PIAGE 6, WEDNESDjAY, JULY 28e 1982, WHITBY FREE, PRESS w COMIN GEVENTS CALEND'AR" PHOTO SHOW "Wbitby, A County Town" will be shown at the Whitby Arts Station Gallery on September 9 at 8p.m. The Whitby Photo- graphic Club bas put together a selection 0of slides and vocal descrip- tions of historical and current - interest in the town.' Refreshments wiil be served. Admission $2 for aduits. Children free. For more information cail the gailery at 668- 4185. -MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER The next world wlde, Marriage Encounter weekend to be held in theý Region of Durham wil take place on Aug- ust 6, 7 and 8 at the Holi- day Inn, Oshawa. SFor more informa- tion, cail Ralph or Theresa Luke at 728- DRAMÀ DAY~ The Whitby Public Library wiil hold a "Drama Day" on Tues- day, August 5. Using a variety of drama techniques, boys and girls wii explore with their imaginations and create skits and 2" x 4"34 liinA *4 8' l ongi, i No Painting or maintenance requlred. 40 ibe. of pressure per sq. ln. Insures a beautiful fonce for years to corne. Stain or leave naturel. No. 2 grade or better. Noed Installationl? Cali Pool for a FREE estimate.e Gate 3 x 4' with rnesh Lino Post $3 35 1 ÎV diam. x 6'6"high scenes from their favor- ite stories.' Two sessions wiil be held: 10:3Otoll:30a.m. for chfidren 5 to 8 years of age; and, 2:30. to 4 p.m. for children 9 years and older.' No' registration is necessary. For more in- formation caîl the library at 66846541. POOH PARTY The Whitby Public Library will be holding a "Winnie the Pooh Par- ty" on August 9 from 10: 30 a.m. to 12 noon for children aged 3 to 5. The party will feature Winnie the Pooh stories, songs and films. Pre-registration is necessary and names are now being accepted at the Children's Desk. For more information cail 6684541. COOKING CONTEST The Whitby Public, Library will hold its fir- st ever Kid's Cooking Contest for young chefs ugo 'n Top Rail $478 11/4'diam. x104" long Main Post $405 we'r thehousholdSee Us a t word for fonce. And aà k about aur group Our "IN EW"I discounts.L ctin 1887 Kingston Rd. Q ~CD~JPickering v 683-2691 aged 8 and over on Aug- ust19 fromn,2:30-to4 p.ml. Cooking categories will, include: nutritious snacks, salads,. sand- wiches, desserts and drinks. Children wishing to enter must pre-reigster.,, A pre-registration meet- ing will be held on July 26 at 10:30 a.m. At.that time,--tategorieswill be choosen *and entry for- ms and lists of rules will be distributed. For more information cail 668-6541. SUMMER FILMS 1Wednesdays during July and August, the Whitby Public Library's auditorium wil be tur- ned into a theatre for children aged, 5 and over. Films will be shown in two sittings from 10: 30 to 11:30 a.m. and from 1: 30 to2:30 p.m. Featured will be such films as "Soup and Me" and "The Reluctant, Dragon." For more. information cail 668-6541. BAZAAR The Ajax Lioness Club will hold their third an- nual "Bonanza Bazaar and Fiea Market" on Saturday, September il from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at, the. Ajax Community Centre. For table rentai or more information cati 683-2381 or 683-6466. MEETING The next meeting of the Whitby-Oshawa Geneological Society wiil be held on August 3 from 7 to 10 p.m. in te auditorium of the Whit- by Public Library. For more informa- tion, cail Gil Mclntosh at 668-2792. ONE PARENT MEETING The next -meeting of the Oshawa Chapter of the Onie Parent Fami- lies Association of Canada will be held' on August 3,at 8:30 p.m. in the Lake Vista Club- house, Emerald Ave- nue, Oshawa. -This will be a general meeting. For more information cail Barbara Hicks at 728-7205. SUMMER <" 'CINEMA '82 The Whitby Arts Sta- tion Gallery will con- tinue its Summer Cine- ma '82 program with two shows tomorror (July 29). At 3 p.m., children