PAGE 4, WEDNPSDAY, SEEMBER-.213~,1:-HiBYFRPRESS - ~TIwhitby w1 Voico of the County Town The oni> Witby newspaper independentiN Michael Ian Burgess, Publisher - Managing Editor owned and operated by WhitbY residents [or Whitbv residents. L r Published twery Wednesda,. rx ~ Y~by M.B.M. Pbihn lob and I>hotography Imc. ~ I~ APhone 66M-61 Il 1:11 Krock Strè-et.North. PA)>. Box 206. Whîtby. Ont. MICHAEL J. KNELL Community Editor MARJORIE A. BURGESS Advertisiflg Manager Matlng Permnit No, 480 Member of the Whitby Chamber o1 Commerce Good job, Bob Short.... Our hat's off It is not often that this publication gets the chance to commend a member of the Town 0f Whitby's staff for ajob well done. However, we feel that we should take our hats off to planning director Bob Short and his staff for the open house that his department sponsored last week. The area of urban planning is relatively new and extremely complex and, yet, its implications can affect the lives of the individual resident for many years to corne. Planning is one of the more important functions that both the Town of Whitby and the Region of Durham undertakes. Planning shapes our lives - it gives direction to development and is a method of ensuring that growth takes place in a beneficial, efficient, and orderly manner. The town's planning staff obviously put a lot of time and effort Into the open house and were more than willing to respond te, questions from not only the public but firom nosy reporters as well. As Short remarked, planning is often misunder- stood and is sornetirnes construed by the public as a threat to their way of life. That is not the opinion of this newspaper. Whitby Is a growth centre. By 1990, It is projec- ted that this community will have a population of 48,000. That figure is expected to jump to 60,000 by the year 2000. With al of these people corning into the town, we need to plan now for the new roads, water and sewer pipes, libraries, f ire protection, and other municipal services that Whitby's new residents will need. A wek&y naws comz~enhu1ry front 4 o~.e o! Canada's . bu ot~tutandln~ nws porsoualiUea BEST TER P. THUUEIIN An LRXN FMR G140BAL NEWSm We're into another season - another year of scbool, fasbions, automobiles, football, and news. Those of us in the news business will again have to deal with the com- plaints of people who want more so-called "good" news, and once again we'll find ourselves defending the daily outpouring of doom and gloom. The best defense, 1 think, is to point out that news bas always been bad. I came across a copy of the Mantreal Star for March the 24th, eigbteen eighty-five, in an antique store in Wellington, Ontario, this summer, and believe me, nothing bas changed. The paper is full of the war in the Soudan, the Afghan Frontier dispute, the Riel rebellion, insoivency notices, laxative ads, the antics of poliicians, get-rich- quick schemes and trivia. Two schoolboys, aged 14 and 15, fo ught a duel with fouls, in Paris, and severely wounded each other, one in the side, one in the thigh. In Quebec City, a 90 year old man, on bis death bed, was finisbed off by rats. In Toronto, a. cigar store owner was fined 25 dollars and cests for peinting a revolver at a license in- spector who was looking for bootleg whiskey. In Ottawa, Sir Richard Cartwright roasted the Prime Minister, Sir John A. MacDonald, for the appearance of a rather flattering biography by a Mr. J. (for John) E. Collins. "[n conclusion," said Sir Richard, "it was in accordance witb the eternal fitness of things that a man who had, in his life, done Justice to se many John Colinses, should at least have justice dene him by a John Collins.* If you missed the allusion te Sir John's drînkîng, the house didn't and neither4 did Sir John, who according te, the Star, was *immensely tickled.* Nothing changes, and 1 rest my case. That's not news, but that tee is reality. t4o thé*plannn If we do flot plan for these things, corne the year ments andi 2000 the town could find itself in qqlte a mess. flot aware oc Fortunately, the town has a competent, forward reality. looking and talented planning department that While ma wili help this community prepare itself for the were, about years ahead. staf f are to The field of urban planning is a complex and week that1 technicai discipline and perhaps part of the- standing of problem that the ordinary person must deal with It is this when confronting such things as officiai plan sort of effoi amendments, subdivision or development agree- many years direcetor site plan applications is that they are )f the process used to make planning a any people are still "in-the-dark,"' as It it the planning field, Bob Short and his be commýended for their efforts of last gave many people a broader under- Swhat planning is ail about. 3publication's sincere wish that this )rt by the town's staff will continue for to corne. IAttersley comme nds Coles for hav ing positi've outloo k EDITOR'S NOTE: The following letter was written by Mayor Bob Atter- sley to Ruth Coles, one of the'Whitby Free Press' contri- buting colurnnists, the writer of Bet- ween You and Me. Dear Ruth: My sincere appre- ciation for the ex- cellent article you write in the- Sep- tember 23 edition, "Between You and Me. Your enthusiasm and positive think- ing reflect s the dynarnic image we mnust portray in the Town of Whitby. We are faced with too rnany negative' trends and it takes people such as yourself and the ef- fectiveness of our council as well as the residents of Whitby to show On- tario, Whitby is a spectacular place to build a future. Needless to say, you share the pride 1 feel ln the possi- ble expansion of our town and we will make it happen here in Whitby « without losing the srnall town image. 1 arn extrernely pleased with the response from in- terested industries wishing to locate in Whitby and especially the growth of our tourism industry. Ou lien Gardens and Miniature Village will soon boast 500,000 visitors this year and ln regard to our Port Marina, the success is greater than we ever anticipated. Keep up the great work Ruth, Whitby needs people lîke you to rernind us of the assets we have and how fortunate we are to have a bright future. Warmest regards. Si ncere ly, R.A. Attersley Mayor Town of Whitby 7à ~i? ~FE77kJE ai/e/V7/ E ' OE F/NIV7jE.,e 5; 1\107-r //Gb/69T lqmmý low , tg 1