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Whitby Free Press, 22 Sep 1982, p. 17

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESD)AY SEPTEMBER 221,1982e PAGE 1 7 ARTICLES FOR SALE ANTIQUE DESK, gaod condition, $125., Ladies' eize 9/10 brown suode coat, excellent condition, freshly drycleaned, $100. Phone 686-2772. DELUXE Sameonite card table set, ne w, $110. Bînoculare, 7 x 50, filed 701, $35. Walnut end table $6. Phone 668-1328. DRUMS $270.* Excellent condition. Al reasonable offere coneldered. Please cail 576-1911 after 5 p.m. 5 PC. PATIO DOORS $150. Piano $550. Freezer, 16 cu. ft., $200. Bed chesterfleld $75. Deek $60. Phone 683-7132. FOR SALE - One pool cue, 20 ounce, 2 place, $20 or beet affer. Contact Mike or Annetleetai668- 8404. KODAK CAROUSEL projector, model no. 5200, Carousel stack loador, 3 sîlde traye and 3 color elîdo films, $350. Mahogany-look 8 foot table wlth motal foldlng legs $100. Ton woodon etacklng chaire $100. Ray-OVac sportsmen flourescent tantern $20. Caîl 66 89178. ONE ELECTROLUX shamp9ooer1 floor polsehr, used only once, Ilke new, three years old, $250. One 16 Inch chIld's bike $15. One 26 Inch girl'e bike $25.,One 20 lnch moto- cross bike $60. Kenniore sewing machine $125. Singer sewlng machine console $45. Phono 576- 4993. ONE PAIR Dominion mensa rouler skatles, size. 7, $20. Lange Ice sakates, size 7,820. Used ono ses- son. Ladies' 4¾ Iength Imitation fur, dark color, $10. Calil668-2695, anytimo. P.A. SYSTEM wlth reverb. Two 100.watt hoads and a six.chennel mixlng board. Two bansa cabinets and two tweoter-homn cabinets. Also has cavera bulît for the road. Includes many extras. Bought new $3.500. Witt sacrifice $1,300. Serlous Inquirles oniy. 728-7158 anytime. POOL - 15 ft. x 3 ft. S ndflîter, ekimmner, repaîr kit, 2 lb. chiorine, ladder.- Juet neede wateri Aeklng $120 or beet offer. Phone Barry 88-8455. PROPANE REâULATOR,' three 100-pound tanks and gasstove, ail for *$250.' Commercial refrîgera- tion unit, 1 lh h.p. Copeland com- preesor and clrc ulating fan, $390. Bunk bede $100. Phono 728-9743. 6 H.P. MERCURY outboard motor $225 wlth tank. 25 h.p. Evinrude motor $125. Reel-to-reel tape recorder $40. Phone 5760769. SOLAR BLANKET, aboya ground, new, 24 fi. diameter, $50. Pool cover for 18 ftL x 32 ft. above ground, used, $50. Phone 688- 4403. TRUCK TIRE CHANGER, Bishman make, eiectrlc over hydraullc, 17" rime andup, adapter avallable for emaller rime, used anly several tîmes. LIat $5,695.. Asking $2.800. Phono 655-4995. An ad under the Whltby Free Prose Emporiumi Section wiIl 8011 elmost anything far you. Caîl668"8111. I'WO Wilson Jack Kramer pro 'staff's tennis rackots with cavera $100. Calil ften 5 p.m. 8883447. WATER PUMP, piston type, for eheliaw wolle and laeks, suction 1.1, manufacturer "IDURO"I, Includ- Ing mator, geuges, faot valve, 30 gael. gaiv.'tank, ail fittinge. Prîco, $165. Phone 655-3004. CALL 06841 11 ta place y Dur ad. WOOD«LATHE.$150. Cheet of draewre, brown, 4 drawars, good condition, $39. Boy'e juniar ton- epeod, good condition, $80. Phone 883838. WOOD STOVE, automatic thermo- stat controliod, air tight, wlth cauf Iran gratos, tire brick lined, C.S.A. eppravori, Sears make, hardly used, "coat $400, soit $250. Box type wood stovo,Ilîko new, seit for $95. Phono 655-4995. When the advertisod Item la eold, dlsposed of, or unavallable for whatever reason, the item wlll be deomed ta have "en eold and a commiasion will bea charged baeed on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iilustrated below,. regard ses If prîco la etated with "best offer.'" If the Item le NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the adwili be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $600 wili apply payable In advance f public ation of the firet ad. Otherwlse a 87.50charge wiil ap- ply If blilied whIch must be paidupon receIpt of bill. The above minimum charges wiii be appiied ta the final commiseion due but ln any case the higher amount wiIl be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00' pre-paid.; $7.50 bliied. Maximum commission: $S,100.00, Ail advertleements muet bo piaced'on an ex- clusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atîseat one month If not soid. 5% Of advertlsed price Up f0 8400M0 RATES (if article la sold): 2% of balance oveor 840.00 1 EXAMPLE: SoId Item advertleed for $120.00. Conmmission due $6.00 (minimum charge la 86.00). Private advertlsing onlyt Passea notify