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Whitby Free Press, 28 Jul 1982, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, JULY 28,et1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS MOE wiell spot check. Whitby cars The Ontario Mlnlstry of tbe Eiiviromnent's test van wili be station~. ed ln Wbitby from Auguat 3 to August 6 to spot check ca rs and their pollution controls. The vehicle emissions section of the mlinstry's air resources branch operates a permanent, testing fadillty on Castlefieid Avenue i McLEAN AUCTION SERVICE Houasholci, Faim, Equlpment. AntIque, Halatea Busines loseouts, Bankrupt Sales 1 Consignments or auction at your place. Metro Toronto Ucence Rose à Scott McLsan Auctioneors Taunton Rd. W., Oshawa. ' 57?6-7550-686-3291 @3CTIN-sj AUCTION SALE THURSDAY, JULY 29 AT 6:30 P.M. 181<4 Chartes St., WhItby Beautiful estate from 0Os»hawa consisting of beautiful cherrywood, modern diningroom suite, 9 pos., loveiy French Pro- vincial llvingroom suite, set of nice, oak c0f tee& end tables, table lamps& standing lamps, Provin- cial c0f tee & end tables & haîf-moon table, color TV & ktchen suite, o11 paint- lngs, large modern rock- Ing chair, odd tables, chairs, bureaue & dres. sers, maple buffet china cabinet, riding lawn mower, nearly new, dlocks, crocks, glass, china, many pleces of fine merchandise. Plan to attendi . BILL WANNAMAKER AUCTIONEER 666&3731 668-8403 (DAYS> (EVOS.) Plan to attend our regular Monday & Thursday night sales and consIgn your merchandîse early. AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, JULY 31182 6:00 P.M. At PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE on Shirley Rd., 4 miles south of Port Pemry. With Mountaineer 100 dirt bike, 24' fiatbed trailer, "single axie", above- ground swlmmlng pool & al accessories, antique cedar chest, oak dining- room table, kitchen cook- stove, Admirai dryer, G.E. wringem washing ma- chine, Admirai fridge, qty. of coilectable coins, 22 rie, antique hlghchair, picnic table , golf clubs & cart, propane tank, hump- back tunk, 3 pleces of scuba diving gear. Temms cash, Visa or known' choque. Consignments welcome. AIJOTION SERVICES 98&7492> Toronto. Durlng the summer montha this is supplemented by a mobile unit whlcb wil travel'this year to ap- proxixnately 12 commu- nities tbrougbout the province. Ministry In- spectors will performn spot checks froni 9 a.m. to, 12 noon and l to 3 p.m, Tuesday to Fr1- day, weather permit- AU3TDNS AUCTION SALE THURSDAY, JULY 29 ATI11 A.M. Port Perry Chrysier Manchester, Ont. Corner of Hwy. 12 & 7A (watch for slgns). Having eceived Instructions from Deloitte Haskins & Selis Ltd. meceiver for secume creditor, we have 'been instructed to, sup- plement & clear the assets 0f Port Perry Chry- sier including offilce equipment, tools, véhi- dles, sign, farmn equlp- ment, office desks, varlous sizes, steel '& wooden-2 & 4 dr. fiiing cabinets, electric type- wrlter, Xerox photo- copier, calculators, Kodak 60 sound proj*ect- or, 'Saxon bond photo- copier, laierai files, office chairs, dual microfiche unit, approx. $12,000 0f parts, shelvlng, large grinder, 3 vices,> rims, mags, tires new & used, tire changer m/c approx. $8,000 of speciai Chrysier tools, headlight aimer,, wash bin, air tools, drill press, f loor jacks, sock- ets, plus many hand tools, time dlock, new 16" exhaust fans, 4-4800 watt heaters, 12 f t. feed con- veyor with undercarriage, 16 fi. feed auger, drain pipe, logging.chain, snow fence, 3 tool boxes for pick-up trucks. VehIcles: 1977 Pontiac Grand Prix, 44,000 miles; 1973 Volvo; 1973 Pinto; 1975 Cadlllac; 1979 Honda 400 Motor- cycle (Ilke new); 1972 Honda 250; 1975. Chev 4 dr. sedan; 1976 Chev Van (45,000 miles); 1972 Chev 3 ton with 16 ft. box; 1969 Chev Tandem dump truck; 1971 Case 680 backhoe & loader, rebulit engine, box trailer, etc. Note Tîmne il A.M. Thils is a very good sale with bools, vehicles, etc. View- ing Wed. from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. McLEAN AUCTION SERVICE 