PAGE 32,WEDNLSDAY,0OC'TOBLR 21, 1981. WHITBN FRFd- PRESS .Free Press mpriu _ _ Emporium Ads wiII only be occepted subj-ect to the fol!owing Conditions. > WARTICLES ~FIOR SALE]1 BOY'S 2.WHEEL BICYCLE $25. Portable chiid's record player with microphone $10. Miniature pool table set, complets, $15. Att ln good condition. Cati8688-5180. Oct.7.81(H) LADIES FUR COAT, Muskrat trimmed with Blue Fox, sîze 10, lasktng $500. Cati aller 6 p.m. 668- 6790. Sep.23,81<BI CHAIN LINK FENCE, 5' high. 30' lon~g, camptate top rails and end poat. Asking $40. Cati 666-3995. Sep.16,81(R> SWEDISH steel arched fireptace screen, 41½" x 31" htgh, $70. SWEDISH steel rectangutar f Ire. place screen, 36" wîde x 26" hîgh, $30. Cati 571-3471. Sep.30.81(W) MARY KAY Showcase & Businest Supplies. Asking $80 or best af- fer. Cati 668-4744. Aug.26,81iJ) ;4 8 SLATE POOL TABLE for sale. Complet. wiih accessories. Asking $800. Cati 668-8712 days. Jul.29,81(W) DIAMONO ENGAGEMENT RING, aimosi new. Appratsed value $445. Price negotiable. Phone 263-8025. Aug.26,81 15) AIR.TIGHT WOOD BURNING STOVE, Fermer, Rancher, double door, heats 2,000 sq. fi., 2 yrs. aid, excellent condition, $380. Cati 668-8189. Sep.23,81(F) TWO WOOD STOVES, bath tln gaad condition, ana has Ashiey Ovat forced air fan. Asktng $200 each. Cati1655-3990 after 4:30 p.m. Oct.7,81(S) ELECTRIC WATER HEATER, 60. gallon, ln goad condition, $75. Bay's Bicycle, suit age 5-7 yrs.. $40. Fire Screen, 36" x 26", and t otl sel, brass colour, $30. Baby Car Seat $15. Baby Bicycle Carrier $10. 8' Eiectric Baseboard Heater with thermostat $80. Phone 668- 4686. Sep.2,81 (F) 1sOU FORD T-BIRD, 4 door, ioaded, 80% restored, $2500 Invested, askîng'$2.000 or boast offer. 22' SPEED BOAT, 1947 Lyman, an- tique, one of s kind, needs mestoring, $4500 fIrm. 1946 JEEP C-J.2, new engine, radiatar, front end, ctutch, pressure plate, master cytinder whet cyinders, snow ptough equipp.d, $1,800 f Irn. WiII trade for boasf tractor wlth front end loader. 4.4 CHRYSLER OUTBOARD MOTOR, excellent condition, $263 lrm. To vlew sf 131 OueenSt., Brookltn or phona 655-3887. Oct .7,81(l1 GENDRON BABY CARRIAGE, converts la car bed & stroiter, brushed burgundy materiai, $80. Bar stools (3), orange swivel, high back, $18 each. Mternity ciothes, size 10. $100 for lot. Boy's Bauer skates, sïze 10, $12. Boys 16- bicycle, needs repaire. $15. Cati 687007ý Sep.30,81151 HOOVER HAIR DRIER wth mani- cure $25. Lady Shick Facial, new, $20. Vivitar Back & White Eniarger $90. Club Chair, swivel, $100. Macrameed Hanging Bassinet $50. Wooden Headb>oard -cNTD *7,W ARTICLES FIOR SALE1 45 RECORDS, Rock & roil tram the '503 ta the tats '703. Over 2,000 records. $1,500 for lot. SOFA, green 3-seater, $75. LOVE SEAT. cantemparary style, black & white, $65. OIL PAINTING, Reynolds, harbar scene, suit contemparary or modern living room grauping, ariginal ail & canvass, $65. PANA- SONIC STEREO SYSTEM wlth 2 speakers and record changer $95. Two Telefunkan SPEAKERS, 3 way, new, rated for 60 watts rms, $150 for pair. Custom PINE BAR wlth serving counter and preparallan counter, warth aver $80, asking $485. Open CURIO CABINET, walnut, starage cam- partment ai battam, $50. DRAPES, Rayai blue, gald and white design, iined, 96" iength x 12' widlh, $95 for pair. 9 x 12 ORIENTAL RUG, Royal blue, gold and white design ta match curtains $125. OUT- DOOR PLANTS and shrubs and planters, 1/2 wlne barraIs, tram $10 to $25. HastingaslRINGSUbà BEARINGS for 302 Ford angine, new, $80 for lot. Cati 668-4725. Sept .9,81(0) 5 APPLIANCESI FOR SALE 1 23 CU. FOOT ADMIRAL FREEZER, 2 yrs. aid. Askinç $350. Cati tAsh- burn) 655-4045 af ter6 p.m. - Oct.21,81(Bi ICE CREAM FREEZER, portable, 8 fi. wida x 6 fif. high x 16 ft. long, on truck chasis. Ideai for meat storage. Two 2 horse mators, working excellant. One mnotor near naw. Runs 10 dagrees below 0. Asktnd $3.000. Cati 649-3343. Sep.9.811J) AUTOOBILES1 FOR SALE9 1972 IMPALA, 4 door, gaod run- ring condition, not carlified. Asking $395. Cati 571-3968 (Oshawa). Sep.16,811P) 1973 GRAN TORINO SPORT, 351, 4 barrai, gauges, aufovnattc trans- mission, floor shift, raiiy tires, buckets, nawly patntad. Asktng $2,000. Catil 655-3006. Sep.2,3,8115i 1974 DODGE CORONET, good running condition, can be carti- fted. Asktng $400 or best aller. Cati 668-1564. Sep.9,81 (T) 1974 IMPERIAL LEBARON (4 door), excellent condition, fuity toaded, white leathar seats, 54,000 miles ai highway drivtng. Asktng $3,500 f irm. Sartous buyers anly. Cali 668-5220. Sep.16,8liH) 1979 BUICK Park Avenue, siive'r grey, four door, excellant condi- tion. Low mleage with many op- tions. Asking $8.495. Cati 576- 5062 aller 5 p.m Aug.5,811E> CHEV 350 HEADS, good con- dition. Asking $75 or beat offer. Cati l668-0W2. Jui.29,81(B) FOUR 13" SUPER LUG MAGS, 4 bail Chev. $175, Three Uniroyat RWL BR7813 TIRES $120 Cai 666-3096 Aug.19,81(C) TWO ER78-14 RADIAL SNOW TIRES maunled on tw0 AMC ratty wheels. $110 or bast aller Two OR78-14 RADIAL TIRES iraîsed white tetters i Fîestone 721 steel beled lires mounled or. AMC ratty wheels. $160 or bas! aller Alt four tires *iii self for $325 or bas! alter Ptease cali 686-1886 belwaen 2 p m and 10 p m Ail ires litre naw Sep 23.81<0 D PLEAE READ When the advertised item Is said, disposed ai, or unavailabie for whatever reason, the Item wiii be deemed ta have been sold and a commission witi be charged basad on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Iliustrated balow, regardiesa If price Is stated wlth "besi aI fer" If the item le NOT SOLO, or dispased of, the ad will b. run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE af $6.00 wiit appty payable In advance of publication of the first ad. Otherwise a $750 charge w111 ap- piy If biiied whtch must be patd upon receipt. The above minimum charges wiii be appled ta the final commission due but In any case the higher amount wttt be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-paid, $750 bWed. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ait advertisemants must be ptaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run aiieast ana month If not soid, RATES (If article Ia sold): 5% 0f advsrtîsed prlce Up to 540.00 EXAMPLE: SoId Item adv.rtîs.d for $120.00. Commission dus 56.00 (minimum charge la $6.00> Private advertistng onlyl Please notify the Whitby Free Press immedtataiy when item is satd so thai wa may daiete it from the foiiawing Issues. Ail ads not ftting the Emporium guidelines wiii ba treated and charged par week as ragular ciassif lad ads on a pre-paid basis such as: services, haip wented, ciothing, reai asiate, and personai message typa ads, or ada not quoting price or quantiiy Privata ctasstfiled ads may appear ln the Emporum section under appropriate headinga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby, LIN 5S1 Ifl n doubt ceil: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock SI. N. Whitby. Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM AOS IS THE FRI DAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON WEAR WINDOW for Dodge 1/2 tan truck New. Fils year 1975-80. Asking $25. REAR CHROME BUMPER for 112 fan truck New. Askîng $50. Cati 568-7960 Aug,19.811L1 BABY STROLLER, $15. Cail 655- 4140. Aug.26,811S) 'BIG WHEEL' $13. Baby Carrier for eduit bike $7. Cai1668-2301. Sep.16,81l»D BABY FURNISHINGS & ITEMS. Crib , mattresa and drasa in orange & white, $125. Ptaypen $35. Two walkers, $10 and $15. Two pat te chairs, $7 and $8. Baby beck pack $10. High chair $15. Swing-O-Mattc $15. Jotiy Jumper on a stand $20. Cati 668-2702. Sep.2,811L) ÉYEEOIAITALES 50* BLUENOSE STAMP, esc. cand., original glue, not used, ait borders intact. Asking $700. Call 668-1907. Oct.21,81(H) DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING ta gat rid af? Sallilt quickiy, econo- micaiiy and convaniantly - place an ad under the Emporium section af the Whitby Free Press. Cati 668-6111 now for lurîher details. YOU KNVOW THE R/OH T PEOPL F... Wherever you move the Welcome Wagon hostss is thr uîglil person 10 hetp you lînd a place in your new communîty. Cati *6OU1523 or 579-7521 ASTNMA US A FAMILY AFFAIR For family asthme coursesà Coli Vour Lung Association 723-3151 LIVESOCK HACKNEY PONY MARE. RegIstered, 49", 5 years aid. Bay witth white markings. Haitar broke. Wouid make excellant chid's saddie pany. Asktng $400. Cali 655-3006. Aug.19,81(R) One Triumph Lana Fox cutback SADOLE. Perfacl condition, $450. Tetephane 655-4067 A ug. 19,81 (s) HéHOiEHOW1 BROCADE BED CHESTERFIELD, French Provincial, faur-seafer, $50. Cati 668-1436. Oct.7,81(Oi COUCH, 1 yeer aid, mocha brown, modemn styting, 8 fit. long, $300. Cati 668-0277. Sep.30,81(A> ENGLISH PUB-STYLE COUCH& matching awivel rocker. green & gotd plaid, Otefin fabric. Been scotch-guardad. Asking $325. An- tique wrought iran & brasa DOUBLE BED with box spring. $210. Antique LOVE SEAT & mai- ching chair. blue & goid uphaîstery, $200. Set af dark pine 5' COFFEE TABLE & two round END TABLES. $130. Cati 668-8189. Sep.23,8liF) LOVE SEAT, immaculate con- dition, rareiy used. Bargain et $180. "No Barter'. Cati anytime 668-3989, Wh iltby sep.9,81(P) SELL YOUR UNWANTED ARTICLES NOW* Use this handy form hto mail in your Empor iUm ad.1 I have vertîse Ien, Cha Bill ad. Card No. Name (pl Address Lty read the Emnporium guidelines ab ment placed under this section Cl iClose $6.00 to cover the minimumr arge $6.00 ho my Visa aCCOUnt. 1me for $7.50 aller f irst publiCati ease prîrut) bove and wish tao have the foilowing ad- f the Whitby Free Press. don t forget I include your phsone numbert n charge. M I ion of myTO ExpO ate WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Postal Code Whitby Li N 5S1 * 2 % of balance over SM.00 1 RUG, 9 x 12, bumnf orange, good condition. AekIng $40. Cati 66M- 3995. Sep.16.81(R) ADMIRAL 30" RANGE $20 and Admirai 27" Drier $150. Bof h white, epprox. 6 yrs. aid. Woot broedioom rug with underpad, brown, 9' x 15', $100. 1971 Dodge Defl $50. Cati1668-7267. Oct.21 .81(B) DININO ROOM CORNER CABINET, tee wagon & hope cheet, ait in mapte wood, $500. Rayai Albert china set, 9 place set- iing plus eccessaries, "Lavendler Rose", exc. cond., asking $650. Cail 666-2071. Oct.21,81(M) STEREO, AM/FM 8 track built ln with turntabte, excellent condi- tion, $150. Radliner $10. 