PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS No freezers to be found at DeVile Produce Most people will agree that fresh fruits and vegetables not only taste the best but are more wholesome and nutritlous. For that rea- son, you will neyer find frozen goods at DeVille Produce. DeVille Produce is 'a 3,200 square foot fresh fruit and vegetable market located on Brock Street North haif- way between Rossland and Taunton Roads. "Ie try ta bring peo- pie. quality fruits and vegetables," Carmen Naccarot, DeVille's manager, says., Their modern store has been, open since March 4 and empioys il full- and part-limne people. Naccarat says that fresbness is the key ta, DeViDles operation. "Viwe get as much of our produce as we can locaily," bhesays addlng that they make daily trips ta, the Ontario Food Terminal in Toronto ta *buy wbat tbey can't get locaily. "ie go doWn there everyday so that we can assure 0w' customers that its (the produce) always fresh, " he adds. ",We're strictly into the fresb fruits and vegetables," 'Naccarot continues adding that they do offer some gro- cery productsý "but that's. just for, con- vemience. - 1DeVille Produce is located on the site of the meamies faciity which was unfortunately des- troyed by f ire two years - w w w w w- -w- CLEANEIRS SAME DAY SERVICE ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS r eers LACES ersvi SThils 'sprlng, lace for the wlll be found on many of lace , blouses and dresses. L Thîs fragile fabric has tear es , a delicate beauty Jeweir whlchý makes it Irre- cate fi Ssistabie to ail of us. reasot Even though Most must1 of today's laces are wearlrj machine made, they- are dl' wiil require careful andt Shandiing ln cieanlng usuaiiy and wearing. L K& M Cleaners and shQuic the International sidea Fabricare Instîtute, seams the worid-wide trade bound. association of iaund- seams 112COLBORNEST and dryclean- suggest the ring guldelînes se wear and care -aces snag and msily, even your ry can snag deli- lace. For thls i, extremie care, be used when ng lace. Laces ifflcuit to menid the mend Is ly visible. Lace clothing d have ample and underarm 3which are weii 1. Narrow ewlll pull out .C fot t& Eni with straîn ln wear. *Unfinlshed or machl1ne.stîtched bu- ttonhoies f ray readily. *Proteot lace, os- peclally siii< lace, from perspiration, deodorant and anti- persplrant, damage, as thîs 'May weaiçen the fabric., *Lace garments shouid be folded and piaced in drawers'to relieve points of strai n. 1By foilowlng these guldelines, your lace Items wiii remaînj beautifuil for many wearlngs.4 tt 9amify" r. W., WH ITBY 668-2831 w w w w-- --w --7mWmw 4 Joe Guzzo and Carmen Naccarot of DeVile Produce show off some of the fresh fruits and vegetables that are available at their Brock Street North outiet. -Free Press Staff Photo ago. In fact, Naccarot says it's ironic that DeVille opened up two years ta the day after the aid building was destroyed. They are also,looking for'a bright future and plan ta grow with Q: Ever see a fat jogger? A: Not for long. Whitby. "ie are planning on expanding," Naccarot says adding that this may include makinig the current store larger as well as opening new out- lets. How-ever, no final decisions have, been made. The management staff at DeVille is well experienced as. Nac- carot,, store owner Amnedea Guzzo and bis brother Joe ail have many years working in the business. "Vie'have all had a numnber of years of ex- perience," Naccarot says. DeVille is open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Mon- days, Tuesdays and Viednesdays; from 9 arn. to 9 p.m. on Thurs- days and Fridays and from 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. OSHAWA - The Durham Board of Education agreed last week ta designate a new secon- dary school site in the ares of Vihitby bounded by Brock and Garden Streets south of Taunton Road. SThe designation was made in anticipation of Corne to Church for DORMERS' &ADDITIONS and double the size of your home e unconditional 5 year guarantee e 24 hour phone service e f ree estimates c:D Let us do the heavy rough-in work and you can C:77.. SAVE BIG by doing the easy finishing work yourseif. If you re flot a handyman, don't w orry. We'ii give you LOW<.-' <\\ ail the advice yo u need to finish the job right. 131 Brown's Line Etobicoke,Ontarlo 252-5293 LMetro cense future development in the area. Markborough Properties Limited owns a 200.acre parcel of land in the vicinity and recently revealed its plans ta develop the area. The seheme cails for the construction of an 800,000 square foot shopping -centre as well as office space and homes. If approved' and exe- cuted according to the plan, the development wil bring ap- proximately 10,000 new people ta Vihitby. How- ever, planning depart- ment officiais say that it wil be fi ve ta ten years before anything bap- pens. The board will also seek future elementary' scbool Sites. Private waste site allowed to stay Vihitby Town Council gave the oeprator of a waste disposal site per- mission ta keep bis busi- ness going at- its meeting last week. Town fathers granted Glenn Caskey a rezan- ing application whicb wil ailow him ta con- tinue aperating bis dump at the nortbeast corner of Halls and open Taunton Roads. -The dump bas been aperating since 1968 and is used ta store and transfer used motar ail and water. In fact, the town did nat even know it existed until Caskey applied to the. Ontario Ministry of the Environment ta en- large his business Iast year. Ted ARNTS LOAM SUPPLY LTD. BROOK RD. N., PICKERING (1 '% miles north 0of Highway 2) TOP SOIL Sand Limestone Treated'Timber Stone PInemuich Patio Siaba Curba FirewSod Peat-Loamn iNTERLOCKINQ PAVING STONES (DELIVERED &OR INSTAL.LED) 683-0887 School site designated A handy new book by Sidney Led. son, author af the bost-selllng book, 'Toach Vour Child ta Read ln 60 Deys'. R 2 Lot Subaru show you the difference Jusi remember that fils qt. easy ta fUnd an inex- pensive car. The trick ls ta find one thiat stays that waC &C MOTORS *SALES *SERVICE e PARTS OSHAWA J J J 728-0181 ow*amd a" b-da un