576-7550-66-3291 OSHAWA AUCTION SALES Check the Classified Pages of the Whitby Free Press every week to keep up to date on the best of the local auction sales. Spend a leisurely after- noon or evening at an auction ... you'll find treasures - oid and new - that would look just ight ln youm home - pick up a* good second car ... and more. The Whitby Free Press is the place to check every week. I-i tlng. "A police officer dir- ects cars off the road for a simple tbree or four minute test," Dr. Gregg Van Voikenburgb, director of the brancb, explained. d"Inspectors check the engine, ana- tyze the exhaust gases, and make sure anti- pollution controls are in effective operation." AUIONOS AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST 7 Large auction sale of fur- nIture and antiques, the estate of the'*Laie REU- BEN TINDALL, wlll be held ln the Town of Whit- by, 601 Gilbert St. W. (go west of four corners to Sunoco Station, turn south). Chrome set and four fancy back chairs, carved back antique chair, wrought Imon table and four chairs (good), modemn dining room hut- ch (good), 6 dining room chairs, Duncan Fyte table, 5 pc. sIlver tea ser- vice, 12 pc. setting of Douiton dishes (gold trim- med, over 100 yrs. old), Symphony Minton china pcs., china cups and saucers, 12 lac. setting of Haddon Hall dIshes, sul- ver butter dish and knife, copper lustre, spooner, qty. of other silver dishes, sterling spoon, silver spoon holder and'spoons, pressed glass, pickle cruet, large qty. of other antique dishes inciuding 2 pcs. 0f Bennington, an- tique bed- chesterfleld and 2 chairs, with wicker sIdes, antique regulator dlock, black and white portable T.V., 3 pc. ches- terfileld suite, upholstered chairs, gramnaphone, violin and case, home made violin, guitar, Sing- er sewing machine (cabi- net style), 4 Oc. bedroomn suite, captain chair, 3 pc. bedroom suite, chest 0f drawers, parlour table, trunks, boston rocker,.sat of antique store scales, pine fiat back cupboard, 6 panes ln doors, drop leaf table, Thor washing ma- chine, deep f meeze, coal ohl iamps, aiaddin and gas lampe, 4 antique maho- gany chairs, antique tables, apple peeler, >2 Kodak cameras, antique razor shârpener, large qty. of seaiers, old Irons, iron string holder, dehu- midifiler, very -large qty. of Interestlng small goods fromn the basement. Ter- ms cash or good cheque. Sale at 10 A.M. Register early. REG'JOHNSON AUCTIONEER (705) 357-3270 Upon compietion of the test, the driver of the car receives a report on the carbon. monoxide and bydrocarbon teveis emitted by the vebicle. "If emission tlevels vlo- late the Envlronmentai Protection Act, ample tume.Is given to correct problenis before legal action is considered. Spot checks are design- ed to make sure cars -don't over-poilute, " Van Volkenburgh said. "In this way, the minlstry protects the, environ- ment as well as the driver."' " Motor vehicle' en- gines are responsibie for approximately hall of the total air pollu- tion, " he said. "Vebicles produce tbree main pollutants: hydrocar- bons, nitrogen oxides, and carbon monoxide, about 90 per cent of th- e carbon monoxide con- GOLD JCE 668-622 LILIAN NORTH ANNOUNCEMEÊNT Century 21 extends congratulations 'to Lllan North for achieving a sales lev- el of over $1 million ln real estate sales for the year 1982 to date. Lilian wouid like to thank the people of Durham for co-opemat- ing with her ln achiev- ing this sales level. *668-6221 or 683-6221 $24 BR=C ST. N. hIT Right Acroae From The Curllng Rlnk." WANNAMAKER -AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charies St., Whitby WANTED - Estates, household Items, furni- ture, glass, tools & equip- ment. The place to buy or seil. We wiil pick Up. 666-3731 668-843 (DAYS) (EVOS.) tamination lhi our air Is a direct resuit of motor vebicle exhaust. Nitro- gen oxides also contri- bute signiflcantly, to North America's acid rain problem."1 Automotive pollutants resuit fromn the incomi plete combustion of fuel. The emission control devices