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Whitby Free Press, 16 Dec 1981, p. 24

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PAflIPÂ )d 2FlML'FlÇAV nF.CFMRFR ~I16191Q5H W1!1RV FIWFP PP1 r CAL L 668-6l111 Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subjeci to the following conditions. s04ý ARTICLES FO11R SALE] LADIES FUR COAT,' Muskrot trlmmod with Blue Fox, suze 10, osklng $500. Cail aller 6 p.m. 66&- 6780. Sep.23,81(B) CHAIN LINK FENCE, 5' hlgh, 30' long, complota top rails and end post. Asking $40. Coui 666-3995. Sap.16,81(R) SWEDISH steel arched lîraplaca screen, 411V' x 31" hlgh, $70. SWEDISH steel ractangular lire- Place screen, 36" wide x 26" hlgh, $30. cali 571-3471. Sep.30.81(W) CHAIN SAW, 16" Homeight, Modal XL1AO, excellent condi1- ion, Asking $175. Phono 66&- 3885 evenings. Dec.16,81<M) LADIES MINIC PAWS JACKET, aiza 12114, top condition. Firm prica $35. Coul 655-4627. Nov.4,81<R> NEW OUTBOARD MOTOR, Ship clînton, $250. Seven 5-gallon gos containers, army type, $15 each. arientai rug, 9 x 10, $175. Reel-to- reel tape $200. Electrlo fan $20. Call579-049. Oct.21,81(A) JOHNSON 40 H.P.,'electrlc start, long shaft, good condition. $425 or best oflfer. Cali anytime 728-6700. Dec.9,81(S) PINBALL MACHINE, Travel Time, excellent working condition, aider modal, single ployer. Asking $30. cail 576-2091 aller 6 p.m. Nov.4,81<R) 1972 OLYMPIC SKIDOO $100. Olivetti Electrlo Office Typewriter $125. Dayco Crossbow $225. Phono 649-5812. Dec.2,81(H) SNOWBLOWER, Model 100, ex- cellent condition, $250. Steel* shower cabinet, brond new, with ail fixtures and curtain, $60. Phono 668-3165. Nov.18,81(M) AIR.TIGHT WOOD BURNING STOVE, Former, Rancher, doubla door, heata 2,000 sq. fIt, 2 yrs. old, excellent condition, $380. Coul 68-8189. Sep.23,81(F) 26" FRANKLIN - TOVE with screen, $100 as la. Coul 725-5624. Nov.11,81(M) BLACK à WHITE RCA 26" tele- vision, wlnut cabinet, $75. Cal 655-4917. act.28,81<R) CHAIN SAW, Clintoui 24", $125. White, 34 x 80, baked aiuminum storm door trilite), $25. Regular alum. storm door, 34 x 80, $20. Modem white bathtub $50. White basin $750. Pink basin $7.50. Gold fibreglass vanity basin $7.50. Eioctric snowblower $80. Electrlo V4 h.p. motor $15. Wooden head- board (single) $6. Polo typa record stand $10. Smali antique desk $125. Black & white fur Jacket, size 10, $125. Cail 668-7404. Nov.25,81(T) CONTINENTAÂL radiai tiras for Volkswagon Rabbit, mode In Gar- many, TS771-175170, SR13. New $8840 aach, wilI sai for $100 pair. Voikswagon Rabbit Traiter Htch, new, £M-5.0wiiI sali for $35. Large t't0 ARTICLES FOR SALE L.SHAPED ARBORITE kitchen counter-top, $25. Steel kitchen ink, $10. Antique wainut dresser, neede refinishlng, $50. Colonial sofa bed $35. Colonial polo lomp, Ilko new, $45. Matching swag iamp $35. Griliwork for oium. storm door, full sîzo, vory ornomental,, $10. Foam mottrees block, double, brand new, $20. Radilner chair wth built-In heoter-vibrotor, green iabrlc upholstery, Ilke new condition, $99. Modarn polo iamp $10. Westnghouse portable dish- washer, Coppertono, neads minor repair, $50. Hoover cannister vacuum $15. Two sets of long green drapes for 45" wide win- dows, $5. Calt 668-7404. Nov.4,81(T) NEW FOLDINO FLIGHT SUIT- CASE on whees - cost $95 - soit $50. Frepiace screon, 28" x 36", $25. T.V. stand $10. Phono 668- 9116. Dec.2,81(T) 1968 FORD Tr-BIRD, 4 door, ioaded, 80% retorsd, $2500 lnvestsd, asklng $2.000 or bout offer. 