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Whitby Free Press, 28 Jul 1982, p. 12

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PAGE 129 WEDNESDAY, JULY 28e 1982, WHITB Y FREE PRESS ... ... ... .. mu -mmmm -m -m mmmmmmmmmmmW RCK's CARPENTRY - Codar * i docks, rsmodoling, patios, peint- *KUNGS KOLOUR KORAL INO. Ilng, roofîng, addîtîons and gonoraî 135 rOCkStret S u*ncerpontry work. Oeil 653-8026. IWhîtby 666-1231 I * AIVA I COMINGî PANTS SUNWRTH * WALLCOVER1NGS * FEDERALI I BUSINESS Insplratlonal Cards and -Glfts. l <DEVELOPMENT *Aoe o m. m m m a I .. .. m I h mBANK nntv%- *U U0..u m 1 - 1 Paid for Gold and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, jewelery, dishes, furni- ture, crocks, o11 paint- :ings and sealers, 1FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. -W., OSHAWA PORTRAIT - WEDDING PJIOTOORAPHY CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING 668-7100 103 BYRON ST. S., WHITDY F., ALAN LAWSON Ca. trustee in bunkruptcy 221 KIhg St. E., 435 George St. N., Oshawa, Ontario. Peterborough, Ontario. Tephone (416) 43-3t2166 Telephone (705) 745-2741 ESTATES MANAGERS Ronald Pidduck' Roma Dobby T.R. Canden C.A. - Trustee SERVICES INCLUDE: Trustes In Bankruptcy Roorganization of Insoivent buinessos inciuding proposais. Assistance ta secured croditors In realization of cotiaferai. Other recolvorship and truste ervicos. REACH MORE POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS Th hfy"CALI A PROFISSIONAL" Th PhIb ro. Prossele tho moat wideiy road publication In -ti The Whltby Free Prosse leaiso cIrculatod In Ajax, Pickering, Brook- lin, Myrfie, Ashburn and Port Porry. CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IM PROVEM ENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tii- Ing, Drywaill Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTMATES CALL 668-4686 StClair SSafeway Plaza Midtown MailI I1150SmcoeN. .200Johnsft Osehawa lSeR SERVICES-1 "1GRAMMAR for people who nete grammar" ls the ideai pocket reference book for business peo- pie. $395 per copy and avalabie et DIckson Prlntlng & Office Sup. piles ln the Ajax Plaza. Dealer en- quiries invted 683-1968. CONGRATULATIONS on your for. thcomlng marriege. Please vlew our samples of engraved wedding Invitations et your leisure ln our Ajax Plaza store. Dlckson Prlntlng & Office Supplies 683-1968. HELP le on the way for firme whose printer hec recenfiy gone ouf of business. Lou Dickson hec the cost cutfing ideas you need et a time like this, 683-1968. Please check your advertisement for errors on the f Irst day of publipation. The Whitby Free Press wiIl not be hiable for faiiure to pubiish an ad, or for typographic errors ln publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupled by the error Up t0 a maximum cost of the f irst Insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the-right to classify or reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear ln the paper one day bef ore they can be changed or cancelled. 1 RATE& :4.06 for 20 words If biiled; 12s each addltional word. Pre-paid Insertion of 20 words $3.50; additionai words 11e each. You may charge your Ciasslfiled Ad to your Chargex or Our representative JOHN MOULAND wili be ln the Whitby area on TH URSDAY, AUGUST 5th, to dIscuss FBDB - Services: 1. Financiai assistance for business. 2. Counselling to im- prove business or soive probiemrs. 3. Management train- Ing and Information on governmrrent pro- g rams. FOR APPOINTMVENT CALL JOHN MOULAND (416) 576-6800 Federal Business Development Bank 22 King St. W. Oshawa ~AIS LES 'YARD SALE - Antiques, good ciothos, bassinet, Germen books and much more. Ashburn. Satur- day, Juiy 31 beginning et 10 a.m. 3 FAMILY GARAGE SALE - satur- day, Juiy 31 from 8 a.m. f0 3 p.m. et 1310 Floidlight Bivd., Unit 3, Pickering (ecrose tramn Sheridan Mali), inciuding bodroom piocos' and many housohoid goode. LOST - Goid medicai alert brace, let, 'seriali'number. 8253323C. Reward offered. Oeil Penny et 723- 0048. LOST - Tabby cat, mais, 9 mont he aid, flot noutored. "Max" hec white cheet and legs with tabby patch on iront oibow. Lost Basotine, Whitby/Ajax. Phono 66&- 2767. LOST GOLD BRACELET Approxlmatoiy June 22, 1962, Woolco ta McDonald's, Whitby or Bond Towere, Rosebowi to Bil- liards area, Oshawa. very senti- mental goid bracelet with goid hoart and key piaed on It. Rea- sonabie reward. Wouid appreciate very much lis refurn. Ploase cali 728-7809. FORRSASELE1 DRUMS $270. Excellent condition. Ail reasonabie offore considsrod. Pleeoeil 576-1911 alter 5 p.m. 2" Storm Doors 'Triple Soaied '5 colore $189' 50 4stylos Instaiied Inciuding fax. Aisooeco- nomnicai and enorgy officient storm ar replacement thermal windows and patio doore. FREE ESTIMATES Durham Glass 1666-3355 after hours 666-1847 Now Openl VISIT Our used furniture ware. house by appoinfmnent. Big savînge on docks, chairs, filing cabinets8, etc. Cali Dlckson Print.