on cars contri- bute to more complete combustion of fuel -and reduce the amounts of harniful pollutants being emitted to tbe air. Tbree to five per cent, of the thousands of vehi- dles' tested annually, show some signs of tam- pering with this emi- ssion equipment. "Despite popular be- lief, removing this equipment does not nec- essarily improve gas mileage. Modern en- gines integrate the emi- ssion, controls into the- wbole system.' Any tampering just reduces, the efficiency of the engine and may lead to excessive wear and costly repairs in the future," Van, Voiken- burgb said. "Modemn fuels are made for these cars. Switching hi leaded fuel wben unleaded is recommended ruins the catalytic 'converter and fouis Up engine parts. This may save money at the pumps, but it even- tually leads to poorer mileage and increases costs as well as exces- sive exhaust emis- sion." In addition to the roadside spot cbecks and the permanent test centre, used car lots are aiso inspected year round to ensure proper emission controls in vebicles before they are resold. Q: Ever see a fat jogger? A: Not for long. AID TO M IL LIONS CLASSIFIED ADS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12)1 Spe aking to You By SCOTT FENNELL, M.P. (PC - Ontario) Canadians were sbocked when Allan MacEachen admitted bis projected budget deficit had"doubled from $10 billion to $20 billion. But now we've found out that even this new figure is going to be wildiy inaccurate. The latest uneni- ployment figures show that il per cent of Canadians are out of work - an increase by 53,000 from the last officiai figure of 1,*250,000 people. This unemployment increase means fewer people will be paying taxes and more people will be collect- ing money froni the government. The resuit is ýa larger deficit, higber interest rates, and less invest- ment money f or the private sector wbich means more unemployment and more anguish, for Canadians. Both America and Canada are experiencing high interest rates today. The Ainericans are using a combination of monetarist and suppiy-side economics to bring inflation down. The policy is working. The Canadian government, for idealogi- cal reasons, continues to grow. This means, Canada's higb interest rates aren't being used to fight inflation. Instead, the weatth producers of Canada are being sacrificed 50 that government can continue to prosper. In America inflation is being fougbt by tax cuts and smaller government. In Canada, the govern- ment is using tax increases and controls. Allan MacEachen's budget will now lumit govern- nient employee pay raises to six per cent. He catis this a necessary sacrifice and government union leaders cati it unfair. To me, it is a guaranteed across the board raise which is undeserved and a slap in the face to private sector employees who will be liùcky if their incomes do not decrease by six per cent. It's been proven tume and tume again that wage and price controis - whether voluntary or manda- tory - do not beat inflation. The whole "iess is more" pbilosophy bebind this government intrusion in the private sector is contrary to tbe spirit of capi- talism and only resuits in bigger goverrnent and a small economy. A week before- the- budget Prime Minister-' Trudeau outlined bis tblnking on inflation: "How do we bring inflation down? Certainiy not by cbanging, our economic policy. We can oniy bring inflation down by lowering our expectations. By believing (his emphasis) that inflation wili be lower next year than it is this year." Canada today bas a governmentwbich woutd rather practice psycbology than good economics. Electric Furnaces on Display McTeague Electric Lt. 185 Brook St. N. Whltby, Ont. UP t0 668-4278 $«bdlb Rebate. Ted ARNTS LOAM SUPPLY LTD. BROCK RD. N., PICKERING (1 'W miles north of Hlghway 2) TOP SOIL sand Umneatora,, Treated Timber Stone Pinemnuich Patio Siaba Curbs Flrewood Peat-Loarn INTERLOCKING PAVING STONES (DEUVERED & OR INSTALLEID) 683-0887

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