PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1982, WHITBY EREE PRESS -m m 'Umm mme ý-. ___________________________ I I I I I T I T I CUL à PNOFE3IOIAL st Clair OKEPN lpln&pp n Mall. . Mare Economical, Faster, :Safeway Plaza Midtawn ai Neater, Accurate.I 'l150 Simnoos N. 200 John St,. rcEtmi Oshawa jj LUSANN,~ 576-9971 576-2431 571-2032 g A COMPLETE SERVICE ON ED CERANOWICZ, PHONE 668-0737 132 BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITBY, ONT., Li N 4H4 F. ALAN LA WSON C.A. TRUSTEE IN BANýkRUPTCY RECEl VER AND MANAGER In solvency Consulting servIces Includle: Reorganlzatian of. insoivent businessea lncluding proposais. Assistance to secured creditors In realization of coilaterai. Other receivershlp and trutes services. ESTATES MANAGERS Ronald Pidduck -Rama Dobby T. R. Canden, C.A. - Trustes1 435 George Street North Peterborough, Ontario Teisphone (705)>745-2741 PRICES Paid for Gold and Si lver coins, old guns, dlocks, Jewelevy, dishes, furni-r turp, crocks, o11 paint- ings and sealers. FRIEN DLY FLEA MARKET 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA 725-9783 (MASONRY, CARPENTRY AND CONCRETEWORK DONE We histaîl Gas Chlmney Liners. No Job Too Slmail. [TIM KO$KINEN CONSTRUCTION 683-5411 KINGS KOLOUR KORALINO. 9ià I*135 Brock Street South - 1 Whitby 666-1231 * INVITES You To BenjaminA SAV E $5300 ~Mooreaxi PANT Off A Gallon 0f I Benjamin Moore Paint 1 p Coupon Expires Sept. 30182 Rug Bugce Professonal We now do Upholstery Cleanlng high quallty 25 years' experience ln poooyn cieaning fine fabrics whotle-ywlt. 3 SETER OFADmp ln end check oir rtes CHSATR SOFA 00 befor. you go eisewhere. .... CARS05WHITBY efafoxaw*mi'FREE PRESS Pickerinlg 131 Brock St. N. 831.2102 Whltby - 668-6111l PRÃ"SSîONAL FOR CEDAR DECKS, 1FN EADDITIONS, IRENOVATIONS, NEWI IWINDOWS, ETC. CALLI lPETER SIMONSEN CLEANINO by the day In Whitby ares. Cali 579-097, ask for Liz. WAKE-UP SERVICE Send $4.00 per wk. ar $15.00 [per mo. with tel.fa. and time af wake-up deslred ta: Wus1 137 PINE STREET %WHITBY, ONT. LiN 3X3 MODELS WANTED for scuiptured (faise) nails. Phone 668-0800 any- lime. CONGRATULATIONS an yaur for- thcaming marriage. Pisasvlew aur sampies of engraved wedding Invitations ai your Iisure ln aur Ajax -Plaza store. Dicicson PrInting, & Off ice Supplies 683-1968. WHITBY FABRIOS' Custom Sheers & Drapps EXPERT =ALTERATIONS AL.SO CLEARANCE 0F SUMNER FABRICS * 215 Dundas St. E., Whltby 668-4821 HEL l on the .way for firme whose printer has recentiy gone oui af business. Lau Dlcksan has the casi cutiing ideas you need ai a imne like ihie, 683-1968. THE WORLD IS YOURS... IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE... Wherevor you move the Welcame Wagon hasiesa la the rlghi persan la help you find a place ln yaur now com- munlly. Cail 668-8943 SERVICES' "GRAMMAR for peaple Who hale grammar" la the ideai pockol reference book for business peo- pie. $3.95 par capy and availablo ai DIcksan Printlng & Office Sup- plies ln 1he Ajax Plaza. Dealer on- quirles inviied 683-1968. ~3~0NS ~3~ONS GUNAUCTION FR1. EVENING - SEPTEMBER 17 At D & M Sales Barn, R.R. 2, Lindsay (one mile west of Lndsay, on the Little Britain Road). Sale tîme 7:30 p.m. For those wishing to consign guns to this sale; we are registering Thursday evening tilI 10 p.m., and Friday fr om noon. (We are expeot- ing close to a hundred gttn sale.) For more details caîl Lindsay 324-9560 or Res. 324-2472. W.R. (BU D) McKEE AUCIOEER A AIDE NEEDED ia George Brown (St. James Campus) for 8 a.m. four dsys a week, Athai Street ares. Share