- ing & Office Supplies to arrange an appoint ment f0 viow. 683-196. DEKOKER MEAT PACKERS LTD. SIDES 0F BEEF & HIND QUARTIERS 725-4245 1-(705>-277-2324 We Acc.pf VISA WANNAMAKER AU CTIO N SERVICES 1614 Charles St, Whitby WANTED - Estates, household -Items, furni- ture,*glass, tools & equip- ment. The place to buy or seil. We wiIi pick up. 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS) (EVGS.) UVTOMllVE PART-TIM E BOOKKEEPER Smaii manufacturer requiros part-ftime bookkeeper tf alset In Il phases of manuel book- keepIng sysfom. Shouid have minimum 3 yeere exporionce. Typing required., Appiy f0: Bookko.per, Box 206, Whifby PFro. Pros. Ngeeded Immediately -PLEASANT VOICES' $375 pet hour plus bonusos. 10 a.m. f0 2 p.m. or 5 p.m. fa 9 p.m. Mondey f0 Friday. Oeil 686-302. Ask for Nore. EMPLYMEN foot, relax .. et me ciean your hos.Fsefficient service Ireaeonabie rates. Caii Lindaî 1OORSI.EIE] 1976 CHEVY VEGA, 4 cylinder, hatchback, radio, excellent econo- my car, f uiiy cerf if ied and ready f0 go. U.,9O60W 1,700. Licen- ce OEL 364. Hopkins Auto Sales, 146 Brook Street North, Whitby, 668-689 and 668-4111. 1975 DOOGE CRESTWOOD WAGON, emili 8 cylinder, auto- mat b, power steerIng, power brakes. Excellent for famiiy f revei. $1,695 reduced ta $1,495 cerf if led. Licence No. KEZ 347. Hopkins Auto Sales, 146 Brook Street Nor- th, Whitby, 6684889 and 868.41 11. 1977 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX (44,000 miles), 1975 Chev 4 dr. sedan, 1973 voivo, 1973 Pinta, 1975 Cadiiiac, 1976 Chev Van (runs good), 1972 Chov 3 Tan with 16 ff. box, 1969 Chev Tandem dump_ truck, 1971 Case 680 Beckhoe & loader (rebuilt engins), 1979 Hon- da 400 mofarcycie (Iike new), 1972 Honda 250, box f raiier, fools, par- te, farm equipment, etc. Boing soid by auction Thursday, il a.mn. ai Manchester, Ontario. McLean Auction Service, Oshawa, 576- 7550 - 686-3291. 50e auction ad for more detalis. BONMAR MOTORS Automotive Machine Shop <-'I. * 5ç o~J *Compete engine rebuiids & installation *Valve jobs *Cars, trucks, foreign *Ail engine work *Very competitive rate *Ail work.- full guarantet parts & labour 1750 Plumnier St. Unit 18 South Pickering 831-2341 h~y I rTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISE Visa Account and receive the dîscount on the price of your ad. Piease have your Visa card ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12s each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f Irst 50 words; 12s each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 32s per Uine. (no word ads ailowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wili make every én- SAIAPIfSlSA CLASSIFIED ADS CONTINUE ON PAGES.13 AND 148 ýRS deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no iiabillity regarding loss or damage alieged to arise through failure or deiay ln forwarding such replies. We wiii not be responsible for box number replies not called for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert c cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to 1in- sert or cancei Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 e SERVICES] 1 il HELP WANTED Hfoad Gordoer:. $9.07- $9.80 per hour The MINISTRY 0F HEALTH, Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, seeks an indIviduai to help plan and par- ticipate ln the entlre horticulturai gardenlng, land- scaping and grounds maintenance program; pro- vide technicai supervision to assigned staff and patients; assume duties of the manager In his/her absence; drive snow removai equipment; work scheduled shifts. -Location: Whitby. Qualifications: Significant, progressive horticul- tural experience; good knowiedge of green house management, iandscapIng techniques, plant pests and diseases, pesticides and soli chemistry; pesticides exterminator licences 01 and 03; abiiity to direct staff and review work; effective commu- nication skills. Please submit application quoting flile HL-25-18182 by Aug. 11, 1982, to: Ministry of Health, Regionai, Personnel' Administrator, H uman Resources Branch, Box 613, Whitby, Ontario, LiN 5S9'. Equailty of Opportunity for Employment. SOntario Public Service ADVERTISING SALESPERSON FRequired immediately. Smail, local office - friend- ly atmosphere. Experience flot essentiai but own transportation is.- Drop into our office anytime Wednesday through Friday. WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 BROCK STREET NORTH, WHITBY i07 - «*

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