WHITIBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1982, PAGE.15 * OING EVENTS CALENDAR, QUEST SCHOOL Quest Schooi, a, faci- lit for bright and gifted children wil hold a meeting on July 27 at 8 p.m. at the Oshawa Pub- lic Library, Bagot Street, Oshawa. The;meeting is open to parents pre-registered and any interested fami- lles in Durham Region. For more, informa- tion, cail Jan Pierson at M.S. MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Durham Regional Chapter of the M.S. Society wil be held on July 26 at7:30 p.m. in the downstairs cafeteria -o0f the Hillsdale Manor, Riteon Road North, Oshawa. Members of the Ont- ario division wiil be at the meeting to discuss upcoming evente and to oversee the election of the unit's executive for 1982-83. For more informa- tion, cail 579-7727. OUTDOOR SERVICE The Whitby Free Methodist Church wil continue its "Summer Sunday Evening Praise Series"' this Sunday (July 25) at 7p.m. in the parking lot of the Whit- by Mail, Thickson.Road. and Dunýdas Street. >This week "The Spirit Brass" wilbe featured. Ail are welcome. SUMMER CINEMA The Whitby Arts, Sta- tion Gallery wiil con- tinue ite Sumnmer Cine- ma '82 program tomorrow (July 22). .At 3 p.m., "Mowgii's Brothers" and "The In- credibie Journey" wil be shown for children. Adulte can see "The African Queen" starr- ing Katherine Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart at 7p.m. Admission to both shows is free. The series will con- tinue every Thursday until August 26. The gailery is located at the corner of Henry and Victoria Streets. LAS VEGAS NIGHT The Whitby Arts Sta- tion Gallery wiil be hold- ing a Las Vegas Night day inn, Oshawa. For more informa- tion, cail Ralph or Theresa 3485. Luke at 728- DRAMA DAY The Whitby Public Library- wiil hold a "Drama Day" on Tues- day, Augut 5. Using a variety of drama techniques, boys and girls will explore with their imaginations and create.. skits and scenes from their favor'- ite stories.ý Two sessions wiil be heid: 10:30toll:30a.m. for children 5 to 8 years of age; and, 2:30, to 4 p.m. for children 9 years and older. No registration -is necessary. For more in- formation cail the lbrary at 66-6541. POOH PARTY The Wbitby Public Library will be holding a 1"Winnie the Pooh Par- ty" on* August 9 from 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon for children aged 3 to 5. The party will feature Winnie the Pooh stories, songs and films. Pre-registration is necessary and names are now being accepted at the Children's Desk. For more information cail 668-6541. COOKING CONTEST The Whitby Public Library wiil hold.ite fir- st ever Kid'Cooking Contest for young chefs aged 8 and over on Aug- ust 19 from2: 30 to4p.m. Cooklng categories will include: nutritious snacks, salads, sand- wiches, desserts and drinks. Cbildren wishing to enter must pre-reigster. A pre-registration meet- ing wil be held on July 26 at 10:30 a.m. At that time, categories will be choosen and entry for- ms and lists of rules will' be distributed.., For more information cail 668-6541. SUMMER FILMS Wednesdays during July and August, the Whitby Public Library's auditorium will be tur- ned into a theatre for children aged 5- and over. Films will be shown in two sittings from 10:30 to 11:ý30 a.m. and from 1: 30toý2:30 p.m. Featured will bé such films as "Soup and Me" and "the Reluctant Dragon." For more information cail 668-6541. COMPUTER CLUB The Durham Region Computer Club meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Whitby Public lii> rary. SThe club Welcomes users of ail micro- computers as weil as those people wishing help in making a com- puter purchase deci- sion. CORRECTION In Iast week's edition of the Whitby Free Press, the- advertisement 'for Mister Transmission, 132 Brock St. N., Whltby, did flot give an expiry date. The ad should have read 'This offer expires Aug. 21182'. We apologize for anly incon- venience that may have been caused. Ted ARNTS LOAM SUPPLY LTD. BROCK RD. N., PICKERING (Il ½hmiles forth of Hlghway 2) TOP SOIL Sand Lmotone Treated Timber Stone Plnemulch Patio Siabs Curbà Flrewood Peat-Loam INTERLOCKING PAVING STONES (DELIVERED & OR INSTALLED) 683-0887 TYPE WR ITERSý' ADDING MOHINES a CALCULATORS SA LES,* SERVICE a RENWTALS' «"It's a poor day, whén we' haven-t helped a custumer- The theme for July are "Summer School at At present, there are Information cal the lib- and- August meetings Home." no club fees. For more rary at 668-6541., mi;44 FREE! miel mi la