WHITBY FREF,'PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1981, PAGE 3 New athliehigh sehool top priority Whitby's Denis O'Connor High Sehool is turning away students because of lack of space and overcrowding ac- cording to Chuck Roche. Roche, onc 0f Whit- by's thrcc trustees on Uic Durham Region Roman Catholie Separate School Board, said last week that thc Giffard Avenue high school is overcrowded to Uic point that "there isn' t even enough wash- room space." This is also affecting Uic kind of programm- ing at Uic only Catholic high school in Durham Region outside of Oshawa. "The sehool can't even ofer industrial arts because of a lack of facilities, " Roche said. The separate board's management commit- tee is currently seeking a site to build a replacement school for Denis O'Connor which has 280 students enrolled in grades 9 and 10. Roche would like to sec a ncw school in operation by Septem- ber, 1983. Denis O'Connor also has grade 11, 12 and 13 programs which are un- der the jurisdiction of a private board. The separate board will hold a special meeting next Monday night to cstablish its priorities for its five year capital forecast. Roche said that he wan- ts the new sehool con-. sidered because there is no room for expansion at Denis O'Connor. Chuck Roche Board Chairman Tom Brady and management committec chairman Trustee Ivan Wallace (Oshawa) also want Uic school to get top priority for Ministry of Educa- ion funding. According to a survey conductcd by thc board earlier this ycar growth in Whitby, Ajax and nor- Lh of Highway 2 in Pickering suggests that Uic construction of a ncw Catholic high school is necded. Roche has estirnated that over the next eight years the board wtt) sec an influx of between 3,500 and 4,000 students wlth an average of bet- wcen 400 to 500 in each grade. That means an in- crease of betweenp 400 and 500 students in grades 9 and 10 during this time period. The trustec is also qutck to point out that the board does flot own a high school facility - it rcnts space from the private boards of Denis O'Connor and Oshawa's Paul Dwyer High, School. "Even without the survey, the need for a new school is justified," Roche said. Brady said that the construction of another Catholic high school is the board's top priority. "There is no situation which' has greater pressure and demnand," he said. Brady also believes that of the students coming into the separate systern, 50 per cent are from outside Whitby (iLe. Ajax and Pickering). "If thc school is propcrly situated, there could bel no difficulty filling it," he added. The board alrcady owns two pieces of land wherc the school might be located. Qnc is just south of Denis O'Connor and the other is in Ajax's Wimpcy subdivi- sion. Wallace's committec will recommend that. the board hire a profess- ional engincer and a real estate advisor to hclp in Uhc selection process. The properties pre- viously mentiorcd are not thc only ones to bc cxamined, Wallace ad- dcd. Should thc new school bc constructcd, thien Denis O'Connor could bc used to accommodate students from St. John the Evangclist Sehool which is right next door. St. John has 570 students enrolled in grades 1 to 8 and 62 in kindergarten and 59 in junior kindergarten. There are . no cost estimates available for the construction of a ncw facility. ,.J. For That Very Special Person On Your Christmas List, A Roll Top Desk! Reg. $1599 Sale $1499 McALLISTE1RS Where dîscernîng people make an in vestment in beauty M on.,Tues d. W.,Os huas.,(F1.)10-64St.05 70Mon. us,andd. -6WTr., Ohwa (1)5-646S.15 L THE WALLPAPER CENTRE * ON A LARGE SELECTED GROUP 0F PATTER NS * THE WALLPAPER CENTRE OPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL NINE! OSHA~WA SCARBOROUGH & AJAX . 140 Simcoe St. S. 553 Markham Rd. 1313 Harwood-N. (Just S. of John> (Just S. of Lawrence) (Just N. of Hwy. 401 579-655431-4458 Pennywoih' s) TWO GREAT STORES (AT ONE LOCATION) Visit our old fashioned country store in downtown Whit- by, where you can browse to your heart's content. Surround yourself in a warm atmosphere fuit of freshly ground coffees,. imported teas, cheeses, crackers, spices, candies, farm fresh eggs, homemade pates, quiches, cabbage roils, unusual gift ite ms, breads, gift baskets. And there's no better time than this Friday and Saturday to visit us and sample our goodies - the treat'yS on us. * 10% off ail December orders over $15.00 placed before December 1lst - and we'Ii1 del iver them. * Flavours own custom blended coffee. Reg. $5.95 lb. This Friday and Saturday only $3.95 lb. * Grey Cup cheese trays & foods. CHEEcandy tea. spice. coffee 143 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY 666-3060 1