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Whitby Free Press, 7 Jul 1982, p. 17

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WHITBY FREE PRE-SS, WEDNESD AY, JULY 71 1982, PAGE 17, CAL L 668*61lI Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subjeot to the following conditions. W UCTIOEEi McLEAN AUCTION S ERVICE Househoid, Farm, Equipment, Antique, Estates Business Closeouts, Bankrupt Sales ConaIgnmenia or auction et your place. Mtra Toronto Licence Ross & Scott MeLean AuctIoneers Taunton Rd. W., Oshawa 576-7550-686-3291 AUCTION SALE SAT., JULY 10 - 6 P.M. PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE On Shirley Rd., 4 miles South of Port Perry. Estate of the late MR. LORNE MARTYN, R.R. 4, Port Perry. With 1974 Maverick ln goodcondi- tion, 3 h.p. roto-tiller', new 24" eîectric range, Ste- vens 410 gauge shotgun, antique wooden washing machine, coal 011 Iamp, dining table, wash stand, night stand, pedestal par- lour table, seeder, good black & white TV, French horn, dînette set with 4 chairs, bed chesterfield, dressers, pine single bed, buffet, 30" propane stove, picnic table, work bench, extension iadder, f Ire- wood, 5" vise tools, gar- den tools, dishes, etc. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 AUCTINS AUCTION SALE WED., JULY 14 AT 6:30 P.M. BrooklIn Communlty Centre Cassels St., Brooklin (watch for signs). The pro- perty 0f Jim Blair 0f Bess- bough Dr., Oshawa & Jack Archer of Whitby (moving to Toronto) plus others including oak dining room suite, round table, large ornate buffet, Royal Doulton figurines (discontinued«,French Provincial chesterfield & chair (Ilke new>, grama- phone (working), Pequanat dloCk, corner chair, walnut china cabi- net Q.A. legs, rocker, wooden washing mach- ine, butter churn, buffalo robe, old milk bottles, glass sealers, buggie lamps, cream separator, pine cupboards, oid books & magazines, old Eatons and Simpsons catalogues, crocks, Jugs, battery radio, 1 set of iron bunk beds, old post car- ds, blanket box, stretcher table, reclining vibrator chair, chrome suite, round table& 4 chairs, desk, chair& bookcase, old rocker, modemn sec- tional chesterfield (lke new), Jewellery, rings, diamond rings., etc., com- plete set of Menit Stu- dents Encyclopedia (1980> plus manyother ar- ticles. This is a very good sale of modern, antique & collectibles with some very old pieces. Plan to attend. ROSS & SCOTT McLEAN AUCTIONEERS 576-7550 or 686-3291 AUCINS AUCTION SALE SAT., JULY 17 - 11 A.M. Contents of home. MRS. & M4R. AMBROSE FER- REN, Myrtie Station, 2 houses south of Church. Good appliances & more detalis next week. PEAR CE AUCTION SERVICES >985-7492 WAN NAM AKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whitby WANTED - Estates, household Items, furni- ture, glass, tools & equip-, ment. The place to buy or seil. We wii pick.up. 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS> (EVGS.) HELP FIGHT KIDNEY DISEASE. Give- to the Kidne Foundatior of Canada AUCTION SALES Every week the Whitby Free Press brings you up to date on upcomning auc- tion sales ln your area. Check the ads here - then take the whole famiiy to an auction sale for a few hours. Pick up somne bar- gains ... and have f un tool1 Caîl to advertise your next sale in these pages. WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 - PLEASE READ - When the advertised Item la aold, dlapoaed of, or unavailabie for whatever reaaon, the Item wIll be deemed to have been soid and a commission wlilI be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iiiustrated baiow, regardiesa If price la staied wlth "best offer." If the Item la NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad wIli be run for 3 MONTIIS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 wiil apply payable In advance of publication of the firat ad. Otherwiae a $7.50 charge wiii ap- ply If biiied which muet be paid upon receipt of bill. The above minimum chargea wiil be appiied to the final commission due but ln any cae the higher amouni wiii be charged. Minimum charge: 38.00 pre-paid; $7.50 bilied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertiaements muet be placed on an ex- clusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atieast one month If not aoid. RATES (If article la sold>: 5% of advsrtised pric. up tq$400.00- 2% of balance over $M0.