22' SPEED BOAT, 1947 Lyman, an- tique, one of a kind,* neede restorIng, $4,500 f irm. 1041 JEEP C-J-2, new engins, radiator, front end, ciutch, pressure plats, master cylinder wheei cylinders. snow piough squlpptd, $1,800 frrn. WUN trade for beast tractor wlth front end looder. 4.4 CHRYBLER OUTBOARD MOTOR, excellent condition, $263 f lrm. To vlew et 131 Qusen St., Brooklin or Phone 655-3887. 23" ZENITH console color te- vision, $150. 20' steel pole, 5" dia- mater, ideol for ciothestine, $25. Phone 66-2800. Dec.9.81(P) AP2IANCES1 FORS S.EALE DEEP FREEZER, 20 cu. il., made by Norsemen, working condition. Asking $100. Phono 666-2119. Dec.9,81<D) b3 CU. FOOT ADMIRAL FRIEEZER-, 2 yrs. oid. AskIng $350. Cali (Ash- burn) 655-4045 af ter 6 p.m. Oct.21 ,81(B) SEARS KENMORE SEWING MACHINE, excellent condition, asking $90. Yeliow-goid ovai rug with frIngo, asking $30. Phono 668-0800. Novi 8,81(C) VIKING SEWING MACHINE wlth 3 drower cabinet, excellent condi- tion. Asaortment of occessaries, 36 bobblns. Aaklng $350. Cali Susan &fter 6:30 p.m. et 723-5892. Nov.4,81(P) ZIG ZAG SEWING MACHINE (Viking), ln maple cabinet, good working condition, with manuel accessories. Askîng $60. Phono 668-2406 aftor 5 p.m. Dec.9,81(S) THE WORLD YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE... Wharever you MOve th$ Welcome Wagon hotte&$ la the rght perum o 0hallp YOU flnd a place In your new com- munlty. <cail OI SS-Uor 571-7521 PLEASE READ When the advertised Item 19 sold, disposed of, or unavailable for whatever ressont, the Item wiil bo deemed to have been soid and a commission wiii ba charged based on THE ADVERTSED PRîCE as Ilustrated below, regardiess If price sa stated with "best offer". Itho Item ls NOT SOLD. or dIsposed oi, the ad willi be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $8.00 will apply payable In advance ai publication of the lIrst ad.' atherwise a $750 charge wIli op- piy If biled whIch must be paid upon recelpt. The above minimum charges wIlli be applied ta the final commission due but ln any case the higher amount will be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-paid, $750 biiled. Maximum commission: $100.00. Alil advertisements muet b. placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atîsast one month If not sold. RATES (If article le aoid): 5% oi advertised prie Up 1 $40000 2% of balance over $M0.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertleed for $12000. Commission due $6.00 (minimum charge la $6.00> Private advertisIng onlyl Please notify the WhItby Free Press immediately when item ls sold 80 that wo mhay delete Il from the foiiowIng Issues. Al ada not iitting the Emporium guidelines will be treated and charged per week as regular classifled ads on a pre-paid basis such as: services, heip wanted, ciothIng, real eslate, and personal message type ada, or ada not quoting price or quantity. Private classified ads may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN cLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.0. Box 206 Whitby, LIN 5S1 668-6111 131 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRI DAY PREVIQUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. UTOMOBILESj ýFORSAI.EýL 1966 CHEV MALIBU SS, reatorod, over $6,000 Investod, B.F. Good- rich TA's, 350 LT1, 4 speod, hasn't seen winter in 7 years. AskIng $4,200 or best of fer. Phono 668- 6424. Nov.18,81(H) 1972 IMPALA, 4 door, good run- ning condition, not certif led. Asking $395. Coul 571-3968 (ashawa).i Sep.1 6,81(P) AAUTOMILESI FOR SA.ELE 1974 IMPERIAL LEBARON* (4 door), excellent condition, fuliy loaded, white leathor soats, 54,000 miles of highway drivlng. Asking $3,500 f irm. Serlous buyers only. Coul 668-5220. Sep.16,81(H) 