will be entertained with "Guiliver's Travels. " Adults can ses "2001: A pace Odyssey",at 7 p.m. Admission to both shows isfree. The gallery is located at the corner of Victoria and Henry Streets. OUTDOOR SERVICE The Whitby free Methodist Church Winl present the Iast of its. "Summer Sunday Even- ing Praise Series" this Sunday (August 1) at 7 p.m., in the parking lot of the Whitby Mall, Thick- son* Road and'Dundas Street. Featured this week wiil be "Randy and Leah." Ail are welcome. COMPUTER CLUB The next meeting of' the Durham Region Personal Computer Club wiil be held' on August 19 at 7 p.m. at- the Whitby Publie Lib- rary. Ail persons owning a personal computer sys- temn or those wishing to get into the hobby are welcome to attend. This month's meeting will be devoted to educa- tional programs. At present, there are no club fees. For more informa- tion, cali the library at 6684541l. Heber,,Down smnmer events The Central Lake Ont- ario Conservation Auth- ority's summer pro- gram continues'through to the Labour Day week- end and the remaining activities have been scheduled.* Guided walks will meet at the Authority office (1650' Dundas Street East, Wbitby, Cherney's Building) Thursday evemings at 6: 30 p.m. and on Sunday afternoons at 1 p.m. Binoculars, field guides and camerasmay in- cresse your enjoyment of the walk, but are nojt essential. At the Heber Down Conservation Area campsite, evening pro- grams consisting of side talks and films wil be held on Tuesday and Saturday nights at 9 p.m. A nature walk will leave the campsite prior to the program at 7:30 p.m. A seleetion of film wiil be shown at the camüpsite on Thursday evenings at 9 p.m. Directions to camp- site: follow Hlighway 12 (Brock Street, Wbitby) north to Highway 7; turn west for 3 kilomet- res (1%/ miles) to Coro- nation Road, south 1 kilometre (%k mile) to 982The year you'II1 say "yes"y 1982 to the new ý,C Wikd ?iMc O/fa 5 y=al or 50, 00kM M .o.ek.i.. . . MISER 57 MPG 44 mr HIGHWAY COMBINED 4.9UI100 km>) &SLI(100 km> REGULAR LEADEDGA Maclntosh Chrysier Plymouth 290 North Front ST., Belvle966-8610 Limited 331 Oshai 0 ,AI 1 &4VItCç 1Park Rd. S., ïwa 1728-4838 M the entrance, watch for signs. Saturday, July 31- evening program "Rep- tiîles and Amphibians." Sunday, August -1- "Nature Photography"l; a walk at Lynde Shores Conservation 'Area to look at the Conservation, Ares through a photo- grapher's eye. Bring a camera if you have one, or just bring yourself . Tuesday, August 3 - evening program "Sounds of Nature." Thursday, August 5- "After the Glaciers";a walk at Harmony Valley Conservation Ares to view the geology of the watershe >Saturday, August 7 - evening program "Art is Nature."Y Sunday, August 8 - "Healing Herbs"; a hike at Cedar Valley Conservation. Ares to look for wild plants with medicinal uses. Tuesday, August 10 - evening program "Backyard Habitat.") Thursday, August 12 - "Suminer WiId- flowers"; a walk at Pur- ple Woods Conservation Area te see some of our colorful flowers of the forest and field. Saturday, August 14 - evening program " Me EcologY of Heber Down."1 Sunday, August 15 - "Senses Working Over- time"; a walk at Stephen's Gulch Conser- vation Ares designed te, make people aware of using ail five. of their senses for appreciating nature. Tuesday, August 17 - evening programn "Natural Pest Control." Thursda4y,A.ugust-19- "Tree Identification"; comeout for this walk at Enniskiilen Conserva- tion Area to learn how to identify this area's trees. Saturday, August 21 - evening programn "Plants and Us." Fail and winter activi- ties wiIl be announced later on. For further in- formation on' any 0f these programs, please contact the Central Lake Ontario Conserva- tion Authority at 59 0411. Pressure Treated Wood Chain Llnk Fences 1" x 6" 29 *iinsar foot $38oi os 2":esllga