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Whitby Free Press, 19 May 1982, p. 17

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1982, PAGE 17 CA-LL 66'8m6 1'l1 Emporium Ads wilI only be accepted subject to the followiing conditions. PLEASE READ Po Ci ho far FO Pri Pl( ma try 65! Qui tryi Prît buil abli Unm Ingt AID TO MILLIONS CLASIFEDADS CONTUINUED FROM PAGE 16 FORID1 WU VACATION 'WRENTSALS FLORI DA ClearWater - Take th'e family, threa badroom, two bathroom' country club homes, pools, tenni cl 0ose ta major attrac- tions, aniy $20000 U.S.weekly. 683-5503 HOSSFOR ýSERENTJ IRVATE - Muet Seil - Otter reek, Whtby. $89,500. Detachod Ouse, four bedroome, double gar- ge, llvlngroom, dlningroom, imliy roam. Cali 666-1883. OUR BEDROOM HOUSE for rent. ice negotiabie. Cali 6661 103. FOR SALE CKERING - 1 acre lot epproxi. ateiy. Spectacular view of coun- eldeW $55,000. Terme. Rick - ý5-4047. PICKERING RESIDENTIAL ilt court, waii traad lots, coun- sattlng wlth city conveniancas. des siashad on lots. Builder wiii Id ta suit. Ontario grant aveul- s. Don't mis&as once-in.a-iife- ae opportunity. 743-0670 - aven- se 630-3535. 3CCMDATION SPONSIBLE businasswoman 1young daughtar aaakîng un- iishad two bedroom apart- nt. Raquîrad by Juiy 1. Cali 7194 avaninge. JNO COUPLE looking for riaent In Whtby ares. Two Mrne. Urgantly raquîrad. ýne666-3919. REOUIRED IMMEDIATELY bedroom apaniment or house fhitby. ApproximateIy $200 par 1h. Phone 666-3919. HELP FIGHT KIDNEY IISEASE. Give REI end furui erf YOLI Phai mont -1 PubicSfr ruxpbic CanadaeCanad M i INVITATION TO TENDER SEALED TENDERS for the projeots or services iisted below, addressed to the Chief, Contract Administration, Ontario Region, Public Works Canada, 4900 Yonge Street, (101h Floor), Wlllow- dale, Ontario M2N 6A6, wlll be recelved untîl 1500 hours on the specified closing date. Tender Docu- ments can be seen, or obtaî ned "on payment of the applicable deposît, through--the office of the Director General, Public Works Canada, Ontario Region, Tenderlng Office, lOth Floor, 4900 Yonge Street, Willowdale, Ontario. PROJECT No, 641936-02-82 - Whitby, Ontario, Govern- ment of Canada Building, 200 Dundas Street East, Maintenance & Sorvicing of Heatlng, Ventiiating and Alr-Conditioning Equip- ment, ClosIng Date: Thursday, June 10, 1982 Deposit for Tender Documents: Nil ed. Enquirles: 416-224-4240 When the advertised Item la sold, dlspoeed of, or unavallable for.,wi deemed to have bee 'n soid and a commission wlilI be charged basedo Illustrated belowv, regardiee If prIce ls statod with' "beet offer." If the Item le NOT SOLD, or dlsposad ai, the ad wili be run for 3 MON1 of 86.00 wIll appiy payable ln advance of publication of the iirst ad. Ot ply If biloed which must bo paid upon rsceipt of bill. The above minîr the final commission due but ln any case the highar amount wili be ci pre-paid, 87.50 billed. Maximum commission: $100,00. Ail adverlisee clusîve basîs wlth the WIIITBY FREE PRESS snd run atîeast one month RATES Oif article lua old>: 5% of advertls.d prlce up ta 800.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advrtlîacd for $120.00. Commission due 86.0K Private advertisîng onlyl PMase notlfy theWhitby Free Press Immedia we may deatisIt from the foiiowing Issue. Ail ade not fIttIng the Empci and charged per week as regular classIfied ade on a pre-paid basis eu, clothIng, real sate, and persanal message type ads, or as not quo claselfied ads may appear ln the Emporium section undar appropriats h ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHEI MAIL ADSTO: If indoubtcali:- FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 668-6111 P.O. Box 206 THE DEADLINE FOR' EMPORIUM ADS FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION A' SARTICLES 7MOBILESJ 19:00 SALEFOR SALE1 i CEDJ $5 es FILTI lîke r 576-2 FOR Asklri FOR free, condi sepsi INK1 autonr neareï 66&E RCA condl tînt ci Phone SEWII stooli for $11 4840. SINGE net. I buttor Compl excelle 686-0 SICILL Study hitch I Girls I conditi STERE, stereo Technlq QEsape of fer. I CALL i poirluni )AR 4 x 4'u, 8 feet long. 70 mch. Phono 655-4200. rER QUEEN vacuum cloari new, $450 or beet offor. C 2844 after 5 p.m. 1SALE - Ico creem coo Ig $250. Phono 655-3814. 