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Whitby Free Press, 26 May 1982, p. 15

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1982, PAGE 15 Univers ai health c are,'go vernment's. aim:Bg PICKERING - Nowý is the timne to strengthen Canada 's medicare sys- tem, according to Minis- TREAT WINDOWS WELL Drapes add design and special interests to a room. But drapes are an investment - ln time, money and crea- tive' thought. There- fore, choose your drapery fabrIcs care- fuliy and wiseiy. K & M Cleaners and the International Fa- bricare Institute, the worid-wide trade association for iaund- erers and dryclean- ers, offer the follow- ing hints when shop- ping for draperies: *Read and under- stand the care In- structions on the draperies or fabrics. SMake sure the %tc Lainq SaYing that she will be Meeting with provincial health ministers this week (including .Ont- fabriC 15 totaliy pre- shrunk. * Check the Color- fastness of the fabrIc - résistance to fading f rom light and atmos- pheriC exposure and to the care proCess. Neyer select silk for an area .which re- Ceives constant light exposure. *Lined draperies usuaily last longer than unlined.. * lnsulated draper- les with backing mat- eriai may tend to yellow and deterior- ate f rom constant ilight.exposure. Once you have selected your drap- eries, have your drap-' eries cleaned once a "That is settled, it was -- settled in the budget." - The minister also said that . Ontario govern- year and vacuum themn thoroughly be- tween ceanlngs. Also, rotate them If possible and protect them f rom the ele- ments. Sunlight, at- mospheric gases, heat, dirt, grime, moisture, and water will harm your draper- ies. The care and atten- tion you give your draperies will allow them the longest possible life. But, they won't last for- ever.' IFI has -deter- mined through test- ing that lined draper- les should wear for f ive years; unlined, four. d:S £'Lic7L Jot t£1z cn'itz 9amilylp 112 COLSORNE sTr. w., WHliTBY 668-2831 these are flot the times for expansions. " It. is her ministry's policy, Begin claimed, Natidnal Minister of Health and W elfare Monique Begin (centre) is seen here having a pre-dinner chat with Durham Regional Chairman Gary Herrema (lef t) and Bill Lightstone (right), president of the Ontario Riding Liberal Association. -Free Press Staff Photo ter of National Health and Welfare Monique Begin. But, she told a meet- ing of the Ontârio Rid- ing Liberal Association here last week, the federal government will not be putting any more money into the system.. ario's Larry Gross- man), whom she referred to as "the gang of 10," Begin stressed that the subject of money will not even be referred to. "We will not discuss it (money)," she said. Whitby bridge resuits The following are the resuits of last week's play at the Whitby Duplicate Bridge Çlub as reported by Mrs. Harvey Winter. North and South: Mrs. Lee Evans and Pat Davies, 118%; Mrs. Hugh Baker and Mrs. Frank Wells, loi; Mrs. Richard Ketcheli and George Magvas, 951/2; Mrs. John Frost and Paul Beischlag, 92%k. East and West: Miss Georgie Bovay and Mrs. Harvey Winter, 113/2; Mrs. Ed Boothe and John McLean, 101/; Mrs. Douglas Maundreli and Leo Vrengdenhill, 95'1/; and, Mrs. Larry Rouest and Mrs. Sam Spencer, 931/. 1This was the last ses- sion of the club's current season. The 1982-83 season will open oni September 15 at the Centennial Building, 406 Centre Street South. ment accusations that federal transfer pay- ments for health purpos- es are getting smaller were false. They simply weren't as high as the provincial government an- ticipated' she said, ad- ding that Ontario did get more money but not as much more as they wanted. "The rate of growth is slower," Begin said of the transfer payments, "but the net cash is greater." The minister also told, her admittedly friendly audience that the feder- al government gives Ontario $2 billion a year for the health care sys- tem. "It doesn't permit ex- pansion of services," she continued, "but to ensure- that there is enough money available to maintain the level of service offered in the health care system. "ýWe think the system is adequately funded," she said. The mnain thrust of the federal government's health policy now is to preserve the system's cuniversality. " 1"We don't want to lose universality of medical health care,"1 Begin said. "We want to keep it free."Py While'she said that there was "'nothing wrong"' with the idea of introducing a user-ýpay seheme into, the health care system, she war- ned that it could resuit in serious problems for the poor, the handicapp- ed and the senior citi- zens. "In tough economie times, we shouldn't lose the best of the past in a panic, " Begin added. And it is for this rea- son that the federal government will flot bend, to pressures demancling the abolition of family allowance payments. "It is difficuit to break the social contract,"1 Begin said. Begin, Liberal MP and cabinet mînister since 1976, also claimed' that she bas no control over the medical health care system, and for that matter, her provin- cial counterparts don't either. "None of us ministers control the health sys- tem," she said. "They (the provincial minis- ters) are in charge of' the delivery of service." The federal govern- ment's role is primarily that of the system's "banker." In the past there have always been five condi- tosto federal transfer payments for health purposes. "Always there, but-neyer used,", was how Begin describ- ed them. These payments, she added,. were based on àý ELEGANTr ITALIAN CUISINE DINING & DANCING WEDNESDAY To SATU RDAY' IN A PLEASANT ATMOSPH ERE CALL - 571-3042 FOR RESERVATIONS LOUNGE Mr. G's DJ Monday - Saturday Ail the music you likel Specials for Ladies Monday & Tuesday Nights Seafood & Salad Bar $1.50 dally. "The best place to meet the best people." 9Z~ The Iongest and mpst exclusive casual stand-up bar in Oshawa 2 Simcoe St. N. Rese rvations ýhawa 433-1405 j population, inflation and redistribution and'were decentralized "lump sum y"Ypayments. Now "because of the sudden lack of control" in health costs, Begin said that she wants these conditions adher- ed to. One of the five condi- tions placed in the trans- fer payments is accessi- bility, and Begin said that the introduction of user-fees could under- mine this goal.- Saying, that 18 per cent of M.D.'s are al- ready engaging in extra billing, Begin asked "how do you control that?" "Don't underestimate what $5 or $8 will do to some people," she sald., Begin also claimed that the widespread use of- extra billing in Australia caused their medicare systeni to crumble. The minister is also concerned about the premium system used in Ontario to pay for health care. "They are not ideal as a form of taxation," she said adding that they could prove to be "e gressive." .1 DACEBLLJON SN'S OC SSO10WEST CUOU SND SAT, MAyConlY 29y 1982dvlî. nt ,DANCE BILL JOHNSON'S JUNE. SWEET COUNTRY LICENSED UNDER AUSPICES 0F SPECIAL OCCASION PERMIT For turthsr Information phone Oshawa 576.4M9 INVITATIONS *CINEMASHOWCISE [2115,4:20,6:655&9:00 No utb.fEi:i ilen STARRINO - thÙr DUDLEY MOORE& LIZA MINNELLI A.OPOS IES0408 ih. WAIAPtttmoos A0£ *0, ,Comutwclo.,,Company 1 0 iom tluflm N 0, oANOqts Itffwe Weeknights - 7:05 & 9:00 Sat.tSun. - 2.004:00,7-00 & 9:05 . STARRING - TOM SKERRITT Weeknigts 7:05 & 9:00 S&tiSun. - 2±00, 4:00.7001& :( >5 HELD OVER - % j.~ IL- Oj~b Thatros Dranch Ont *K&M CLEANERS SAME DAY SERVICE ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS ----------------------------------------- 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - muni 1 1

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