.PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1982, WHITBY MRE PRESS Tjown earned $1 million surplus.. Wh itby' per capita dieb.t down to, $62 Durlng the year 1981, the Town of Whltby ear- ned an aà ccurnulated surplus of just over $1 millon according to its, recently - ,published financlal statement'. During that year, the town earned 'revenues totaling $21.1 million of which $3.2, million was transferred'te the Re- Sion of Durham and,$8.1 million was transfe rred to the public and sep ar- ate boards of education. TÊhat ýleftýa -total of $9.75 million for the town's own purposes. However, they only spent just over $9.1 million. Because of a $367,794 surplus from 1980, this left the town with a total surplus of $1,036,618. According',to Whitby deputy treasurer San- dra Cartwright, ,this money. was applied against the 1982 budget. The- financial state- ment', prepared by the accountlng flrmn of Deloitte, Haskin and Sels, showed. that town spencling bas incresedý by, - 4.1 million over a- fîve-year period. In 1976, the t own, spent just over $5 mil- lion., In 1981, $9.1 millon wasspent. During -that same period Whitby's population grew ,from 27,586 to 36,764. The number of house- holds also showed a dramatic increase, jumping from 8,789 in 1976 te ,12,350.in 1981. Whitbyy's > -regional levy went , ýfrom $1.7 million, in .1976 te $3.1 million in 1981.' 1The public and separ- ate' board of education levy went, from $3.8 ,million 'to $8.1 million dungthe'same perlod. However, there is some good news in, Witby's financial ýpic- ture. The per capita debt basdeclîne d from $4109 In 1976 t 6 in 1981. As of the enid of last year, the town owed just over $3.1 million, most of it in debenture issues. Cartwright points out that the town bas adopt- ed a "pay-as-you-go" policy and, is trying to avoid issuing .,deben-,- tures, a sound-,ideas in the*light of current high- interest rates. If the tewn- does, not issue any more deben- tures, Whitby should be debt free by the year 1997. 0f the $9.1 million spentin 1981, the biggest, chunk, $2.9 milli 'on went vices. Tbat is the'up-, keep of- roads, s1iow, clearing, public transit, parking,1 street lighting and maintaining the marina. The. second largest piece of the finà ncial pie w ent to proviing re- creational and 'cultural services. The $2 million ,was divided between the parks, and rceto department ($1.47 mil- lion) and the Whitby Public Library -Protection te, persons and property cost the taxpayer $1.8',million last year, $1.5 million of which supported the Whitby Fire Depart-ý ment. 'The town spent $,463,172 on environ- mental services (i.e. sanltary and storm sewers, waterworks, garbage collection and disposal and pollution control). ýWhitby aIso -spent, $4 >33,746- on planning and development. The operation -of, genieral government (town 'administration, salaries- paid to the mayor and council, etc.> accounted for *1.3 million. Heal1th, services made up $51,159 of the budget, alI of which ý was spent on -the maintenance of the 'Groveside' Ceme- tery. The town' also'provid-, ed .$55,313 worth Of assistance to aged per- sons. lI one à sîaîl cornÉer of the financial statement it predicts tbat the town wil spend approximate- ly $15.1 million in 1986 to finance its current operations. However, Cartwright says'tht this is only a 4"rough estimatep and is based on the current rate of Inflation. SShe pointe out that it ta almost impossible to predict accurately how mucli money the town will need in that year. Dru.g arrest A Whitby man'was:- arrested after mnembers" 'of the Durham Regional Police Force raided an, Evans. Court home on July 28. .According to a spokes- man for the force, police seized a quantity 0f nar- cotics including bhash, bash où, marijuana and LSD after a search war- rant was executed. Also seized, was a pair of brasslknuckles. SKenneth John Holds- worth, 22, of Evans- Court bas been cbarged with possession 'of nar- cotic s and possession o f a prohýibited weapon. Hie will appear in Ajax pro- vincial court.on August Van destroyed *The Whitby Fire De- partment is investigat-, ing the cause of a vehi- cle- fire that, caused $5,000 damaige. in the early hours of last Wed- nesday morning. According to a spokes- man, for the depart- ment, the van was park- ed in the lot, behind the, apartment building at. 610 Dundas S treet East. At about 3 arn. the vehi- -cle's* owner heardl the horn sound and alerted the fire department. >Thé spokesman said that the interior of the vice was.. gutted. There were no injuries. The department sus- pects, tbat -arson may have been the cause. Betw een. YouantdMe w - ByRUTHCOLES Congratulations to the winner of the Peter Perry Award, Marion Irwin. The decision to sharethe award wîth the other two finalists shows a magnifi-, cent spirit, a gèg>lewoman to say the least. We hope ail newcomers to Whitby will loin in and enjoy the County Town Carnival -and help make it a smashing success. Something for'every memnber of, the family from the pancake breakfast to the bath- tub race. Justepray for good weather, sunny skies and warm breezes and everything else wiil fail into, place. 1" The town seems to be'in "full bloomn" including ail the, marigolds for the celebrations.'Old timers who return this --summer for avit hopefully will be delighted with al the prog rese made in many areas of town management.,' For a long time a bandshell, music, people, a park kept comning to mind over and over again. Now ini due Urne this wi lal becomle alreality and 1 might add with no output from me in any direction,; it just stayed imy head. Listening to 'Music out of doo rs is often sornething very special for folk of ail ages. The Americans realized this many,. many years ago and bave had thousands gather fromn near' and far in certain parks in their country Canadians often flock there too to partà ke inthis kid0f summer enjoyment. 0f cour- se, in Whitby we couldn't possibly accommnodate too many but in time who knows, a few huncfted maybe, flot thousands!1 Limited time today, so the column is short.