1975 DODUE MONACO ROYALE, now brakas, 51,000 original mles, A-1 condition. AskIng $1,705. Coul 687107. Nov.4,81(B) J REPAA 11VIRPARTS r1WO ER78-14 RADIAL SNOW TIRES mounted on two AMC rally whools, $110 or bost of for. Two DR78-14 -RADIAL TIRES (roisad white lttors) Fîrestone 721 steel boited tires mounted on AMC raily wheois, $1 60 or best of fer- Ail f our tires wiii soul for $325 or best offor. Pleaso coul 686-1866 between 2 p.m. and 10 p.m. Ail tires Ilke new. Sep.23,81 (D) )j CALL 668-611il to place your ad. A LITTLE WANT SH OUTS, AD You can seil your unused items fast by pîacing a Cîassified or Emporium Ad in the 'Whitby Free Press. Resuits are just a phone cali away. Let our Classified Advertising Manager help youwrite a clever ad and just listen ta your phone ring. Cail: CLASSI FIEDS 668-6111 1972 PINTO, automatilo with 1977 MONTE CARLO, 305 ou. ln., 2 RADIAL SNOW TIRES (GR78-15) radiais, 25,000 miles on a rebuilt barrel with t-roof, swivel bucket on G.M. rima, used one season. motor, body good, needs valves seots, pulse wipers, cruise con- Asking $150 for two. Phono 668- and seais, u-joints. Asklng $400. trol, white exterior, tan Interior and 6404. Phono 668-8227. G360 Firestone SS radiais ail Dec.2,81 (O) Oct.28,81MT around. In excellent shape. ______________ Asking $4,200 or best olfer. Cal 1973 GRAN TORINO SPORT, 351, 668-0130 and ask for Steve. FOR SALE - Pair of radial snow 4 barrel, gauges, automallo trans- 001.28,81(G) tires mounted on wheeia, Chevro- mission, f loor shift, rally tires, l______________ et Monza. Firestone P175180R 13 buckets, newiy painted. Asklng QET RID of akeletons ln your clo- MIS replaces BR78-13. Asking $60. $2000. Cali 65530W6. set or wherever with an Emporium Phone 655-3745 af ter 6 p.m. Sep.23,81(S> Ad. Cali 668-6111 now. Dec.9,81 (W) SELL YOUR UNWANTED ARTICLES NOW Use this handy form to mail ln your Emporium ad. I have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish ta have the fallowing ad- vertisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. _______________________________________(don't forget to include your phono number) E I enclose $6.00 ta caver the minimum charge. CI Charge $6.00 ta my Visa accau nt. E Bill me far $7.50 after f irst publicatian ai my ad. Card NO. Exp. Date Noms please print> Addroe citv Postal Code MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whltby LiN 5S1 r, AUTOMOTIVEI ~~R PAIR/PARTSAT MOTOR & TRANSMISSION - 1974 Toyota 1600. Asking $150 or best 0f for. Phono Glenn 668-0384. Nov.18.81(K) 'WNE.DSEDS_ ,1311 WHEEL' $13. Baby Carrier for aduit bika $7. Cail 668-2301. Sep,16,81(D) 50$ BLUENOSE STAMP, excellent condition, original glue, nat used, ail bordera Intact. AskIng $700. Coul 668-6424. Oct.21 ,81(H) HOUSEHOLO PINE BED, twin, 4 poster, with fancy head and foot board. Nowly constructed from top quaiity white pine. Wiii finish ta suit. Asking $195. Coul 985-2795. Nov.25,81(M) COUCH, 1 year oid, mocha brown, modemn styling, 8 fit. long, $300. Coul 668-0277. Sep.30,81(A) DîNETTE SET, round smokad glass top with chrome pedestal base, 4 matching chairs, in good condition. Asking $275. Polo lamp with tri-light, $25. Cou 579-9860. Nov.11,81(C) CHROME DINING ROOM SET, smokod glass top, 4 chromoe green cushion chairs, in excellent con- dition. Asking $475. Phono after 4:30 p.m. 668-9169. Dec.2,81 (S) AN EXCELLENT antique hutch In pine and oak. Uppor cabinet doors n leaded glass, matchIng wood mouiding motif; two adjustabie shelves. Lower cabinet doors have Insot panel and raised relief carvinig. Refinished Insido and out, brass hardware and cabinet locks. A beautiful place, $68 f irm. Phono 666-309. Nov.25,81 (C) RUG, 9 x 12, burnt orange, goad condition. Askîng $40. Cou 66 3995. Sop.16,81(R) ADMIRAL 30" RANGE $200 and Admirai 27" Drior $150. Bath white, approx. 