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Whitby Free Press, 25 Nov 1981, p. 26

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PAGE 26, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1981, WIIITBY FREE PRESS Priince Our second visit to the Prince Restaurant and Dlning Lounge was not only pleasurable, but a pleasant surprise. The restaurant bas not only renovated the interlor, but now bas an L.L.B.O. license. Dining Le CHALET DININU ROOMO, 100 Dimdas Street, Wbltby us-cm3? Long a favourite eatlng spot for people i Durham Region, Le Chalet Épecializes in Seafood, Steaks and Roast Beef. They featuýre a businessmenPs lunoheon from $eoo and up. Dinner for two is from 1500 and up. A salad bar is inciuded with fulcotursemeals. All major credit cards are accepted. res taurant Located at 1009 Dun- das Street East, this. restaurant bas made changes that can do notblng but speil suc- CM.s John Pappas, owner, bas ben h the dlnin business for 25 years Guide THE GREAT WALL, 118 Dundas Street'West, M~atby, 6687031. A favourite eatlng spot for Chinese food lovers. A large selec- tien of Canadian dishes also served.- Prices range from $250 and up for lunch, and $345 and up for dinner. open from il a.m. t 1. amn. weekdays, Friday and Saturday open tili 0 a.mâ. We are now. fulIy ltcensed. and owns another suc- cessful restaurant business in Scar- borough. Orlglnally this spot was known as tbe Burger Prince. Fish and chips and ham- burgers were tbe featured fare. lbat bas changed, but you can stili get those items if you want tbem. New.menus bave been prlnted and tbey carry a fine selectica of steaks, sa food and prime rlbs of beef. The prices are very good, In fact, as good as we bave found anywhere I our dlnlng travels acrosa Durham Region. New tables and chairs have replaced the orange ones and you now have soft seated captain's chairs, and wooden tables done in dark brown. The wine liat gives you a good cholce of both xed and white as well as many other drinks to choose from.' The interior bAs beon changed, 80 flOW it la bright and you have a clear view of the whole room. Botb John and bis wlfe like children, and 'they also cater to the famlly diners. High chaire are provlded for small children. Breakfast hours are from 8 to il a.m. and John says no one i the area can'beat bis price of $1.85 which gives you a choice of eggs witb bacon or sausage and includes toast and coi- fée. We can heartily recommend the food at the Prince Restaurant A downtown Whitby pub is scorîng high with local dart players. Cedricks at 173 Brock Street North, has a dart club with over 30 mem- bers, a recognized chairman, John Rack- straw, and according to the owner Ed Przybyl- ski is the only one in Whitby that competes in a pub leage. The club has regular meetings and competes on Sundays (public are welcome to compete). On Monday nights the pub league competes and anyone interested in watching championship level play are welconie to watch. Sunday, February 21 %n open dart tourna- ment will be held with THE PRINC*%E RESTAURANT 1009 DUNDAS ST- EAST WIHTBY Speclal Luncheon Menu Mon. - Fr!. - Il arn. - 3 p.m. Also full course luncheon. ChiIIed Juices ....................... SM..40, Lge..65 Chef's Salad Choice Dressing .......................... 1.00 Souus Home made Soup................................. 75 Minced Siroin i00% Pure Beef ............... 3.95 Fried Onions Baby Beef Liver............................ 3.75 Onions or Bacon Veal Cutlet, Barbeque Sauce ................ 3.95 Pork Sausages with Gravy .................. 3.25 Roast Sirloin of Beef with Gravy ............. 4.95. Fish and Chips............................. 3.45 JtotSatdwkltbcs Hot Beef Sandwich with Brown Gravy........ 4.25 Hot Turkey with Brown Gravy ............... 3.95 Hot Hamburger Sandwich with Gravy ........ 3.75 Sagdwiu's Beef on a Kaiser............................. 3.95 Steak on a Kaiser ................................ 3.95 Veal on a Kaiser .... ....................... 3.25 Toasted Western............................9 Toasted Bacon and Tomato ................. 2.95 AUl of the above orders include Homne7made soup or Juice, Potatoes and vegetables Roll and Butter Tea or Coffec Ail1tinners served with potatocs. vegetabies, roll & butter MINCEI) SIR LOIN - 100% Pure Beef........... 4.25 P'repared witiî the saine care and attention as our flnest steak. and served with frled onions. LIVER AND> ONIONS ............................ 3.95 Baby Beef Lvr, grilllcd go perfection and served wilh frded onions or bacon VEAL CUTLET .................................. 4.25 Beaded vrai cuttlts servcd wlih B.B.Q. sauce or brown gravy SPAGHETTI WITH MEAT SAUCE................ 3.25 with our own langy meat sauce FRIE[) CHICKEN................................ 4.25 Deliclous southern Irtcd chicken PORK SAUSAGES................................. 3.25 Gdilied pork sausages served wlth brown gravy ~am effà Sawa INDIVIDUAL PORTION........................ 2.50 Our tangy Greck dresslng adds the compieting accent 10 Feta Cheese. Greek back olives and crlsp Vegabies THE PRINCE BURGER - 'W lb. 100% Pure Bref............. .......... 