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Whitby Free Press, 2 Jun 1982, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2,1982, WHITBY FREE PR~ESS xc~ ~zx.x.z~ LA. Fd CALL A PflOFE3IOIAL I LAWNMOWIR tClair &SMALL ENGINE nepit&pprpol REPAURS. P wyPaaMldtown MaIl USED LWNMOWRS. ll-5f SSImc o eN. 200 JohnlSt.U USED AWNMOIfl Oshawa î CALL 668-5107 j L56-971 576-2431 ÇTHE H4OUSE 0F MAUDS I e Efficient e, Retiable j eExpertçCleaflifg I 668-6159 RACTOR TRAILER TRAINING For Cîass A & D License Cal PARTICIPATION torie Res"Àtàs lTo Frm. 1-800-268-9689 Day, Eve. & Sat. courses NIGHEST PRICES Pald for Gold and Silver coins, old g uns, clocks, Jeweîery, dishes, furni- ture, crocks, ohl paint- 'ings and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 72j5-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA UcýilRCeENS ,GRAMMAR for people who halo graMmar"' la the ideal pockot ' rference book for business peo- pie. $3.95 per copy and avoulable at Dckson PrInting & Office Sup- pilies in the Ajax Plaza. Deal on- quirles Invted 683-1968.. I THE WORLD IS YQURS... IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE... Wherever you move the Welcome Waglon hosêteis ls the rlght person la heip you Uind a pace ln your new coni- rnunlly. Cai 666-1523 or 666-8943 JOHN FORSYTH CONTRACTING Custorn Reonvatins & Additions ýGaRoc Roomea *Docks Saunas & Hat Tubs Skylghts Guaranleed workmenshlp 668-4045 aller 7:00 p.m. CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Kitchens, Ceramnic TiI- ing, Drywail, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES LCALL 668-4686 ROG ER'S LAN DSCAPING spring cleaning, spraying, ferti- lizing, hedgas and lawn maint- enance. Free estîmalo. Rea- sonable rates. 7287158 7 arn. orS P.m. ~ILESSNS PIANO TEACHER in Whltby ofor- lng summar music, theoory, har- mony, hlslory lassons. Cali 668- 6361. RWPINING A CANADIAN PAîNTER & docor- ator. 30 years exparience. Homes, offices, apartmenîs. Durham Raglan. Phone 728-6890. HELP 15 ON THE WAY for firme whose prInter has recentiy gone ouI of business. Lau Dickson has the cost cutlng ideas you neod aI a limeIlîka 1h18 683-1968. CONGRATULATIONS on your for- thcoming marriage. Pleose viow aur sampies of engravod wedding Inviations aI your iisure ln aur Ajax Plaza store. Dlcksotl Printlng & Off Ica Supplias 683-1968. q~ES SPECIAL Chlldrens Haîr Cuts. ½h price $2.00 Juanita's BEAUTY SALON 1391 Harwaod Ave. N., Ajax 1Phone: 688-3939 %jONARNLSI "DID YOU EVER livo In'Harmony", a unique community ln Oshawa, anytime betweon 1928-1978. I did. lmn preparIng a manuscript and need photos and/or storiesi Write: J. Fleming, Box 1101, Staticn B, Oshawa, Ontario W J5Y9. O HoIy Saint Jude, Apostie and Martyr. Great ln virtue and rich In mira- cies. Kinsman of Jesus Christ, the faithful Inter- cessor of ail who Invoke your special patronage ln time of'need. To you i have' recourse from the depths of my heart, and humbly beg you to whomn God has given this great power, to corne to My assistance. Help me ln my present and urgent position ln return I promise to make your name known, and cause it to be invoked. Three Our Fathers, three Hall Mary's, and three Glorias. Saint Jude, pray for us and ail who-invoke your aid. Publication must be promised. This novena has neyer been known to ifail. YARD SALE - Salurday, Juno 5. 9 a.m., 12 Bannerman Court (West Lyndo). Swing sot, childron's ciothea and loys, rocklng horse and lota more. ARICLES VISIT our used furniture waro- house by appoinîment. Big savlngs on desks, chairs, lling cabinets, otc. CailiDlckson Print- ing & Office Supplias ta arrange an appoinîment la view. 683-1968. DEK OKER MEAT PACKERS LT. SI DES 0F BEEF &HIND QUARTERS 725-4245 14(705)>277-2324 We Accepi VISA ____________________..............