.~PAGE 24, WEDNESDAY AUGtUST 25, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS Shopsy's deli baked Metpies 175 g pkg. .w99. Maple Leaf skinless or Golden Fry sausage Maple Leaf regular or .Barbecue 4wieners *kgi .79 Maple Leaf siced, bo ona, chicken, head cheese. macaroni &Chéeese or luncheon Cooked rmeats 175 g Q pkg. 39 6 Fresh Rainbow trout 439/kg 1.99 l Blue Jays ~'Potato chips 200 gQQ p kgRU 389 Facial tissues Facettes Fluoride AIM Tooth paste 100 mi12 tuble M Ban roll o n 75 mL.29 Cut from Canada^ Grade 'A' beef, naturally aged, federally inspected,'boneless Rumnp. '54949 M/kg *IL MAV M2 MÀ oAE Boelss93 Sirloin M/k tip steaks SBl ue, white, yelloW or beige pkg o> 4, Velour Bath room 2 tissue I SJohnson's 850 mLcont. Baby 39 shamrpoo? CONGRATULATION TO MFTHE FREE WH EELING WINNERS 0F G.M, PONTIAC ACADIANS Jean Gray Susan Cavendar Toronto London '" Melanie Fogel Mar' ne Roy Ottawa Sudbury PLUS THE HUNDREDS 0F WINNERS 0F a Fee Spirit touring 0 Roller a Colerman 10,Whammn-0' bikes from Sears Skates Gas Barbecues FrisbeesçlDiscs MAV 50 nAV oe M0 Product ofUS.A! seedlessI Green I /k/b7 g'rapes; Product of Ontario SOntarse No. 1 grade 9 peppers l.@ 4 Product of Canada Canada No. 1 grade-- stalIks M@5 51~. Attention Customers Dominion regrets the inconvenience to their customers due to the renovations presently underway. Regular store hours will continue. Thank you for shopping Dominion. L Mo unýtaîn ew, Teem or Diet or regular, (300 mL returnable botlies regular prîce plus depost>, Pepsi-'Cola 24x280 mi tins W341M Hot dog/sweet, corn .or Coronation Hamburg 1relish 375 mL8 cont8- 1Dominion fancy Tomato Juice 1284 mîcont. Richmellb Butte'r tarts, >Pkg. of 12 15,9 Produot of Ontario Canada No. i Grade Tomatoeés, bskt. 2 9 Product Of Canada Canada No. 1 Grade Head lettuce .48 Product of Canada Canada No. 1 Grade Peaches. bskt 3m9 ý Values effective until close.of business Tuesday August 31, 1982. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO UMfT QUANTITES 454 gpkg. Mayfield margarine e e e 1~ rý r