expenses. Phono 668-2259. i AM TIRYING TO LOCATIÉ descen- dants ai John & Maris Canger for aur famiiy histary. The mother of Maria Canger, Mrs. James Wilsan, dled ai Whltby September 20, 1829. If yau have any Informaioan, pisase write ta Mr. Elma L. RIddie, P.O. Box 156, SIMCOE, Ontario. N3Y 4L7. FOUND - Ladies' wsich near Kins- mon Park in'Whitby an Sepiember 9, 1982. Phono 668-4595. W.AN NAMAKER, AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whitby WANTED - Estates, household Items, furni- tUre, glass, tools & equip- ment. The place to buy or seli. We will pick up. 666-3731 668-8403 <DAYS) (EVGS.) AUCTIONkSALE SATUR DAY, SEPT. 25 AT 12 NOON The property of Andrew Gien, Sth Concession of Pickering, 200 yards west of Brook Rd., 1 mile south of Brougham, 'on farm since-1923. Sale Includes Case Model VA tractor, oid impiements, scrap iron, antique furnishIngs including 10-pc. walnut dining suite, Newcombe upright piano & bench, 3- pc. bedroom suite, oak Ice box, book cases, Mc- Clary wood burning cook- stove, oak secretary, brass bed, oak bookcase, with Jacoý3ean tillers, number of original 011 paintings by Dorethy Glen (Eddis), plus numer- ous other articles. More details next week. Terms cash, no reserve. JOHN ANNIS AUCTIONEER 655-4663 AUCTION SALE SAT., SEPT. 18 -6 P.M. At PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE on Shirley Rd., 4 miles south 0f Port Perry. With large cooking pots, antique dressers, color TV head, appliances, pressback chairs and lIght fIxtures, to name a few. Consignments stilI welcome.> PEARCE AUCTION SERVICE 985-7492 CATALOGUE AUCTION FR1., SEPT. 17- 6:30 P.M. BrooklIn Community Contre Casseis Rd. E., Hwy. 7& 12. Highlights ln our sale are a solld walniut gate- Ieg table, pine, flat-to-walI cupboard, 1sà pinning wheel, -solld, oak parlor table, pressback with queen's 'head, 'N.S. sea captain's trunk, jelly cup- board, 6' harvest table, Windsor comb back chair, Vîctorian black walnut parlor table, set '0f press- backs, rocking chairs, pressback oak arm chair, pine wash stand and Eng- Iish hall stand. Glass 1in- cludes Carnival, Cuspi- dor, end-of-day vase, sul- ver deposit dish, 2 N.S. spooners, opalescent homfi of plenty, 2 Mary Gregory vases, art deco fans and green & pink de- pression glass. China ln- cludes 24-pc. Royal ,AI- bert tea set, complete white soup tureen, 13-pc. set of Iusterware, set of' Wlilow bowis, Branden- burg shaving mug and Occupied Japan. Other Items Include 10 pieces of gold Jeweîry, N.S. braided & hooked rugs, Indian baskets, royalty Items, silverpiate, assort- ed oid brass, quilt, decoy, tins, 2 AlIadin's Iamps and other o11 lamps and a good selection, of primi- tives. Full catalogue of listings Is available at sale. Preview time 4:30. Terms cash, Visaor ap- proved cheque. EARL MacKIN NON AUCTIONEER 655-3526 ___________ i I I I AT' Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wilI not be hlable for fail- ure to publish an ad, or for typographie errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the f irst Insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject ail advertisemrents. Ads must appear In the paper one day before they can be changed or cancelled. RATES: $4.06 for 20 words If billed; 12s each additional word. Pre-pald Insertion of 20 words $3.50; additional words l;c each. You may charge your Classified Ad to your Chargex or rTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISE Visa Account and receive the-discount on the price of your ad. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 121t eaCh additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - 58.00 for the first 50 words; 12o each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 321c per Une. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make every en- ~~IONS AUCTION SALE SAT.ï SEPT. 18 -11 A.M. For the estate of the late Ray Wagg, 9 George St., Brooklln. Household et- fects including antique and modemn furnfiture, glassware, china' and tools from thîs. lovely Brooklin home. EARL DAVIS AUCTIONEER 728&4455 GARAE SALES GROUP GARAGE SALE - From noon an Thursdlay, September 16, FrIday, September 17 andSatur- day, September 18 unIli 4 p.m. at 30 Cassels Raad East, Broakiin. Sale 1inludes Cornfiaower, Carnivai glass. Nippon, dresser and head- baard, bras headboard, deaka and chaire, girls' desk, caffes table, tanoe, large quantIty of dîshes and giassware. Many ather Items toa numerous ta miss. ~NLr1 BSAgYSITTER, needed In the Charles Street, Whltby area for boy, 7, after school. Phone 668- 0507 eveninga. NEED A JOB5? Dan't compiain about a iack of wark.or maney. Do somethIng about It. Cali 728-8168. Fuller Brush full or part-tfIe work. 1DABY$ITTER - Maother ai 2 wiliing ta babysit'in my own home. Full lime. Monday ta Friday. Lunches lncluded. References avaliabie. Mary and Garden St. ares. Phone DMana at 696M2. EXPIERIENCIED, RELIABLE DAY CARE avaliabie In my- home. Any age welcor!e with lunches pravId-, ed. If Interested please cail 668- 6298. BABYSITTING In my home. In- fants ta achool age. Befare and af- ter schaoi. -Phono 6684M0.« VISIFSALES MARIA -STREET SALE. (3 blocksîýouth0f Highway,2 off Annes St.) SATU RDAY, SEPTEM BER' 18, f rom 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 f rom i p.m. OVER A DOZEN FAMILIES INVOLVED. Antiques, appliances, furniture, odds and ends, bargains galore. EVERYTHING FROM A TO, Z. C WANED TC D MINT] WANTED - Siidinig patio doors. Extension lsdder. Shoor-an-sheer living raom curtains, belge, 96" in iength. Large quanliiy cf braad- laam, proferably brawnlarange twist. Phono 723-4009. WANTED - Garage, space for one car, siarting Docombor for 4 la 6 manihs. Phone 66-1595 anylime. ARTICLES FORRSASALE, VISIT aur useod furniture ware- hauser by appaînimont. B31g savings on dosks, chairs, filing cabinets, etc. Cali Dickson Print- ing & Office Supplies ta arrango an appoinimont ta view. 683-1968. ARTICLES FORORA SAELE KITCHEN TABLE and 4 chairs. Noariy now. Whie vinyli and chromo. $150. Phono 668-6919. DRY FIREWOOD for salo. cuit, spli and deiiverod. $150 full card. Ail hardwood. Cali (705) 324-0197. WANNAMAKER AUCTION SER VICES 1614 Charles St., Whitby WANTED - Esfates,, household items, furni-' ture, glass, tools & equip- ment. The place to buy or seli. We will pick up'. 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS) (EVG5.) LOOK1NG FOR MORE ARTICLÉS FOR SALE, REAL ESTATE, ETC... CLASSIFIED ADS CONTINUE ON PAGES 15 AND 16 0F THIS EDITION. ERS deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no liability regarding loss or damage alîeged to arise through failure or delay In forwarding such replies. We wilI flot be responsible for box number replies flot called for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or, cancel Classif ied Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to in- sert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 I 221 King Street East I Oshawa, Ontaro CARPENTRY--- HOME REPAIRS IM PROVEM ENTS -METRO LIC. B-2554 Kitchens,- Ceramic TiI-, ing, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES CALL 668-4686, -J --*Idp - 1 .-> i 'l 1 1