____i__................___ SoeLRTCLS SFOR S SALE CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 2 chairs, ottoman, large couch. 4 yoars aid. Brown velour. Asking $300. Phono M-1sf943. STEREO, clair tona, T7, console, AM/FM, turntabio, excellent condi- tion, $75. Phono 668-1509. RADIOS - Ono six channol and ans f ivo channol radio and equlp- ment. Phono 655-3638. GARAGE DOOR, 9 x 7' ovorhoad, waod panoiied, complota with hardware and iock. Wittlinstall requlred. Asking $100. Phono 728- 2968. CARRIER 5000 BTU air condition- or, 3 yoars, aid, excellent con- dition. Cail 666-3922 aiter 6 p.m. ONE-YEAR OLD apartmont-sized dryer $190. 24". airtlght wood slave $200. Free standing acorn fireplaca $50. Gos dryer $85. Throo-way recroational fridgo $175. Eight interior propane Ilghts $45 for set. Phono 655-4238. BICYCLES, ladies' and men's, In gaod condition, $65 each. Woaden Colonial kitchen set, round table with extra lest, 4 chairs, 2 cap- tains, $125. Portable typowrter $35. Elactrlc fan $17. Table saw, heavy duty molor, $45. Calil68W- 6638. WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles st., Whitby WANTED - Estates, household Items, furni-- ture, glass, tools & equip- ment. The place to buyor seli. We will pick up. 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS) <EVGS.) 2" Storm Doors Triple Seaaed 5 c ios$ 79.5.4 syles lnstalied & Guaranteed. Aiso oco- nomical and energy efficient slorm and replacement thormal windows'nd enclosures. FREE ESTîMATES Durham Glass 666-3355 after hours 666-1847 - PERSONAL HOME DEMONSTRATIONS WITHOUT OBLIGATION REPRESENTATIVE Gertrud Scheefer 655-3749 SEE USATTHE BROOKLIN FAIR - CHECK OUR SPECIAL FAIR PRîCES FRSACLES KITCHEN TABLE, aval, 47" x 36" wllh 11½' al s. Green and yeliaw vain arbarite. In excellent candI- tian.ý,.Asklflg $40 or neareat aller. Phono 6684563. MOVING- MUST SELL - Teak- Wood dlnlngraom set, table, 4 chairs and buffet, 1 year aid, $425. Maffat frldge, excellent condition, $250. Four-poater water bed, ex. collant condition, $800. Phono 668-9016. WalTUOMOIES FOR SALE EXECUTIVE, 1980 V-6 Grand Prix,' LJ, 35,000 Km, two tone red/ maroan, vinyl raof, aide mnouid- Ings, rally wheels, whtewalls, A/C, tlnted glass, power brakelsteerlng, 60140 aplît frontseat, maroon val- vet cioth Interlor, radio, gaugal lght package, rear dol roator, floor mats, block heater, H/D suspen- alan. Phono Whltby 668-3290. 1980 CI-EVETTE, 2 door, auto- matlc, excellent condition. $4,000. Cati 723-6967. 1979 CHEV ½h TON TRUCK with cap, 35,000 miles, asklng $4,000. 1975 Nercury, now rabuilt motor, asklng $1,000 Phono 728-2714. THE ALTERNATIVE Mark Connors Says for the best deal on a new or used car see the original "no frilis dealer" at HOPKINS AUTO SALES 146 Brock St. N., Whltby 668-6889 or 668-41 11- 1979 DODGE half-ton, custom pick-up with cap. Many extras. Ex- collant condition, low mileago. Phono 668-1072 anylimo. 1979 FORD VAN, 300 cublc inch, 4- speed floor shift, Pioneer FM cas- sette dock, custom inlorior, excel- lent condition. Asking $4,400. Phono 6553791. 1978 AMC CONCORD Wagon, 6 cylindar, air, excellent condition, 68,000 miles. $4,100. Phono 668-1 1041. 1977 JEEP CHEROKEE, quadra- track, automatic, power atoaring, power brakos, 4 now Tracker-A.T. tires. $3,900. cou 666-1384. [ri HELP WANMTED ý 1 Clerk Typisi Major consulting engineering f irm requires en experenced office ln WhItby. Location ai the site requires person Io have li* or h e lr k'own transport atI de on.t r ctin alt il1Manager - Human Resources Giffels Gifla Associales Limited Consulting Enginears Toronto (Rexdlale), Ontario Canada M9W 5P3 -I OPEN muisty anscil ervies, Duha M ntre of oth DevelpmntoalSHanicaes, toamCepr ore o feesopntarlng seric to esdets by: deproot ing maint narsn ervihethofresidents by heaîth teachineancbyoprimarypofreentn meares suervsing n-un pimcaltpretnme ofresi- duets admninitr nmel)recy proedres.