6 yrs. old. WooI braadloom rug with underpoo, brown, 9' x 15'. $100. Cail 668-7267. act.21,81(B) DINING ROOM CORNER CABINET, ta wagon & hope cheat, al In maple wood, $500. Royal Albert china sot, 9 place set- ting plus accessories, "Lavender Rose", exc. cond., asking $650. Calil66-2071. act.21 81(M) ENGLISH PUB-STYLE COUCH& matching swivol rocker, green& goîd plaid, alefîn fabric. Been scotch-guarded. Asking $325. An- tique wrought Iron & bras$ DOUBLE BED with box spring, $210. Antique LOVE SEAT & mat- CONTEMPORARY STYLE buffet hutch, 54" wide, $275. Bronze gold chesterfield & chair $175. Odd modemn choir $35. Two table lampa & matching tri-taght $75. Beautifully retinîshod antique 00k drosser & mirror $350, Office desk with wood top. 60" x 30-. $100. Ail items in excellent condition, Phono 579-8915. Dec.2,81(W MOPED, Solex, in excellent con- ditian. Great Christmas gîftf Asking $175 or bast offor. Phono 668-3720 af ter 5 p.m. Nov.25,81 (P) ~~SAERENALS 1975 HONDA 360 CBT, needa bat- tory and horn, iow mîleage. $600 as is, $700 wîth battory & horn. Fîvo 165 SR15 MICHELIN ZX RADIALS, 15", $200 for f Ive or $50 each. Phono 668-3660. Ask for Ron or Lynn. Sep.16,81(G) (ÇjINSTUMENS 1967 FENDER JAZZ boss gultar, vory good condition, with hard case, beautîful Instrument. Asking $850. Cail 668-1436 afler 5 p.m. act,28,81 (K) COCKER SPANIEL, 14 weeks old, male, white with tan markings, regîstered. AskIng $250. Phono 686-1626. Nov.1 1,81(U) TWO PUG PLIPPIES, fomole, born August 18, biack-facad fawn. AskIng $225 each. Coul 655-4487. Oct.7,81(W) GREY MALE Miniature Schnauzer. Roglstered, good pot and watch- dog. Asking $125. Phono 668-4279. Dec. 16,81 (M) FOR SALE - Two pairs of Diamond Dovas, $25 per pair. One pair of White Zebra Finches and one pair. of Grey Zebro FInches, $14 per pair. Phono 668-2461. Nov.4,81(D) FLORIDA MAOBILE HOME, 65' x 12', fully furnished on lagoon, mon- ted lot, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, centrai air conditionlng. anuy $12,000 Canadian. Caîl 728-5338. Nov.4,81(G) Î1980 MASTERCOACH TRAILER, push-out dlning area. Paid $13.803 - askîng $12500 or best offor. Tô be sean at 410 Rosland Road West, Whitby and to InquIre alo 688-1880. Sep.16,81(J> 17 FT. RAMBLER HOUSE TRAIL- ER, eloctric - gos fridge, sioops 6, tolaet, electric brakes, complote with hitch. Asking $2.500 or best cffer. Phono 868-8344. Sep.16,81(V) HOCKEY EOUIPMENT, A-i condi- tion. Cooper holmot, Bowsr skates, ponta. eIbow pods, kne podis. shouldor pada. socka, gloves and hockey bog. For 12-14 year aida. Asking $80. WMI salI seporatoiy. Cail 576-5710. Oct.7,81(0) SKIS, polos and boots. $75. Longth of skis 170 cm. Aiso, four aid wooden chairs, In good con- dition, asking $25 each. Phono 683-6638. Nov. 18,81<5) 120 AT1ACK-SWINGER SKIS, made ln Austrla, Solomon-look bindings, Koflach boots sizo. 7, liko new, excellant condition. Asking $200. Women*s ski jacket and ponta, lîght blue, siza 12. Asking $50. Cou 83-9480, Sep.30,81(8) ST~SERIE EQQIPENIJ TECHNICS AMIFM STEREO RECEIVER, 55 watts per channel. 6 montha old, now $695. seul $375. Trelefunken Topload CASSETTE DECK, Dolby, now $475, soul $150 or best offer. Cal 666-3995. .Ocl.7.81(R) s s, <65t~ ~ Ja.%"e.................. ~ l ~'~L~5 *jA** .£ £ 8 tt 4A AS 4 i A-Mi . Jé:ê:.C unq .1

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