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Whitby Free Press, 9 Sep 1981, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY. SEPTrEMBER (). 19Q8 1, WHITI3Y FREE PRESS whitby_ [ Published ever% Wednesda%ý by.M.B.M. I>ublshing and 1hotography Ime. uI~ ~ [~ ~ Phone f6-61 Il Voice of the County Town Michael Ian Burgess, Publisher - Managing Editor The onih Whitby newspaper independentIl owned and operated by Whithy residents for Whitby residents. 13 1 Hrock Strè'et North, P.. ox 206, Whitby, Ont. MICHAEL J. KNELL Communlty Editor MARJORIE A. BURGESS Advertising Manager Mailing Permit No, 460 Membter 0f the Whitby Chamb>er of commerce The prevailing neurosis III don'tlcnow much about the head- shrinker business, but as I see it, the manic depressives build casiles in the clouds, the schizopbrenics live in them, and the psychatrists coileet the rent. " -Ann Onnimus. "This above ail: to thine own self be true/ And it must follow as the night the day! Thou canst flot then be false to any man. " - W. Shakespeare. "Sexual intimacy is the only intimacy a lot of people are capable of today,"' said Dr. Judith Bar- dwick in an address to a recent B.C. Psychological Association convention. According to many leading shrinks today, the pressures of life in the 8's are threatening to dehumanize most of us. These pressures are gradually turning us into progressive- Iy more and more pbony persons, metamorphosing us from being a person'to being a thing. Our fears, insecurities and sometimes lack of understanding are constantly pressuring us into hiding our true feelings and inhibiting us from revealing our true selves. 1In moments of higb tension and anxiety, I myself have fallen into eounterfeiting my image. When I was courting Madeline, I was desperately anxious not to let her slip through my fingers. Therefore, because I had entertained at that time the con- viction that a -woman would immediately start playing bard to get as soon as a man betrayed too much desire for that woman, I wished to make sure that Madeline dldn't get bored with an overly ardent admirer. So "stay cool", said I to myseif. Madeline tells me now that I came awfully close to blowing our relationship witb my phony;, overly cool, non- chalant manner! Fortunately for me, she decided there wýas some hope for a phony like me; I really needed ber and still do. It ail has to do with the unofficial religion of today's western society whose first two command- ments are (1) Will it sell? 1 2) Tbe almighty dollar is the only true God. Ail things (including humans) must be packaged ever so flatteringly so that they will bave a phony image that has selling power, no matter bow lousy the produet. As an advertising designer, I was for- ced to help sell many "cancer pis" (cigarettes) in Imy Urne. No wonder most of us are cautious, stand- offish and fînd it difficult to open our hearts and souls to each other. Human closeness, deep friendship and 'profound love are toc often substituted by fake illusions of these things today by a process that is professionally known as "impression management. " Tbrough this process we in turn can make ourselves vlctirns of "pseudo intirnacy". In other words, we eacb fabricate a mask to hide our true face, not only from our enemies but even from Our "«dearest" friends and our loyers. So we end up seldom really communucating with our spouses face to face; it's more like mask to mask for most. 0f cours be wbo labouriously continues to build himself a false identity must eventuaily lose touch bimself with bis true self. When that bappens, as any shrink might tell you, you have sold your inheri- tance for a pot of message, mental healthwise. You could easily become isolated from the emotional nowishrnent of human affection and love that is so vital to your well being. As-q Erîch F'romm put it, "Love is possible only if Reader agrees with our oppos Dear Sir: The Whltby Free Press is to be commended for its opposition to Mr. Buchanan's (Dur- ham .Board of Education Trustee John Buchanan) position on the bus service as It relates ition to trus tee to*the school. A n elec schooi trustei the Town 0f Wl must demonst leadership wli the whole c munity and at sohool boa However, on 1is sue Buchanan's parti- ted sanship is brightly e ln shining. As wit- iitby nessed by- his per- rate sonal comments, thin he has not taken ln- om- to consideration the the concerns of the ard. majority of resi- this dents of the town. M r. As a trustee, why wouldn't he ad- dress hlmself with the needs of the total high sohool population, rather than only those s t ud en ts who reside in the Corridor Area. In order to be an effec- tive communlty Thanksfrom the Jaycees- Dear Sir: Just a short note on behaîf of the Whitby Jaycees Inc. to say "thank-you" for your support organized the first over the past ever sanctioned several months. Soap Box Derby During the sum- held in Whitby mer the Jaycees along with coord- Thnanks for the trophy Dear Sir: The Whitby Jay- tising and trophy your paper so kindly cees wan t to thank donate-d for ou'r you for the adver- Soap Box Derby. I Thank-you for Dear Mn. Burgess: Wouid you please pass on to your staff our thanks f rom the Brookiin Redmen Lacrosse Club for the coven- age you-gave our team during thîs la- support crosse season. It was appreciated. The fans thank you also! Sincereiy, Gerald C.43avary, President, Brooklin Redmen know we caîl upon you many times during the year and your assistance is f reely given. With this kind of community spirit, Whitby as a family community, can onîy grow and pros- per. Many thanks, Eric H. Cowen, Co-Chai rman. inating and running the County Town Carnivai Parade. These events, among many others, received ex- cellent coverage of the Jaycee involve- ment in themn and served to illustrate to our members that when it comes to community bet- terment that some- one indeed is both watching and ap- preciative. Once again "thanks" f rom the Whitby Jaycees. Yours truiy, David Loft, President. leader within the town and the board, there is no longer any place for Mr. Buchanan's paro- chiai viewpolnts on matters that direct- y affect eveiy resi- dent of the ares. The letter sub- mltted by M r. Buchanan makes no atternpt to clani- fy the position of the Corridor Area Ratepayers Asso- ciation but rather attempts to dis- credit the paper because It tried to examine the needs of the town. This community must have some way of,. voicing the con- cerns of the total area. If the Free Press is that vehi- cie, then it must continue to do so, If not, then we must search for the most effective means to express the needs of the residents of the Town of Whitby. John Cadan, Harding St., Whltby. il t 1

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