- Work;l mn thte ntre'mediecal taf, pcalue duties n iudte: ar rng andIontring imuni zation rogue:ranpriciang ontingase cne- enc;ionsructing unrtit staf onslorsencoune enurs n tasksinc ntsacumb n s rslonieo pmynursing care of a dmesnat ed group ofr- demant ig.reo eigae rupo ei LOCtIO:hb QUALIFICATIONS: Registered nurse with valid Ontarlo Certif Icate of, Competence; nursing degree or diploma with demonstrated leadership ability and experlence in interdisciplinary setting. No.mi Eapplic-atirb e1to1rea2Perotn e d NoMIoDRam2 ettrea forsnneelopd- mentay HaDurame ntPeOfoxr63,thitby On- tario, Li N 5S9. ENUT FOPRUIT O ML ~ Ministry of Community and Social Services Ontario LOOKING FOR A CAREER IN ADVERTISING?. Downtown business requires that person who: e POSSESSES GOOD COMMUNICATION SKILLS * HAS AMBITION AND SELF CONFIDENCE e IS EAGERTO0LEARN elIS CAPABLE 0F EARNING AN ABOVE AVERAGE INCOME e AND IS NOT AFRAID TO WORK FOR IT. If you possess these qualities drap ln and see us. Experience not necessary. Start immediately. Corne in anytime Wednesday through Friday. M.B.M. PUBLISHING 131 Brock.St. N., Whltby HELP WANTED Pari-trne or Fuil-tîmo 1Apply ln person to: 122 Aýtiiol Street Whltby j ENUMERATORS REQUIRED for local directary. Muat ha able la work 30 hours par woak for appra- ximatly 4 waaks. Somo evonlng work nacessary. Ropiy ln wrillng ta: Enumarator, Box 206, Whilby Free Press. able ta Il11 furnitura. ideal for hoalthy, retired or somi-rotIrod par- son. Phono evenings - 416-985- 8161. DOETCHL AVABLBJ MOTHERS SUMMER HELPERS, liva-in ginls tram Quobe, holp wlth chiidron and housework, success or roi und guaranleed. cail 282-2478. ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIEL5 MLFVIM 1 OeI Please check your advertisemeflt for errors on the f Irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be hiable for fallure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors ln publica- thon beyond the cost 0f the space occupîed by the error Up to a maximum cost of the f irst Insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to Classify or reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear ln the paper one day before they can be changed or Candeiled. RATES: $4.06 for 20 words If biiled; 12s each additional word. Pre-paid Insertion of 20 words $3.50; addtional wordsle - - -M-4 AA .J s . .-i r (iana tir each. Yourmay chiarge youir uîassitmeu MUAU oyouUî naruim. VI Visa Account and redeiVe the discount on the price of your ad. Please have your Visa card ready when Calîiflg. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the frst 100 words; 120 each addItionaî word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f irst 50 words; 12s each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 32s per Une. (no word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wiIi make every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no Ilabiiity regarding loss or damage aileged to arise through failure or delay ln forwarding such replies. We will not be responsibie for box number replies not cailed for withln 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or ciancel Classified Ads. Frlday noon prior to publication to ln- sert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 CLASSIFIED ADS CONTINUE ON PAGES 17 and 180OF THIS EDITION. mmmmmmý 1 ........ . .. .......... . - 1 m m é%2 A 0%0%1r-8 IL- M A rllnn«rl 0 C lm e (416) 675-5950 LOCATION: Whitby 1 1

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