PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, JULY 21,1982, WHITBY CHINES£ IEE FOOD TAVERN CANADIAN ficoOa Q~#. IGLDENOGATE 105-107 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY (Just South of 4 Corners)' FulIy Under thei. L.Be.0. DUNE IN - TAKE OUT -CÇATERINO 'Neddlng Parties and Banquets BR OOKLIN and OSHAWA cl 668-8321 OPEN: Mon. - Thurs. tili 2 a.m. Fr. - Sat. 3 a.m. CP[ATION~S GALOPE COMPLETE WEDDING FLOWERS (SILK) ACCESSORIES« COMPLETE UNE WICKER GIFTS à SUGGESTIONS. Complimentary Going Away Corsage WIth Eaoh Weddlng Order. 305 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY, ONT. PICKERING 839-4334 ,FREEPRESS COUNTY TOWN CARNI VAL SECTION Crawford and frwin. in the running CONT'D FROM PG. 8 and was its secretary. For eight years, Crawford and ber-part- ner, Sylvia Shultz, bave operated a downtown business cailed the, Boutex-Nearly New Shop wbich recycles used back Into tbe market. Since start- ingthis new concept ln Wbltby, tbey bave open- ed stores in Osbawa and Higbland Creek.. Tbis led to Crawford's involvement in tbe promotion and develop- ment of downtown Whitby. She bas actively parti- cipated in projects of the Downtown Mer- chants* Association and is editor of the news- letter publisbed by -tbe Downtown <Im- provement Area Board. .Crawford is also a member of the board of directors of tbe Whitby Cbamber of Commerce. Marion Irwin is the third finalist for tbis year's Peter Perry Award and bas been in- volved in many facets of Wbitby activities, for more tban lsyears. A resident of WbitbY nearly al ber life, she bas been an active wor ker in numerous community groups. A founding member of Whitby Arts. Incorporat- ed she was instrumental in determlning tbe site for tbe stalton gallery and co-orcinating tbe relocation of the old CNR depot to the corner of Henry and Victoria Streets in 1970. Irwîn also took part in recruiting members, organhzing volunteers, raising funds and pro- moting the gallery since its inception. In 1966, Irwin joined tbe Canadian Cancer.- Society as a volunteer canvasser, graduating to, area captain, then zone captain and is now in ber fourtb year as campaign cbairman for Wbitby. She is now the 1981-82 president of tbe South Durbam Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society. From 1976 to 1980, Ir- win served as a home- maker and board mem- ber for the Wbitby bran- ch 0f the Canadian Red Cross Society. Her active involve- ment in ýhome care supervision and teach- ing resulted in improved bealth care in the com- munity tbrough the development*of a home- maker's .instruction manual now used as a reference resource across Ontario. -, For the past five' years, she has served as a member 0f the phone committee for Red Cross blood donor clinics. She.also served on the Whitby Mayor's Task Force for tbe Disabled in 1981 and is currently a director on the board of Participation House for tbe Handlcapped in Dur- ham Reglon and la ac- tively teacblng clients Independent llfe skills. From 1970 to 1973, Ir- wln taught Englisb to new Canadians. F'rom 1978 to 1981, sbe acted as a resource person in the Henry.- Street Higb Scbool library. For thée past six years,'sbe bas served as an education- ai tour guide for âcbool cbildren visiting Red Wing Orcbards and the Station Gallery. For tbe past four years, she bas boarded Rotar excbange stu- den ts in ber bome and bas cbaperoned stu- dents on educational outings for tbe past dozen years. Irwin is an 'active member of tbe Wbitby Baptist Church wbere sbe is assistant organ- ist. These three people bave lived busy lives in contributing- to their community. It is easy to see wby tbey bave been selected as finalists for this year's Peter Perry Award.> MASSEY-FERGLJSON SALES AND SERVICE 1 FARM & INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES.* SROOKLINONTARIO PHONE 655-3291 I WHITBY I/ YCEFS, 1982 COUTYTOWN GARNI VAL PARADE ROUTE MARION IRWIN With special attractions.... Cullen Gardens geaingup for carniival days Cullen Gardens & Miniature Vilage wiil be going ail out in sup- port of tbe Whitby Coun- ty Town Carnival, witb a special empbasis on entertainment and the excitement of color as it comes alive in the blooms of summer., Live entertainment wii be presented daily, at 2 and 8 p.m. as tbeir 'Salute to Summer' pro- duced by David Scott on tbe outdoor stage. Every Saturday nigbt, tbe English comedy fare Box & Cox will be pro- duced. These features are combîned witb tbe 2,500. plantrose garden, the miniature village, witb models created at -1/12 scale, and the miniature country fair, featuring the scale model of the famed CNE flyer. The suxnmer season la now underway, and the, response from visitorq bas been very positive,, witb many returming for the second and third time and is earning a reputation as one 0f On- tario's top tourist at- tractions. Cullen Gardens &, Miniature Village can be reached -by driving just two miles nortb of Wbitby to Taunton Road, just west of, Higbway 12. Os VALLES ,OPEN FRUITMAKETVr V GROCERIES, FRESH FRUIT & VEGETABLES v655-3867 7 lo1 Box and Potted Plants- V No. 12 Hwy., 3Miles N. V of Whitby Sat. JuIy 25, 1981 10 A. M. Sharp