PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1982 WHITBY FREE PRESS LACAC recommendation.... Dominion Bank to be designated heritage site The old Dominion Bank building at the Four Corners in down- town Whitby is soon to become the town's newest heritage build- ing. The Local Architec- tural Conservation Ad- visory Committee (LACAC) has recom- mended that the build- ing be designated. According to Graham Field, the LACAC member Who wrote' the designation report, the building has an honored place in Canadian bank- _inghist'ry. LA CONTESSA HAIR SALON * SALES * MONDAYS ½ PRICE PERMS FOR ALL THE FAMILY TUESDAYS & WEDNESDAYS INTRODUCING SUSAN BOLDUC OUR NEW HAIRSTYLIST ½ PRICEON EVERY HAIR SERVICE AVAILABLE INCLUDING PERMS 668-9262 The building was con- structed in 1874 as the Whitby Branch of the Dominion Bank and was formally occupied the following year. In fact, it continued to be used as a bank until September 1970 when the Toronto-Dominion Bank moved to its current building next to the cenotaph on Dundas Street East. (The Dominion Bank and the Toronto Bank merged in 1955 becom- ing the Toronto- Dominion.) "The Whitby Branch of the Dominion Bank had originally opened on 'February 23, 1871," Field said in his report. "Here, it has the distinc- tion of being the first branch office to com- mence business after the location of the head office at 40 King Street East, Toronto, 22 days earlier." The Whitby share- holders decided that be- cause of the bank's suc- cess, a permanent build- ing should be construct- ed and a site was pur- chased from John Wat- son. In fact, the building was the only one to sur- vive after a disastrous fire gutted the entire block of wooden strue- the south on Oc- A fringe benefit of th fact that hustling i helps kep me slim and I feel great! M the Dundas Street inter- section. He added that the "jog was reputedly caused by the fact that the land surveyor's claims were not pulled taut as they began to measure out the second concession. Whether the story is apocryphal or nôt and though the slight nod to the éast occasion- ally plays havoc with traffic patterns in the downtown core, the is job is the ohelp you trim. DON BOWER situation does much to enhance the aspeet of the Dominion Bank," Field added. Because of this, "the bank structure appears to push out from its site on the south-east corner to dominate completely the intersection, an ef- fect that was further emphasized by the demolition of the old post office building on the south-west corner," Field said. However, the -build- ing's designation has one obstacle to over- come. Whitby Town Coun- cil's administrative committee is not satis- fied that the building's owners, Tom and Nicholitsa Kalogiannis of Willowdale, have given their consent to the designation. The committee voted at its meeting last week to table the matter until the consent has been verified. Bridge results The following are the resuits from last week's play at the Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club. North and South: Derreck Alstein and Paul Beischlag, 105½2; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wharrie, 103; -Dr. and Mrs. Richard Ketchell, 102; and, Don MacLean and John Titherington, 96½. East and West: Mrs. Florence Love and Mrs. Bruce McColl, 104; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barker, 91½; Mrs. Johanna Flanagan and Mrs. Margaret Wilson, 89; and, Mrs. Ed Booth and Mrs. Douglas Maundrell, 84. It'sour Anniversary Special at Lady Fitness DalIy Exercise Classes, Modern Exercise Equipment Indlividualized Programs, Sauna, Whlrlpool and more! Plan to attend our Open House Wednesday, March 31St! 57 Slmcoe Street S. (mext to downtown Post office).Oshawa Open Monday to Friday 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Saturday, Sunday 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. The Dominion Bank Building IN FORA ".UP MA RCH BRAKE SPECIAL $44.95 2WHEEL DRUM INSTALL NEW LININGS • RESURFACE DRUMS * INSPECT HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 2 WHEEL FRONT DISC INSTALL NEW PADS • LUB FRONT WHEEL BEARINGS• RESURFACE ROTARSelNSPE HYDRAULICSYSTEME95 PARTS EXTRAe• GM CARS, VANS, LIGHT TRUCK NURSE CHEV OLDS WHITBY 668-3304 Hwy. 2 and Thickson Rd. oEXPlRES 1/SERV0/2 EXPIRES 10104182. TYPEWRITERS Rentà ls For Office & Students DANFORTH TYPEWRIYER Rentals, Sales & Service 408 Dundas Street West 2940 Danforth Ave. Whitby Toronto 666-1131 est. 1930 698-2589 tober 16, 1877. "Dominating the in- tersection of Brock and Dundas Streets, the three-storey red brick structure is a good example of Victorian commercial architec- ture in an expanding southern Ontario town," Field said. One of the building's more interesting fea- tures, Field reported is that Brock Street makes a slight jog to the east at wý 4 eat