1.35 SPECIAL wtth Fries and a OI................................ 2.05 CHEESEBURGER - 1.4 lb. too% Pure Beef................................. «ý...... 1.55 SPECIAL with Fdles and a DIUii............................... 2.25 BANQUETBUILRGER - '% lb. 100% p'ur e cf...................................9 SPECIAL Mtth Frics- and aDMW................ ............... 2.615 GIANT 1101* 1)(G ..................................... .115 OUR NEW NO. 666-2811 Served wih brown gravy, potatocs & vegetables HOT HAMBURGER PLATE.............. j........ 3.95 HOT TURKEY PLATE ...........................3.95 HOT BEEF OFF THE ROAST au jus................ 4.75' GRILLED CHEESE, double cheese.................... 1.25 TOASTED FRIED EGG........................ 1.45 CHICKEN SALAD ............................. 1.95f TOASTED WESTERN ........................ 1.95 TOASTED BACON & TOMATOES (3 sllces of bacon)...................... ................ 1.95 STEAK ON A KAISER ........................... 3.05 PRIME RIB ON A KAISER (a la carie)................ 3.65 With French Fries & a Dili Pickle.............. 4.35 TERIYAKI STEAK ............................... 7.25 Our Sîrloin. marinaied ln a speclal sauce and scrved 10 your order. wlth ricc pilaf andi pomames CLUBSTEAK ................................. 5.95 Good portion of sirloin steak. broiled go your order NEW YORK STEAK.............................. 7.25 A hearty and robust meal of prcmium Red Brand Beef carefuily aged and spclally prcpared o meccl a hungry appetite.' JUNIOR FILET MIGNON ......................... 7.95 The fines# and most desîrable of ail rcd meats. charcoal brolled. wiih jusI a bine of spîce T-BONE STEAK................................. 7.95 A Red Brand Steak, charcoal brolled 10 your taste BARBECUED BACK RIBS ....................... 6.95 Brolled Io your order and servcd wilh B.B.Q. sauce Ail above orders lnclude Chef Saiad. Poiagocs. Vegetables and Garlic Bread We highly recommend Our Special Souviaki - marlnaied cubes of tender meai ona skcwer, with Greek Saiad, french frics or rdcc pilaf $4.25 FISH & CHIPS................................... 2.95 Deep frled flsh a chips. Engiish style, served with iemnonwedge FRIED FILLET 0F SOLE ......................... 4.95 Griled ln butter for maximum fiavour and served wilh our own tartar sauce FRIED SEA SCALLOPS ......................... 5.50 The scallops are prepared ln the western manner. accented with lemon and butter and servcd with tatar sauce HALIBUT STEAK............................... 5.50 Griiled wilh butter and served with tartar sauce FRIED JUMBO SHRIMPS ......................... 5.95 Breaded Giant Fan Tail ýShdmp served with seafood cocktail sauce we know you wiii cnjoy FISHERMAN'S PLATTER ....................... 6.95 Fillet of Sole, Scailop.s. and Shrlmps. servcd wigh lemon and cocktail sauce Ail above orders scrved with Potatoes. Vegetabies. joli & butter ROAST PRIME RIB 0F BRANI)ED AGED BEEF. AU JUS se-rvecd with horseradish $7.95 Open 7 Days A Week Until 10:00 p.m. *4Ï prize money in excess of $300 for the top team, and players are expec- ted to attend from all over Ontario. Other activities at Cedricks Nest (up- stairs) include Tuesday might euchre, and enter- tainument courtesy of a disc jockey Tuesday and Wednesday, and singles or duos through Satur- day. In keeping with the theme of the pub, soft music is played from 9 p.m. to closing SO, you can just sit and relax, have a quiet drink or en- joy the smorgasbord 5.95 featuring a 25-item salad bar, roast beef and bar-b-que ribs. rnt CROSS WORD PUZZLE ACROS8 1 Soho scrubber 5 Minimal le Tramp' Il Dead wrong (2 wds.) U8 Ath"a 14 Coenplaln 1à Indsay or Atkinson 16 Tbrow 17 Pigeon 18 Cure 20 Stlcky substance 21 Nigerian tribesman '22 Woodland delty 23 Budgetary consider- ation' 25 Box-score entries u Mlmic 27 Prisoner 28 "Sitowept character 29 Silt 32 Large cask 3Paving substance 34 Killer wbale g36Click beetie 38 Kidof gas or tar 39 Go on pension 40 Thessallan nicutain 41 Principle 42 Consider DOWN 1 Tete-a-tete 2 Be irresolute 3 flwel 4 Angler'a purchase 5 Texas clty 6 Tearful verse 7 Lefty mountai 8 Try to hit (2 wds.) 9 Delicate; flhxSY 12 Mortise commanon to mention a daily special. Ed says that Cedricks offers a good quality meal at a reasonable, price and gives the example on the lun- cheon menu of roast beef on a bun $1.75, Salad Bar $1.99, or French Onion Soup $1.85. Lunch is served from 12 noon on. The downstairs room, known as the Chronicle Room after Whitby's first newspaper, is a banqùet hall suitable for up to 150 people and is available for rental and on-premise catering. Cedricks is certainly worth paying a visit toi1 N i N I dM le Kelton of comedy 19 Triggerls trese. 22 Discoery 23 Brook 24 Spring 25 Zero or witcbig 28 Metrlc measur 27 Wlne, 29 Metil Measur 30Niekztam for' baseball'à Goelin 31 Expunge 35 Quet one (colloq.) 37 Stanurun 38 Ca.ne - JOIN US F0R NEWYE'S Cedricks 173 Brook St. N. -- Whitby 668-8822 Dinner Dancing '~ ~Entertainmnent mies, BALLOONS, ETC. including Buffet 3400coupIe TRY OU R DAI LY U PSTAI RS. Smorgasbord & Salad Bar (25 item salad bar) B.B.Q. Ribs & Roast Beef 5,95 Cedrick's

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