, $125. Piaypen $35. Two walkers, $10 and $15. Two pottie chairs, $7 and $6. Baby back pack $10. High chair $15. .~Swing-O-Matic $15. Joiiy Jumper â fA E n a stand $20. Oeil 668-2702. __________________Sep.2,81 (L) THE WORLD IS YOURS...IF YCU KNOW THE R/OH T PEOPL E... Winarever you move the Weicome Wagon hosies s the right person lo heip you find a place in youn new communiy. Cali 666-1523 or 579-7521 Perego Combination CARRIAGE STROLLER, axcellent condition, red, $150. Colonial Bed, couid be made to canopy, with mettreas, $35. Perago Strolaer, deluxa siza, nevy, $45. Oelil683-1574. Jul.1,81(S) SELL UNWANTED ARTICLES quickiy. Oelil 668-6111 to place your ad ln the Emporium Section. cHOUSEHOLD 47 square yards of BR bitter sweot. Asking 723-9989. CUSTOM-MADE SHI ambroidared hema, a wide. Asking $200 or Oeil 668-0495. LOVE SEAT, immac, dition, raraiy used.1 $180. "No Barter". C 668-3989, Whitby. Spaed Oueen DISHWA anergy savar,in esct dition, $300 or best of fi 0495. STEREO, AMIFM, 8 tr with turntebla. Excel lion, $185. RECLINE BLACK & WHITE DOUBLE BED with heai Two pairs of DRAPE $30. Oeil 668-0776. A IOADLOOM, $200. Oel Jui.15,81(p) EERS with ipprox. 16' rbeat offer. Jui.1 .81(0) uiaeacon- Bargain et aIl anytime sep.9,81<p) MSER with allant con- er. Oeil 668- JuI.1,81(C) rck buili ln lent condi- R $25. 26" T.V. $75. dboerd $75. S, $40 and ug.19,811m) to $25. Hastings RINGS à BEARINGS for 302 Ford engine, new, $80 for lot. Oeil 668-4725. Sept.9,81(D) 1971 TORONADO, needa tran- smission, will oeil for parts. Asking $35 or beat of for. Oel Barry et 723.092 aler 5 p.m. J u1. 15,81 (C) 1972 FIREBIRD, 350 4 barrel, 650 holley, heaers, shif t kit, new duel exhaust. new rad, needs body work on rlght rear quarter. Aaking $80 or best of f er. Oel 668-8362. Sep.9,81<W) 1972 VW BEETLE, running condi- tion, needa body work and to be certified. $200. CaiI668-7470 after 4 p.m. Aug.5,81 (S) 1973 GRAN TORINO. mechanlcaily sound. Asking $450 or beat offer. Cali 655-3679. JuI.1,81(B) CARS seil quickiy with an ad in the Emporium Section. Oeil 668-6111. 1974 DOOGE CORONET, good running condition, can be certi- f led. Asklng $400 or beat olfer. OeIl 668-1564. Sep.9,81 (T) 1975 CAMARO RALLY SPORT, 4 spaed, standard, radiai tires, cer- tif led. Asking $3,400. Oeil 655- 3336. Jul.8,81(L) 1979 BUICK Park Avenue, silver gray, four door, excellent condi- tion. Low mileage wth many op- tions. Asking $8495. Oeil 576- 5062 ealterS5 p.m. Aug.5,81 (E) 1979 CHRYSLER CARAVELLE, blue, 49,000 km., excellent con- dition, 4 door, power steerlng. power brakea, certlfied. Asking $5,500. Cali 68-1436. Jui.15,81<O) THIE IERT FUNO AN AD IN THE EMPORIUM SECTION WILL SELL ALMOST ANYTHINO FOR YOU. CALL 668-611 I ; HOUSEHOLO PTS& GODDS ID SUPPLI'ES -White Ad- STAFFORDSHIRE BULL ion Kenmore TERRIER. 9 wooks oid, femalo. nsuite $50; 01<0 reglstered. Asking $300. Oelil 5; whteGE 6.3995. ;white GE Aug.19,81(R> 5; wagon ber. ______________ Dver vacuum AQUARIUM KIT, Complote, 4 $30; Viking galion capecity, eîoctrîc pump, et of 3 suit- filiter, charcoal, wooî and orna- rug $40; two monts. Asking $18. Caeil 668-8583. I 66&-7014. Sep.2,81<M) Jul.8,81(S) _______________ One Triumph Lano Fox cutback SADDLE. Perfect condition, $450. hCYCLESTelephone 655-4067. RENTALSAug.19.81(S) ________ 30 GAL. AQUARIUM, hexagon O0TOCROSS, with wrought iron stand. 