1SALE - Rofrigorator, frn and 30' atova. ln oxcelle lilion. $525 for pair or wIiI e trtey. Phono 623-1534. DUPLICATING MACHINE mallc with stand. $240g est offer, Phono 668-17181 )691. 20" COLOR TV. Exceller lion. HardIy ueed. With eci color control. Aeking $32 s 668-5180. MG MACHINE ln cansolt included. Cos $600- e 50 aillInclusive. Phono &8 ÎER STYLISH 514 wlth cal Excellant condition. Built1 in haler, varied stitcheE ilto lune-up 1 yesr ugo. Ai lnt purchase et $200. Cal 579 sitar 6 p.m. SAW $29. Sump pump $X table $25. Swsy bars anc maed $W0. Hand toals $10 bike $30. Ail In exceller, tion. Cali 683-668 EO, Marantz SR2000, AMIFI roceivar with bulit ln luner ce turntabie with Infinitý ekors. Asklng $700 or boai Phone 668-7336. 168-6111 ta place your Err i Ad. r ýHT PEOPLE,. Ivr you move the ne Wagon hostesu la aht peruon te hoîp you place ln your new com- 600-1523or 5797521 0 et ner, der. ost or or nI 25. oe, 1 38. ln s. t id 0. C nt I l r. ty 0 st - w1 fa Pr ci pe $4 an ali 1979 MERCURY' BROUGHAM, 302, al Ing, Power atoening, pc eterea, tilt wheei. $5,500 certif lad. Pho aflar 8 p.m. 1976 PLYMOUTH, pai power brakos, auto., E $950 as le. Cai 668-C p.m. 1975 CHRYSLER NEY conditloning. $600 or Phono 571-0863. 1975 DUSTER, Speciai 318, overhauled 727 tr wilh modified valve Torque convertor, new new brakes, new sitei rad, new rad hoses, ne, chrome rocker covers, are, sport mîrrors, lge power - steering, pc brakes, tInted gfass, le or with console, reai Motorola AMIFM casse OT. goid mage witfi SS60 saries radiais. E fraie excellent. Aekirr beet of fer. Cali 655-32& 1974 VEGA, automatic beet offer. As le. Phone 1972 BUICK SKYLARI hardtop, 350, V8, sutorr mission, power eteern B-track sterea, ail ri shocks, rear iprlngs ar Car le In excellent orl lion. 81,500certilid. J 7167. 1970 MONTE CARLC barrel. AskIng 81,500 or or wil Irade. Phone 668& 1972 METEOR, FORD loor. Asking SM0 for te wthout Mchelin tires. Ec Mlichelin tires eoid a rwo summor - 1,000 mil men. Both for $260. Fc lormation cali 668-6059. IVE Dodge custom rail ,ith Goodyear polygia- vhile ieltering lires, rice 8250 for ail. Roisi B Radio, TRC48, 23 chi or and lower aide bar 499. Wiih pro-amp tl ýnd 5/8 weve antenne. $, l. Phoneo6U-1195. MARQUIS ir condition. )owor brakes, 95,950 km. one 668-1275 wer seering, 84000 miles. -0788 aflar 4 WPORT, air ;r beel 0f for. Coupe, new ranemission body, naw vU V'jointe, ernatar, new )w fan boite, block heat- 1 lit package, ower diec ather Inter- ýr dof rosIer, atto, Cragar i Firostone Body good, ig $3.800 or 16. c, $250 or s 668-3209. K, 2 door, natic Irans- ng, AM/FM naw liras, id radiatar. miai condi- c Phono 668. j350, 4 rbest of fer -5589. car, two ýh car but Sold as le. larataly. CI les on15" f r m ore n- C i Ci ci C( Si y whooIs fal ,s raIeed E 5E70-14. 66 tic Nivaho - ýannol, up- F( nd. Wss ait ible, mike pit ;250 lakes for af I saver reason, the Item wlll be on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as ITHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE ýtherwlse a $7.50 charge wlil' ap- num charges wlll be applled to arged. Minimum charge: 88.00 lionts must be placed on an ex- th If not sold. 2% of balance over 84«.00 )0 (mlim um charge la 86.00) lately when Item le sold s0 that rlum guldelînes wlII be treated uch as: services, help wanted, otlng prîce or quantîty. -PrIite heedîngs. ERWISE SPECIFIED. OR DELIVER TO:' 131 Brock St. N. Whîtby, Ont. ;IS THE %T NOON. AUVOTIV'E U~EARPASIRIPARTS] 455 CU. INCH motor & trans., runs well, stîlI ln car, asklng $225. Four GM raliy whaels, fîts full sîze GM, Olda, etc., $150. Çarburetor from '76 'Ouster, 20,000 mlles, $20..