, t' j PAGE 20. WEDNIFS1)AY. OCTOBLFR 2$. 1981. WIIITBY FRiEi: 13RESS Port Perry Bulletins w By Barbara Vansicklelý THE ARM 0OF JUSTICE!!! What would you do if you worked for a company that wouldn't give you a contract. Well if you worked for a factory or a telephone company or even a garbage collecting agency, you would simply go on strike, but if you are a registered nurse you would do nothing. Not because you don't care, but because it is illegal. It's strange to know that because of a titie "R.N." you have no power over your rights, yet if you are an "R.N.A." you may strike legally. To me both are nurses, both serve the public. The only difference I can sec is the har- der you work to better yourself the less you have to say about your job. What sccms illegal, or should I say flot right, is hard-working people going one year without a con- tract and flot being able to do anything about it!! Your reactions are welcome. THE MIRROR WILL BE ON THE WALL A 24-inch mirror was put up in the delivery room at the Port Perry Hospital recently. This will mean that the husband can stay at his wife's side and give her the coaching and support she necds while they both watch the birth of their child. Having a mirror in the delivery room also makes it casier for the nurses. Now they won't have to keep running back and forth to sec how things are progressing. If they can't have more pay, maybc this will help to make one part of their job casier. Thanks to everyone for their support on this issue. CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 This is Whi*tby Toastmi*stress week By BETTY DUBOWSKI Whitby Toastmistress This is Toastmistress Week in Mihitby. This club is honoring the founder of Inter- national Toastmistress Clubs, Ernesting White, with a proclamation from the M'rayor's Of- fice, designating the Iast week in October as Toastmistress Week in Whitby. InI the accom- panying photograph, Mayor Bob Attersley is signing the proclama- tion with the following members in attend- ance: Althea Darwin, president; Lee Hewitt, first vice-president; Marguerite Kulik; Shirley MacDonald; Nancy Spencer; Myrna Picotte; Fay Winters and Betty Dubowski, public relations chair- man. For more insights into this organization, drop into the Whitby Public Library during the week of October 25 to 31 and browse through some of the brochures and other educational material which are on display. If you would like to find out more about the This is International Toastmistress Weck in the Town of Whitby. In recognition of their work Mayor Bob Attcrslcy (centre, seated) is seen here signing a proclamation designating the weck while members of the club watch. They are, from lef t to right: Shirley MacDonald, Myrna Picotte, Althea Darwen (club president), Nancy Spencer, Marguerite Kulik, Lee Hewitt (first vice-president), Fay Winters and Betty Dubowski (public relations chairinan). -Free Press Staff Photo orgamization, why not plan to attend one of the meetings. The next scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 3, at 6 p.m. at the Earl of Durham Lounge, 227 Brock street South, Whitby. This is a dinner meet- ing, therefore reserva- tions should be -made OVERSTOCKED SD WE GOTTA DEAL NOW! DON'T MISS THIS SALE 1981 PHEONIX-LJ SED.ý 2XY68MOCW 884- Bdy nidsig 035- Spat Mira,, C49- Eeat. dirOt J50- Powon brakos MX- Automatc tses. 080- St".lb.ltud w/w C04- Pu»sap LE2- V8 Engine N4 1 - Power taerng Ooinrsen mot. wttimatctvng intoniar Uce RHM 84 1 18799, 1981 GRAND LeMANS SED. 2AF69-Modsl AK - Deluos bett D35- Sponlmrrr P01 - Wtissl cavons TAi- Ught graup sux. 884- =oy mng C49- Rodato1 L39- 287 V-8Benig QXW- W/W radais U63- AMnra 3 careta choasefrom. Lic. RHN 140, RHM 14 1. RHN218ý $8756 1981 BUICK LeSABRE LIMITED-4 DR., 4BP69-Osxkbrawn. D85- Rarnote mirons tan vlaur tulm. 937- Mats-Iloor AM- 60140 seat C(34- PuIse Wlpere AU3- Pawernlocke CO- Ar cond.-suta. AV- Tint glas K35- Crusa control A3- Power windows LV2- 5-litre 307 cu. in. A90- Powon trni JW- W/W tires-radia N33- Toitwtieel U35- Clock UA- HOD. batt WC3- Moulcting grup U58- AMIFM stonea B84- 9adY MOUldling Y57- Lght grouP 009- Vnyl ro Uc. REP 711 1981 RIVERA-COUPE 4EV57-Madel P05- Sport whoel cavera AKi - Deluselbette T82- Twlight sent. A90- Power trunti U09- Dual home B36- Luggaga mats AU3- Power tocks B93- 000< guarda A91 - Power trunk lid C04- Vinetlanld roof B76- Carpet savons D74- tisor vmnlty mrror C04- Pulsa wipers JM8- Reon diso brakes C96- Readng lampa LV2- 307 V8 eng. 007- Elect. mirrars- 049- Deroat alect. chrome K35- Cru"s conitrol N34- Sport wlieel stbe.oing ULA- HO. bai. U41- Low fuel lndlcator A51- Buckat sease 828- Carpat savons B84- Body mouWiing CF5- Glass moon motf C68- Touch tone alcond. C97- Auto. lght package EbonyUlak $ wltti tan leather Itanilon 79,999 Lic RHP 52I 1. tw- -- I8 -- 1981 BUICK CENTURY LUMITED-4 DOOR OD" Met.bkmo w1m atcti*sgkJIY MM. Dralc met. brom hniOchMko-uay OMm. AOI- Tntdgla 837- Mo-ont & nw 884- Body monikbg 049- D*oelelact. C60-. Arcond. D35- ffortn*om L39- 267V.8on. P0t- VAudbc oxw-WlW radiale TRi- Ught gant U63- AMr radia U64- 4 sp.d'arsyMam Two deonnscho.uirm. Lic. MIN 8i2. $1 0,591, through membcrship chairman, Gail Harri- son, who can be rcached at 683-607 or Betty Dubowski, public rela- tions chairman at 668- 8564. U.w. helps 33 groups, By JIM KIRKCONNELL UW Director The United Way of Oshawa - Whitby - New- castle, a non-profit organization, operates under a charter granted by the Provincial Government 0f Ontario. Twcnty-four men and women volunteer as directors of the organi- zation, working through committees designed to examine programs and financial affairs of the 33 member agencies. The directors are responsible for ensuring that each agcncy meets the nceds of thc com- munity. The 1981 campaign objective is $1,3000 which is needed for the agencies to operate cf- fectively in 1982. The United Way is an organization designed to provide services that will benefit the com- munity. You or your family may utilize any of these services pro- vided by the many United Way agencies. Your support and con- tributions are needcd in order to continue the services provided by the United Way. A lot of people Coli life "The Suivi val of the Fitt est" You know, a lot of people are