2 monthe imeny now old. Alil accossories Inciuded. ail 579-0572. Asking $150. Cali afler 6 p.m. 571- Jui.8,81(0) 0701. Jl2,1K compîetOiY HACKNEY PONY MARE. 0. Cali 723- Registered, 49", 5 years oid. Bey with white markings. Haiter broke. Jul.15,81(P) Would mako excellent child'a aaddIo pony. Asking $40.Cclii 2,500 km., 655-3006. Ag1,1R bars, KG Ag1,1R nchecks, cor- Cati Larry etP RTN Jui.8,81<B) c O D ARCTIC CAT Kitty Cet, excellent SICAL condition. Asking $200 or beat of- UMENTSfer. Oeli728-2578. Sep.9,81(W) i <Eko), now, 150 ROSSIGNOL SKIS, Tyrolea 689482. 160 bindInga wlth ski brekes, Aug.5,81<M) Munari ski boots. Was $275 - AskIng $150. Used one wintcr. s Gultar, o x- Oeil 668-9898. DO with case. Aug.26,81(M) Jun.27,81(W) GUITAR. JusI a with case. BOX TRAILER. 4 x 8, excellent Aug.5,81(R) condition. Asking $400. Cali 723- -0394. Peeve, 60Aug.26,81(S) 325. Cali 688---__ ti F-20, duel FRS L las, 8 rhythm 1975 CUSTOMIZED % TON c& manual TRUCK, 302 angine, red veivet ln- & drum beat. terior, AMIFM cassette plus lots king $1,300. more. Certified, $3,000, Cali 688- 1585. Aug.26,81<T) Aug.26,81(A) HOUSEHOLD SALE mirai range $25; grem range $250; kitchen eiectric fîroplace $2, clothes dryer $25; wcching machine 325; boque $30; two Hocý cleanors, $100 and floor polisher $20; st cases $25; green croc Irons $20 and $10, Call RS :MA ES/LESIoR 1975 SUZUKI 126 MC excellent condition, parts. Asklng $450. Ce 1977 VAMAHA YZ, robulît. Asklng M6 9989. 1981 650 SPECIAL, chromo highway backrost, ail warranty tif led. Asklng $2,700. 668-8668efler 4 p.m. LI NII M.hi 15 CLASSICAL GUITAF withi case, $120. Coul GIBBON EDO Bae collent condition, $3C Ceil 668-8362. 12 STRING FENDER C like new. Complete $285. Cal 655-3006. GUITAR AMPLIFIER watts a side, asking $0 6297. ORGAN, 1979 Galant keyboard, basa pedai patterns, automatic chords, volume pedal Includes bench. Asý Cali 668-0630. Classified Ads AUCTIC SAT. SEPT.' Partial contei hold & man, MR. & MF KRAJCIK,1 store ln CAEEI Gibson fr Westlnghous rotisserle, F tub, 3 po. be new solld mi block, antiqu ner cof tee r top broiler paper C( Toshiba phc hp roto-tilIer, 440 snowmol cords of woc guishers, ice pump & depression gl ables, 7 shingles, c aquarium &î )N SALE qty. of sp 12 - 11 A.M. furniture a nts of house- lnteresting iy extras for PEARCI RS. STEVE SE beside the 98 ýSAREA. With lidge, 30" se range wlth AUCTI Hoover twin SAT. SEPI droom suite, The prop iapte butcher COOPER il e bed, 3 bur- Myrtie, jus Taker, table railway trai rotisserie, househoi ompactor, dining roc to-copier, 5 room SUIti ,Chapparelle piano, occ )bile, 3 bush number o d, fire extin- large num box, piston Terms ca It stand, sold. Iass, collect- EARL sq. white AUC1 iish sets, 641 accessories, ports goggles, and many more g items. ëEAUCTION ERVICE 85-7493 'ION SALE )T. 12 - 1i kM. îerty of MR. ln the Village of st south of the acks. Complete Id furniture, om suite, bed- e, Heintzman asional chairs, ýf appliances, iber of tools. ash, property GAUSLIN 7IONEER 0-3079 SELL VOUR UNWANTED ARTIC LES NOW Use this handy f orm to mail ln your Emporium ad. 1 have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the following ad- vertisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. __________________________________________donit forgel 10 include your phono number) E 1 enclose $600 to cover the minimum charge. ~M I CICharge $6.00 to my Visa account. M I adilm. fr$.0afe is publication of myTO Card No. Exp. Date W HI TB Y idame (please prînt> FREE PRESS ___ _ __-P.O. Box 206 cîyPostalCod, Whitby Li N 5S1 6 N f

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