- Phone 668-5838. NEW AM/FM MULTIPLEX stereoi radio for laIe model Chrysler pro. duct $125. Two new Unîroyal M.S, radliltires' P20575Rl5, $140. One 360 cublo Inch Dodge 4-barrel motor, complete, 57,000 mlles, $400. Four Oodge Raily wheels, complete, 14' x 6"1, $150. One 67169 Cuda doorekîn, new, $45. Two new rear 10" brake drums for DodgeiPlymouth "A" body 'cars $50. One, new Edelbrock SP2P slumlnum Intake manifold wlth In- stallation package for amaîl block Chevy $225. Four OmnllHorlzon 13" stock Rally wheeîs $80. Four MItsubishI 14" Rally wheels, fît, Chalenger, Sapporo or Colt, 8100. Cali 655-3266. % .BBY EEDS FORD TOT-GUARD car ssfaty seat 25. High chair $15. Umbroller trouler $15. Foldlng wooden play en $20. Cali 655-4164. IENDRON CA RRIAGE, canverta ýo frayaI bed or stroîler. Good ,ondion. Asklng $40. Phone ;55-3006. HH5iiSHOLWI DINING ROOM SET, French Pro. vînciai fruitwood. Table wlth ana leaf axtende ta 60", 4 sida chaire. 2 plece china cabinet, 45" wide, 69" hlgh.. Ai ln excellent condi- lion. Asking $825. Phone 668-4686. 4 PIECE WALNUT badroom suite,' triple dresser, $500. Cai 723-5965. G.E. AUTOMATIC WASHER, goad condition, $125. Aiso, oid butiers eecretary desk, vary unique, $550. Phone 728-4849. GENERAL ELECTRIC '7.5 cubic foot refrigeretor, very gaod condi- tion, $125. General EIectric 30 In- ch eif.cleaning. range, excellent condition, $175. Admirai dish- washer, goad condition, $150. Cai 655-4164. REDECORATING - MUST SELLI 100 ft. Coli of black plastic l'h" pipe, $20. White alum. door, R.H. hinge, 34 x 82, $25. Wall unit, needs reflnlshing, $45. Phone 668- 7404. REFRIGERATOR, white, not frost fres, $75. Cai 576-7987. LADIES BIKE $10. Candles, wrought iran & wood chandelier $15. Double bed, steel frame on casters, $20. Oid eoiid waod bed- room set, singie bed, large cheet & night table, $75. Ouoen size dual contrai eiectric blanket $15. Phone 668-6567. TURN VOUA ARTICLES INTO CASH. Vour advertisement ln the Whitby Free Press Emporium Sec- tion will sali aimost anythlng for you ... ekidoos, boats, TV's, furni- ture, pianos and pets ... the liet le endiese. Cai 668-6111 now for further detalie. MOTORCYCLE 1974 75 ce AMAHA. Good condi- tion. $300. Phone 723-3290. 1974 VAMAHA HDC500 streat bike. Mint condition. Loaded with axtras, OnIy 10,000 miles. Asking $950. Cai 655-3840. 1972 HONDA, 350 twin, ln excell- ant condition. Asking $600. Phone 666-1677. ~22O2LJMUSICAL INSTRUMENTSI CHAIR - Cogswal styla easy - - - rhaîr, reconly uphalstared In goId fbric, excellant condition. 895. 1981 SONEX Daluxe Gibson 180 ail 668-3683 after 5:30 p.m. or on aiectric guitar wlh case and cord. meakende Like naw, $500. Phono 655-3006. HANDELIERS, one largei one imail for sala. $150 or beet offer. ehone 668-9947 'ONTEMPORARY LOVESEAT by Wlar, beige & brown fiowor nylon abrIc, cuehione roquire new foem. Xcelant condition. $150. Phono 68-9805. OR SALE - One built-in Kitchen- id dishwesher $175. One stove, lug ln, 2 burniera, with aven, Ideal )r cottage, $8. Phono 668-95U8 otrS 5p.m. YOU CAN SELL ALMOST ANY- THING ln the Whilby Free Prose Emporium. Frani cars to horee, staroos, skates, furnituro, enythIng IncIudlng the kitchen sinki Call688-6111 now tla place yourad. Soiel lC EHICLES GO-KART, gaod condition, has Honda G200 engins (5 hp). Engine rune excellent. $350 Phono 668- 3931.- 1~ s-M GBI LES ~RMAETLS 1971 MOTO-SKI SNOWMOSILE ln good condItIon. Asklng $325. Phone 985.936. When you are looklng for a new car, furniture or aven a new home, shop the Pagea of your local newspaper. When you have aomethlng to sal, corne ln and see us for qulck resuils. The Whltby Free Press la read by ovar 70,000 potentlal custom- era each weak; reachlng from Whltby as far as Port Party. Taik to us today - your ad can atari work(ng lmmadlately. WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 e THE HAVE SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE! CALL 668-6111 TO PLACE YOUR AD. 1 F p tc ci 6! 1 ---mmmý 1 1 1

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