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertised for $120.00. Commission due $8.0(minimum charge la $6.00). Privais adverilsing onlyl Please notify the Whitby Free Press Immsdiaeay whon.iiomn la sold 80 that vie may dolais il from the foiiowing Issue. Ail ade net fIttilng the Emporium guidalines wiil be ireaied end'chergod par wook as reguier ciessifiod ade on a pre-peid basle such as: services, heip wanted, clothlng, reai esiate, and personal massage type ada, or ada not quoting price or quantity. Private ciasslfied ada may appoar In the Emporium section undar appropriate headînge. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. If ifln doubi cali: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whlby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIQUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. FOR SALE A 12 plus 50 gal. aquarium and all accosserios $275. Wine oquip- mont $75. Premier drum $700. If Intorosiod cail 723-9618. ALUMINUN combination door, brown, 79" x 36" x 1 ½ '", framo and grill inciuded. Excellent condition ,- brand now. Aaking $125 cash. Phono 576-1283. BICYCLE, 20" wheol, gir's or boy's, green, ln goed condition. Asklng $25. Phono 655-3203. BICYCLES, ladies' and mens, ln geod conditiorn, $65 eech. Port- able iypowriior $35. Electric fan $17. Call 683-6638. CALL 68-6111 now te place your Emporium ad. DELUXE Samsenlto cerd table sot, new, $110. Binocuhars, 7 x 5, field 70', $35. Wainut ond table $6. Phone 668-1328. POOL TABLE, 4' x 8', complote, accossorlos and table, tennis top- per, $200.' Phono 668-8116 af tor 5 p.m. RCA 20" COLOR TV. Excelent condition. Hardiy used. Wth au tint celer contrel. Asklng $325. Phono 668-5180. SKILL SAW $29. Sump pump $30. Study table $25. Sway bars and hich head $50. Hand tois $10. Girls biko $30. All n excelont condition. Cahl 663-6638. TRUCK TIRE CHANGER, Blahman mako, oioctric over hydrauiic, 17" rims and up, adapter availablo for amalier rima, used oniy soveral limes. Liai $5,695. Asking 32,800. Phono 655-4995. 24" UNIVERSAL boys 5-spoed bîko, iko now, $75. Kodak Careusol projocier, modol ne. 5200, Carousol stack leader, 3 ,slido ireys and 3 celer lide films, $350. Mahogany-loek 8 foot hable wih motal foiding legs $100. Ton woocàen stecklng chairs $100. Ray- 0-Vac sportsmen flouresceni Ian- tomn $20. Cail 668-8178. WOODS TENT TRAILER wtheut cenvas. AskIng $150. Phono 655- 4271. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1980 CHEVETTE, 2 door, sute- matic, excellant condition. $4,0059. Cal 1723-6967. 1979 MERCURY MARQUIS BROUGHAM, 302, air condition- lng,'power sisoring, power brakos, atoreo, tilt whool. 95,9W0 km. $5,500 certif lad. Phono 668-1275 after 6 p.m. 1978 PONTIAC PARISIENNE. power sieering, power brakea, air condItIonlng, valeur Interlor, spoke wheeia. new radiai tire. 10w mileage, a»king $5,500. Phono 668-7007. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE] 1978 PLYMOUTH, powor slooring, power brakos, auto., 64,000 miles. $950 as la. Cail 668-0786 afier 4 p.m. 1976 RABBIT, needa new carbure-' tor and air pump and somo body work. Has excellent motor. $500 as le. Phono 576-5465 ovonînga and woekonds only. 1975 CHRYSLER NEWPORT, air. conditionlng. $600 or boat offor. Phono 571-083. 1975 FIREBIRD FORMULA, power stoerIng, power brakes, power windows, many new parts. Rocent peint & body. 66,000 miles. Imma- culato. $4,100 cartIflsd. Phono 571-1704. 1973 FORD COURIER, 64,000 miles, has had recent valve job, good ongine, noada body work. Asklng $750. Phono 655-8062. 1973 LEMANS, iwo door, 400 cubic Inch Amorican (blus block) - molor, four' spsod floor shift, mage, excellent machanical con- dition, needs body work. Asklng $1,195 or besi offor. Phono 683- 0927. 1972 BUICK SKYLARK, 2 door, hardtop, 350, V8, eulomailc trans- mission, power sioorlng, AMIFM 8-irack siereo, ail new 'tires, shocks, rear sprIngs and radiator. Car la in excellent original condi- tion. $1,500 certlflod. Phono 668- 7167. 1969 METEOR MONTCALM, con- vertible, power 'sieerIng, power brakos and top, storad winters, asking $1,5W0. Phono 668-7007. AUVOM0TIVE U~EARPATIRIPARTS] BRAND NEW Firosione 721-P235 radial -for sale $80. Floor mat for Ford truck $10. Cali 666-2416. 455 CU. INCH motor & irans., rn wieil, stîli in car, asking 3225. Four GM raliy whosis, fis full sîze GM, Olda, sic., $150. Carburetor f rom '76 Duster, 20,000 miles, $20. Phono 668-5638. SUPPLIES ALUMINUM boat, 12 foot, wiih 4W h.p. motor, $600. Outdoor gas amp, 6 foot high, $30. Hand iawn- mowor $10. One mag tire, siza G60-14, $20. Phono 668-1063. CONVERTIBLE BOAT with 75 h.p. Chrysior motor and ireilar. Ex- cellent condition, low hours, original ownsr. Asklng $3,300 or bosi offer. Pho7no 683-5503. SUPPLIES 14' FIBERGLAS FISHING BOAT, 40 herse oioctrlc Morcury, batiery, tank, llghts, central stooring, In- cludos now boat trailer. Aaklng $1,850. Phono 668-7092. 161 MASON mahogeny boat with tralor, 40 h.p. Johnson aiectric siart motor, $850. Phone 66-7235.. CAPTAIN NIEDED 1978 LARSON hard top deep V blue waer express cruiser, 23' plus, lsapa four, toak cabin and swlm pletform, stand up hoad and gelloy, hydraullc trim iabs, dopth sounder, etc. Lesa then 5W heurs runnlng timo. Muet be sean to bo appreciaied. Privais dgal. 320,000. New price now over $35,000. MI consider run-aboul or house iraloer as partiel paymeni. Phone <416) 264-4692 or (416) 431-5631. APPLIANCES '- Washer, heavy duty, Konmoro, white. Dryer, Inglis, hoavy duty, white. Refin- goraier, Inglil Normendy, white. Stovs, McLeroy, seif-cloaning oven, white. AIl appliances ihree years eld. Asking $300 eech. Phono 668-5016. ANTIQUE DINING ROOM SET, buffet and table, $250. Large stur- dy work bench $40. Small Duncan Fyfe table $55. Old wicker chair $45. Small 'air compresser $35. Wooden isiephono table $30. Oid rocklng chair $33. Old achool desk and chair $20. Truck and tralaer mîrrors $15. Boy's and girls bicy- clos $35 each. Camp steve $15. Phono 683-8638. BUILT-IN AMIFM radio - 8-track racord playor, excellent condition, $125. Chosi of drawers $40. Dresser $50. Chesterfild and chair, ln excellent condition, $170. Cali anytimo 888-0776. CHAIR- Cogsweli style easy chair, rocenily upholsiered In gold fabrlc, excellent -condition. $95. Cali 68-3683 efior 5:30 p.m. or on weokends. CHANDELIER, candles, wrought Iron and wood, $15. Double bed, steel frame on casiers, $2Ã". Oid aoiid wood bedroom sot, single bed, large chesi eand nighi tabla, $75. Phono 66884567. CONTEMPORARY LOVESEAT by Skier, beige & brown fiowor nylon fabric, cushions roquire nsw foem. Excellent condition. $150. Phono 668-9805. DINING ROOM SET, French Pro- vincial fruiiwood. Table wiih oe leat exienda te 60", 4 aide chairs. 2 place china cabinet, 45" wido, 69" hlgh. Al iln excellent condi- tion'Asklng $825. Phono 668-4686. 2-PIECE French Provincial cheat- erfieid suite (green). $150 flrm. Phono 668-2725 or 668-3548. I i i I I AID TO MILLIONS CLASSIFIED ADS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16 HHOSEHLD CHANDELIERS, one large, one Srmali for sale. $150 or besi offer. Phono 668-9947. FRIDGE AND STOVE. Westing. hous, 4 years oid, harvest goid, In excellent condition, $500 for bolh. Pins bar with serving and workIng counter, Colonial design, $250. Sofa and loveseat, good condition, $25 each. 39" single bed, box spring and mattreas, $20. MovIng sale. cen be seen et 924 Centre Street North, Whltby <Brock and Rossland Intersection). 4 PIECE WALNUT bedroom suite, triple dresser, $500.Cal 723-5965. G.E. AUTOMATIC'WASHER, good condition, $125. Aiso, oid butiers socrotary desk, vory unique, $550. Phono 728-4849. IITCHEN TABLE, ovai, 47" x 38", with 11½" leaf. Green and yeilow vain arborite. ln excellent condi- tion. AskIng $40 or nsarest offer. Phonoe684563. MOVING - MUST SELL - Teak- Wood dInIngroom set, table, 4 chairs and buffet, 1 ysar oid, $425. Mof fat trIdgs, excellent condition, $250. Four-poster water bod, ex- collent condition, $800. Phone 668-9016. ONE-VEAR OLD apartment-sized dryer $190. 24" air-iight Wood atove $200. Free standing acorn fimepiace $50. Ges dryer $85. Commercial refrIgeratlng unit $400. Automnatic washor $35. Phone 655-4238. 7-PIECE soiid pine bedroom suite from Pioneer Inlerlors. Perfect condition. Quesn.slze, Iight stein. Asking $3,000. Phone 723-5749. MTORCYCLE'I SAE ETL 1978 HONDA 400 Tl. Asking $850. Phone 668-3415. 1978 HONDA XL 175. AskIng $850. Excellent condition, 5,000 kilo- Mitres, hasn't sean dirt much. Cati aftor 6 p.m. 668-8039. 1976 HONDA GOLO WING, un- cortified, 27,000 miles, $2,000 flrm. Phone 868-2977. 1975 650 YAMAHA, 14,000 original miles, windshield, backrest and carrier, In storaga for the lest 2 ysars, excellent condition..Asking* $1,150. Phone 668-7167. 1974 T500 SUZUKI, only 6,000 ori- ginel miles, excellent condition. AskIng $1,000. Phone 263-8025. 1974 75 ce YAMAHA. Good condi- tion. $30. Phone 723-3290. 1974 YAMAHA HDC500 street bike. Mint condition. Loaded with extres. Oniy 10,000 miles. Asking $950. Cal l655-3840. 1972 HONDA, 350 twin, In excell- ant condition. Asking $60. Phona 666-1677. MAIL ADSTO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby, LiN 5S1

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