26" Black & White TV $25. Doubla bed wIth heedboard $75. Two pairs af drapes $40 and $30. Cail 668-0776. Aug.19,81(M) TWO 301, ECRU paddsd head- boards, $7 each. Smaii oufdoor pool pump $30. Bon Tempi 1980 organ, dual keyboard, 13 basa pedais, 10 rhythms, 2-7½ý" speakers, headphone Jack, auto chord, sf001, $900). Catif668-8943. Sep.30,81 (C) MOTY CYLE1 SAE RETL 1975 HONDA 360 CBT, neada bat- lary and horn, low miteage. $600 as ix, $700 wilh battery & horn. Fiva 165 SR15 MICHELIN ZX RADIALS. 15". $200 for ritva or $50 eech. Phone 668-3660. Ask for Ron or Lynri. Sap.16.81(G) < MUSIAL INSTRUMENTS CLASSICAL GUITAR (Eko>, new, with case, $120. Cati 668-9482. Aug.5,81(M> 12 STRING PENDER GUITAR. Juat lika new. Compiete with casa. $285. Cati 655-3006. Aug.5,81 (R) ORGAN. 1979 Garanti F-20, dual keyboerd. basa pedais, 8 rhythm patterns. aulomaiic & manuat chords, volume pedai & drum beaf. Inctudas banch. Asking $1.300. Cari 668-0630. Aug.26,81(T) ~~tPISPPLIES] BLACK MANX STUMPY CAT, lamais, 1 ½ years aid, very amati. $1 or f ree ta good home. Catif666- 1576. Aug.19,B1(K) STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER, 9 weeks aid, lemnala. CKC registered. Aaking $300. Cali 66-3995 Aug.19.811R) TWO PUG PUPPIES, femaie, barn Auguel 18, biack-laced fawn. Asklng $225à leach CatIf655-4487. mRý 1 1- Q.EEMTOL 17 PT. RAMBLER HOUSE TRAIL- ER, eiectric - gas f ridge, steepa 6, toilt, eiectrtc brakes, compiefa wîth hitch. Asking $2.500 or beat aller. Phone 668-8344. Sep.16.81(Vi 1980 MASTERCOACH TRAILER, pusbi-out dinlng ares. Patd $13,803 - asking $12,500 or best aller. To b. sean 8f 410 Rossiand Road West, Whitby and ta Inquire cati 66-1880. Sep. 16,81<(J) L SPRTIG HOCKEY EOUIPMENT, A-i condi- tion. Cooper heimat, Bower skates, pente, eibow pade, knee pada, shouider pade, sacks, gioves and hockey beg. For 12-14 yaar aide. Aeking $80. Wii sali separaeey. Cati 576-5710. Oct .7,81(l) ONE PAIR of Rossignol ST Com- petition skia, paies, ana pair of Nordica ski boots, siza 8½h. In good condition. Aektng $125. Cait 668-5180. Oct.7,81 (H) 120 ATTACK-SWINGER SKIS, made in Austria, SQlomon-iaok bindinga, Kofiech boots siza 7, like new, excellent condition. Asking $200. Women's ski Jacket and panta, ttght blua, size 12. Asking $50. Cali 683-9480. Sep.30,81(B) 150 ROSSIGNOL SKIS, Tyrolea 160 bindinga with ski brakeas, Munari ski boots. Was $275 '- Asking $150, Used ana winter. Cati 668-9898. Aug.26,81fM) 9i1ý TEREO PROSONIC AMIPM STEREO RECEIVER with cassette tape pteyer/recorder. Matching speakers and e B.S.R. Aufomatîci manuel turntabia. Bath hava a ana year warranty. Bath brand new and stili ln originel boxes. AskIng $275. Muet ses toaeppreciate. Cali 683-0669 lAjax). BOX TRAILER, 4 s 8, excellent condition. Asking $400. Ceil 723. 0394ý Aug.26.81(St FIR SALE 1975 CUSTOMIZED ½ ,ýTON TRUCK, 302 angine. red velvet in- lerior. AMIFM cassette plus lots mare Certif îed. $3.000 Cali 668. 1585 Aug.26,811A1 - 0 j Sap.23,81 (H) TECHNICS AM/PM STEREO RECEIVER, 55 watts par charnel, 6 monthe aid, new $695, sali $375. Telunken Toptoed CASSETTE DECK, Dolby, new $475, sai $150 or beat oaller, Cati 666-3995. Oct.7,81 (R> YOU CAN SELL aimoat anyfhing n the Whitby Fra Prose Em- porium. Prom cars ta horses, stereos, skafes, furnIture.. anyfhlng lnctudlng the kltchen sinki Cati 68-6111 fa place your