PAGE 16. WEDNESDÂY. AUGUST il1, 1982. WHITBY FREE PRESS d-&JJJ A%- T ",mie~bF F. ALAN LAWSON CA fruste. ii b.nkrupty 221 Kig St. E, 435 George St. N., Oshawa, Ontario. Peterborough, Ontario. Toiephone (416> 4332166 Telephone (705) 745-2741 ESTATES MANAGERS Ronald Pldduck Roma Dobby T.R Canden CA. - Trustee SERVICES INCLUDE: Truts. ln Bankruptcy Reorganization of insoivent businesses Inciuding proposais. Assistance to secured credtors ln realization of coiiateral. Other receiver ship and trustee services. CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS, METRO LI.D. B-2554 Kitchens, Ceramic TiI- lng, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. CALL 668-4686. St Clair ils.pdlv & puper peope Safeway Plaza Midtown Mal ll150Simcoe N. 200 John St. Oshawa 576-971 576-2431" CONGRATULATIONS on your for- thcomlng marriage. Pisase vlew our sampies of engraved weddlng Invitations et your lelsure ln our Ajax Plaza store. Dlckson Printlng & Office Supplies 683-1968. HELP le on the way for firme whose printer has recentiy gone- out of business. Lou Diokeon has the cost cutting ideas you need et a ime like this, 683-1968. UCCATiOAL "-GRAMMAR for peopli who h,e grammar" la the ideai pocket reference book for business peo- $.. 3.95 per copy and avaiable. et Dickson PrInting & Office sup- plies In the Ajax Plaza Dealer en- quiries Invited 683-1968. RIGHEST PRICES Paid for Gold and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, jewelery, dishes, furni- ture, crocks, oil paint- 1lngs and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA M ARKET 725-9783 123 KING St. W., OSHAWAj SERVICES ABC DELIVERY AND CARTAGE. We move appilances and pianos. We deliver parceis and lettere. "lSmall trucks, email rates." Phono 728-7158 anytime. ROBERTSON The famliy of Art & Ivadel Robertson wish to Invite f riends and neighbours to an open house on the oc- casion 0f their 50th wedd- ing annlversary on Sat- urday, August 21 from 2 lé 4 p.m. Garden Street, Whitby. Best wishes only. RER::ONAL S RIDE NEEDED from White Oaks Court, Highway 2 ares f0 Durham Coilege beginning Septemnber 7. Phoneo66M9457. I I q I AUCTION SALE SAT., AUG. 14 -6 P.M. At PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE on Shirley Rd., 4 miles - south of Port Perry. With 4' x 8' Bruns- wick pooî table with ail accessories, Rockweil beaver tablesaw & blades, 4" planer, heavy duty skIli saw,- 14" jig saw, 1 ton chain hoist, blow -torch, lathe, lawn sweeper, Lawn-Boy mower, ping pong table, beit massager, Lazy-Boy chair, Westinghouse electric range, wrInger washer, table & 4 chairs, 19 stacking chairs, Elec- trohome TV, good dress- ers, console sewing ma- chine, wing chair & step ladders. Antiques- in clude: single bed, dresser, hall table, cop- per boiter with lid, butter churn, coal o11 lamp, etc., dishes, fruit jars & qty. of tools. Terms cash, Visa or known cheque. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whitby WANTED - Estates, household Items, furni- ture, glass, tools & equip- ment. The place to buy or seil. We wili pick up. 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS> (EVGS.) LOST - Grey and white kitten In Annes/Burna area. Reward. cali 688090. LOST - Tabby cat, maie, 9 montha oid, flot neutered. "Max" has white cheef and legs with tabby patch on front eibow. Lost Baseline, WhitbylAjax. Phone 6W6- 2767. LOST - Smaii blackc dog with white chin and long wavy fur. WearIng a risbles tag, 9 years oid, pnswers to chico. MissIng In Pickering ares since approxImateiy Juiy 19. chIid's pet - mIssed terribly. Pisase phone 286-1623. AUTINS ARTrICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FRSALE BUTCHER BLOCK Grade A-i Hlnds of Beef 4.61 kgI2.09 lb. Sîdes of Beef 3.86 kg/I .75 lb. Fresh Meats & Cold Cuts 1j628 Brock St. S. Whtby YfT666-1545 ONE PAIR Dominion men's rouier skates, size 7, $20. Lange ie skates, size 7, $20. Used one sea- son. Ladies' ;4 length imitation fur, dark color, $10. cail 668-2695 anytime. O *CERAMICS ,* REDUCED TOCLEAR Adecrmc.Btro es beautIful assortment 0f locally- chers, picture t rames and more. Great' for gifts. Corne on In - we're open f rom 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. S WHITBY FREE PRESS P 131 Brock St. N., Whitby G EN ERAL CONTRACTORS 1. Tenders are InvIted to Install a new Pre-Fabri- cated walk-In refrigerator (freezer) unit corn- plete w ,ithrelated equipment - stores build- ing, Whitby, Psychiatric Hospital. 38-ECR (W65035) SEWAGEDISPOSALI EQUIPMENT CONTRACTORS 2. Tenders are invited to repair and clean Diges- ter tank located at the Whitby PsychiatrIc Hospital, Whitby. 39-ECRI (65027) SEPARATE INDIVIDUAL SEALED TENDERS wili be received until 3:00 P.M., Local timne on Monday, Aug ust 23, 1982. COMBINED TENDERS wiii not be accepted. Tender Documents may be obtained from the On- tario Ministry 0f Government Services, Regionai Manager's Office, 178 Queen's Quay Eastj*oron- to, Ontario, M5A 1 B4. NOTE:- For f urther Information regarding the Ten- der/Tenders, please cail Mr. G. LePard at the above address, Telephone No. (416) 965-6034. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accept- ed. ~ Ministry of Governmnent- OntrloServices AUCTIONS ARTICLES FOR SALE GRE 1ENWARE.AND MOLDS 60% off. Phone 668-8907. 2" Stormr Doors- Triple 5eaied 5 colors 1 89 . - 4 Styles instaiied inciuding tex. Aiso eco- nomicai and energy efficient storm or replacement thermal windows and patio doors. FREE ESTIMATES Du rham Glass 666-3355 after hours 666-1847 Night Moods Now Open LL 106 Byron St., Whitby AISO Home Parties 668-1723 VISIT our used furniture ware- house by appointment. Big savinge on deeke, chairs, fiing cabinets, etc. dail Dickeon Print- ing & Office Supplies to arrange an appointment to view. 683-1968. EARN EXTRA MONEY. Show our quaiity lins of carde and giff s 10 friands, neighbours, relatives. No experience riecessary. Our full colour Christma catalogue makes It easy and profitable. Write or phono today for Information and' free catalogue. Monarch Greetings, Box 516, Hamilton, LUN 3K3, (416) 527-3891. MATURE, reilabie person required f0 cars for baby ln my home. Weekends. Days wIli vary. Blair and Burns, Whitby. No students need appiy. cali after 5 p.m. 666- 0951. BABYSITTER needed before and after schoolIin our home, Hyland Street. $80 par week. Pisas phone 66&-3959) after 5 p.m. $M0.00 TO 8500.00 par .week commission selllng ad epace for new weekiy publication. Phone 728-5216. SERICE DAY CARE available for pre- echooler ln my home, West Lynde ares. Phone 668-0081. SUPPLIES 24' CHRYBLER fibregias Day- cruiser. Sisepe 4, hydro V huli, head, galley, super BI11 engins wlth volvo i/O, new camper-back top, many extras. 4 ton Tandem tilt trailer wlth hydrauiic brakes. MInt condition. Eull price $9,600. Cali evenInge 668-356. CLASSIFIED ADS CONTINUE ON PAGE 17. Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst daý publication. The Whltby Free Press wiil not be hiable for1 ure to publish an ad, or for typographie errors in publcat beyond'the cost of the space occupied by the error Upt maximum cost of the f irst Insertion. The Whitby Free Pi reserves the rlght to classify or reject al advertlsements. must appeaf In the paper one day bef ors they can be chanç or cancelled. RATES: $406 for 20 -words if bilied; 12s each additionai wc Pre-paid Insertion of 20 words $3.50; additlonal words, each. You may charge your Ciassified Ad to your Charge) ATTENTION DISPLAY & CL.ASSIFIED ADVERTU1 ky of Visa Account and receive the discount on the prîce of your fait- ad. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. Mlon to a BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12s each ress additional word. Ads iged IN MEMORîAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 12s each additlonai word. AUCTION SALES - 32e ',er Uîne. (No'word ads allowed.) ord.1 "*s BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are avaliable at an additioniai m or charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make every'en- :RS deavour to-forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no iiabiiity regarding 1088 or damage aileged to arise through fallure or delay ln forwarding such replies. We will not be responsible for box number replies not caiied for withln 30days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to Insert or" cancel Ciassified Ads. Friday-noon prior to publication to in. sert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668.6111l 7GU UIO FRIDAY EVENING - AUGUST 20 At D & M Sales Barn, R.R. 2, Lindsay (one mile west of Lindsay, on the Little Brîtain Road>. Sale time 7:30 p.m. For those wlshing to conslgn guns to thîs sale, we are registerIng Thursday evening tI 10 p.m., and Friday-from noon. (We are expect- Ing close to a hundred gun sale.) For more details cail Lindsay 324-9560 or Res. 324-2472. W.R. (BUD) McKEE mmmmmflmmýmmmm m m m m I<NGS KOLOUR KO RALI NO. * 135 Brook Street South M Whltby 666-1231 * INVITES You To 6Mý&IAISAVE~50 INTI~S Off A Gallon 0f * Benjamin Moore Paint I1 p Coupo Expirs Sept. 30182 HELP WANTED, Accounts Control $2 30-$249900 The MINISTR4Y0F REVENUE, corporations tax branch, seeks an individual to co-ordinate and control the processing'0f corporate refund 's; pro- vide financl controls re recording and reconcil- ing cash f lows; supervise staff; Investigate speci- tic Inquiries. Location: Currently Toronto, however; this position wiil only be available to those candidates who' are wiliing to work ln Oshawa when the mInIstry relocates l1ater this year. Qualifications: Progressively responsible clericai accounting experience; ability to plan, organize and co-ordinate the activities 0f a large volume accounting system; thorough knowledge of relat- ed sections of the acts administered; proven supervisory skills; knowiedge 0f EDP and manuai accounts processing systems; strong communi- cation skills. Pléase submit application, quoting file RE-124 by Aug. 27, 1982, to: Ministry of Revenue, Personnel Servces Branch, 77 Bloor Street West, 20th- Floor, Toronto, Ontaric, M7A 1 X8. Equaiity of Opportunity for Empioymnent Ontario, ® DýPublic Service