PAGE 19, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS Anderson, Henry Street, Denis O'Connor m HIGH> SCHOOL NEWSWEEK INVITATIONS PERM, SPECIAL » Mondayta Thursday OnIy 35% oFIFHEATPER MS H-AIR ALIVE R egular $45.00 ZOTOS 50.00 R EDKIEN (Har cut flot lncluded) 55o Tony's Halrstylng would Ilké' to inform the clients of Loraine Foster (formerly of Scissors) that she has joinedour staff as 0f March 30. 106 Lupin Dlrive Blair Park Plaza Whitby Mon. - Wed. 9 -6 668-5441 - Thurs. 9 -8 Saturday8:30-5, -ForACVIstudents.... R-ocky H orror fundraiser successful The final two months of a.,school, year, and. always busy ones at ACVI andý this .year is proving itself to be no exception. One major event in the offing is the, grade 13 history trip to Ottawa.- In early May, approximately 40 stu- dents under the watch- fui eyes of two super- visors wilI travel by bus to our nation's capital.' While there, the Ander- sonians will tour about and familiarize the m- selves ýwith the many historie sites of' this manficent city. In ad- dition, a wide variety of sekrs ranging, from, senators to members of Parliamnent will address the students, and attem- pt to- provide them with a uniqueide glimpse of, Canadian govern.- ment. Unidoubtedly, the three-day trip from May, 6,to May 8,will, prove most interesting and in- formative. .In preparation for thi pconming journey, many of Anderson's, year fives have been bard at work .fund- ralis ing in hopes of' significantly defraying expenses. Their most innovative and reward-' iigprojeet thus far was the April B presentation of "The ,Rocky",Horror, Picture Show."'I'With the co-operation of Cinemna Whitby this'off- beat, cuit film. of ýthe seventies was shoWn at- 7 p.m. for only $3 per ticket. Moreover, the essen- tials for audience parti-' cipation - toast, con- fetti, and newspapers < were sold to, movie- goers for a nominal fee. Indeed, the evening was, profitable and, most uncannyt1 What will1 ACVI, corne up with' next? Newspaper Staff: Susan Bisseli andi Blair Morri- son. DO' hldig lumire-munion >By, LISA JEPPESEN Denis'O'ConnorH.S. The Easter Bunny was good-to DO'C students this, year and the repercussions from too many chocolates are.becoming evident. Our badminton intramnural program was conclud- ed just In time for the Easter holiday1 with, Mr. Dufresne and Andrea John winning the tournament' for Yellow House.ý The consolation went to'Blue' House. DO'C experienced success in its chess tourna-' ment, of last Thursday. DO'C won the over-ali award for its performance. Perhaps our winning streak will. continue in the upcoming track meets. Our Spirit Day is to take place on April 21. Each homeroom is planninig an*excursion - the grade 9'S are going to.visit the Science Centre and some of the 11'"s are going, to Ottawa to see the Parliamenit build- ings. Other:homerooms are undecided but the day. will certainly prove worthw hile. A DO'C Alumni Dinner/Dance is scheduled for Saturday, May 8,'1982. It will be held -at Cedrick's Banquet Hall on Brock Street in Whitby. The tickets will be $15 per person. AIl former, DO'C students and staff are invited. To obtain tickets contact Kathie Steffler at, 723-9358 or 723-3935 or cali DO'C at 668-8721. (DO'C students are having their own dan- ce this Friday, April 16.) As the new school year rapidly approaches, DO'C's new courses- are being outlined.- For'the 9!s and 1O's inidustrial arts and family'studies; at the grade 9 level, basic, general and advanced English and mathematics;- grade'Q9general level French will be offered as well. .The'1's and 1's wilhave com-ý give concert Well kiown'Canadian children's 'entertainer, Sandra Beech, ,will 'give a concert at. Eastdale Collegiate, Harmony, Road North' Oshawa on AprillBat3p.m. All ,ýproceeds of the event will, gotoad the establishmheniofan: equipment. library for the ,Durham ýBranch of th e Canadian Alliance of Home Schoolers. .-Admission is $2.50 per person, and tickets are available at Middleton's Book Stor.e, Dundas Street.West. a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -