COUNY TWN ARNIVALSECIONWHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 21,1982, PAGE 3 Ti The, next two weeks promise -lots of. fun for the family COiNT'D FROM PG. 2. Club's "Lions Den" offi- clally opens for three nights beginning Thurs- day, July 29. On Thursday and Fr1- day a "'Carnival Wlne- feet" wlll be held begin- nlng at 8 p.m. Featured wll be entertainnient and dancing to a dj. Admission on these E,.veryone loves aparade and the'annual CouùntyTown Carnival Parade is noexception. One of the participants last yearwas former Branch 112, Royal Canadian Legion president Henry Perry (who was also nominated for last year's Peter Perry Award). He is seen hefe riding a Ferret Scout Car belonging to the Ontario Regiment's Ferret Club. 'This year's parade will start at 10 a.m. on Saturday, July 24. It wiil start at Denis O'Connor Higit Scitool on Giffard'Street,.go soutit on Cochrane Street;- east on Dundas Street and north on Garden S>et where the parade will end at the Whitby Senior Public School. -Free Press Staff Photo Lions Den The Whitby Lions Club wil again be a big part of the Coui-fy Town carnfival. To start off with, the Lions wlll be represent- ed in %te County Town Carnwral Parade wliich begins atl10a.m. on July 24. Throughout the carni- val, the Lions Train will be seen titrougitout the downtown ares taking people to and from various events. The club wii also be holding a' "Carnival Winefest" on Thursday, July 29 and Friday, July 30ofroms8p.m. toi1 a.m. in the Regal Room of the Centennial Building. Festureckwll ho live entertainment and dancing. This event is fully lcenced under the authority of a Liquor Licencing Board of Ont- ario special 'occasion permit. There will be a change of pace on Saturday, July 31 wheni the club wiil present a country and western dance to a well-known live band in the Regal Room begin- ning at 8p.m. Admission to titis event wil be $2 per per- son. The Lions Club will also be taking senior citizens in the Lions Train from the down- town area to the Pan- cake Breakfast being held by the Rotary Club of Whltby at the Hey- densitore Pavillon on Sunday, August 1 from 8 two nights is free. Then on Saturday, the Lions Den will take on a western flavor with dancing to a live coun- try and western band. The start up time Is again 8 p.m. but there wil be a $2 per person admission charge. The Lions Den wiil be loca ted- in the 'Regal Room of the Centennial Building, 406 Centre Street South and is lie- enced by a special occa- sion' permit issued by the Liquor Licencing Board of Ontario. From July 30 to Aug- ust 2, Branch 112 of the Royal Canfadian Legion will be holding an "Open House" at the Legion Hall- on Byron Street South. Theopen bouse wiil be held on Friday from 8 p.m. tQ 1 a.rn., on Satur- day from r2 noon to i a.m., on Sunday from 3 to, 8 p.m.' and Monday, from 12 noon toi1 a.m. Friday,. JuIy 30 will also see the opening of the Carnival rides which will be located at the Whitby Mail, Thickson Road and Dundas Street East this year. The rides will con- tinue through Monday, August 2. August i will bç "Kid's Day", when ride tickets for children will be 35 cents each or 14 for $3. On Saturday, JuIyl 31 from i to' 5 p.m. the Lynde House Museum will hold "Dessert" - a tes and coffee after- noon. .The Whitby Historical Society will also hold their annual dlock draw during the afternoon. The museum is located ~Buildfing consucioJ >4and design S >N, >4î >4 CONTRACTOS aSMNIERS >4 142 Byron Street North, Whitby 668.8856. 0! Tronto &Ajax -68&1341 at the corner of Dundas and D'Hillier Streets. Sunday, August i will dawn to the smell of pa ncakes and syrup as the Rotary Club of Whitby hoots its annual Pancake Breakfast from 8 to il a.m. at the Heydenshore Pavilion. At 9:-30 a.m. the Durhamý Pony Club will hold its horsè show -and gymkhana at the Brook- lin Fairgrounds. That night, Wheelies will be holding a teen night that will feature ail night roUler skating.ý The last day ^of the carnival, Monday, August 2, will ses the finals of the Whitby Iro- quois Soccer Club's tournament which wil begin at il a.m. at Iro- quois Park. At 6:30 p.m. the finals of the Whitby Tennis Club's tourna- ment will be held at the Iroquois Park tennis courts.. Also in the sporting vein, the Whitby Lawn- Bowling Club will hold its invitational jitney at 2 p.m. at the club's green on Brock Street South. The' grand finale of' the County Town Carni- val will bethe fireworks display which wiil begin at 10 p.m. in the north west corner of the Iro- quois Park. BEST WISHES CONSULTANTS totten sims hubioki associates Iimited. 1500 Hopkins Street. LiN 2C3 Whitby, Ontario (416) 668-9363 COUNTY TOWN CARNIVAL SECTION