the Whitby Free Prose Immedlately when Item le sold sa, that we may delete it from the following Issue. Ail ads not flttlng the Emporium guidelinos will be treated and charged per week as regular claàssfifd ade on a pre-pald basie such as: services, heip wanted, clothing, rosi estate, and persanal m essage type ada, or ade not quotlng price or quantity. Privato classIifed ada may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriato headinge. ALL ADS WILI, GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby, LIN 5S1 If ln'doubt cati: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADSIS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. FORR A SALE PACER, 60,000 miles, 2 door, blue. Asking 83,000. Phon~e 655-4352. 1974 CHEV NOVA, A-1 shape, 81,500 or beet offer, as le. Phono 655-3027. 1974 LINCOLN Town car, ln good condition, neede minor body wark. Asking $1,500 as ls. Phono 655- 3006. 1973 ASTRA for parte. $100.-Phono, 1973 FORD ...COURIE R. 64.000, miles, has ..,had récent-valve job.' good engine. noeds body work. Aeking 8750, Phono 655-8062 WHITBY FREE PRESS 668.111 1973 LEMANS, two door, 400, cubIc Inch American (blue block), motor, four speod floor shift, mage, excellent mechanicai con- dition, noeds body wark. Asking $995 or be3t offor. Phone 683- 0927. ýFa FOR.SLE 1971 CHEVELLE, comploteiy ne- storod and certified. Aeking $1,800. Phono 655-4517 or, 655- 4989. THERE ARE PEOPLE willlngta psy good monoy for thinge you've tirod of. 'Place your ad In the Whitby Free Poise Emporium Sec- tion. As test as e phono caîl, rosuits happent Caîl 6688;8111. FIVE UnIrayal steel, beitod radiale, LR78x 5', chrame caps and rings, sparo brand now. $400 or bost of- tr. Phone868e9228. ONE SPARE TIRE, H78114, white wall on rimn, $10. Four hub caps, Plymouth, 81.50 each. Phono 668- 5227. RADIAL TIRES with rime (white waiis>. Two HR78-15 steal beltod $130. Two DR78-14 Goodyear cus- tom polysteel (one rim onlyl $100. Phono 668-9855. ~V~MOIVE- 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS sedan parts.. Front end, grill, fondera $200. Air conditioning unit $65. Drums and rotors, aimost now, $20 oach. Difforentiai $80. Wind- ehielda $100. Master cylinder and vacuum $25. AMIFM -radin $90. Door windows and oioctrlc motore $10. Phono 855-3008. 1973 TORINO 4 door parts. 302 engine 8200.1 Transmission $85. Air conditioning rad $50. Front end fondera and grill $200. Bump- ors 845 ach. Phono655-300. ONE PHONE CALL AND' YOU AWAKE A SELLING GIANT. Place. yaur ad under the Whitby Free Prose Emporium section and get i m m dia e r sui s. F o r tu nth or in - formation or ta place your ad cail 688-8111. BYENEEDS BABY CARRIAGE, in goad condi- tion, now mattrees, $25. Phono 655-4658. ask for Maureen. SUPPLIES CONVERTIBLE BOAT with 75.h.p. Chrysier motor and traller. Ex- cellent condition, low h6urs, original owner. Aeking $3,300 or beet offer. Phono 683-5503. :: HOUSEHOLO ANTIQUE DININO ROOM SET, buffet and table, $250. Large stur- dy work bench $40. Small Duncan Fyfe table $55. Oid wlcker chair $45. Smail air compressor $35'. Wooden téléphone table $30. Old rocking chair $33. Oid achool desk and chair $20. Truck and trailer mîrrors $15. Boy's and ginls bicy- cles $35 each. Camp stove $15. Phono 683-6638, BEAUTIFUL customn built bar, bar frldge and two new etools, $450. Antique wooci burning cooketove $250. Wall painting $20. 9-pc. mahogany 1 dlnlng- room suite $1,400. Small baby crib $45. WIiI' take beet '0f fer on ail articles. Phone 571-0271 anytîme. COUCH, pull-ouf, Sealy Posture- pedic mattrese with rattan frame, $485. Freezor, 22 cu. fit., white, $250. Refrigerator, white, 21" wide x 22" deep x 5' hlgh, $80. Stove, 24" wvide, white, $100. Bar; walnut wood grain and black fin- ish, 5' wide, $50. Two wall units, walnut melamine finish, 30" wide x 6' hlgh, $150 for.bath. Coffeo & two end tables, French Provincial, dark wood finish, $100. Cail even. inge 726-1748 or days 364-3234, ask for Ken H-ilder. KITCHEN CUPSOARDS, 22 foot upper cupboards,9 fit. lowe'r, ln. cluding countertop, double sink and tape, ln good condition, $400. Aiso 2 bar stois, $25 each, In now condition. Ono 8' electric base- board heater with bulît-in thermo- stat, $40. Varlety of used louvered and bifoid closet' doore, varlous sizes, $10-$25. Pflone 668-4688. TWO RUOS FOR SALE. One shaded blue, 8'10" x 7'M0", $70. Ono ruet, 8'xll', $70. Phono 668- 0094. H'iUUSEOLO1 WASHER an d dryer for sale, good worklng order, $225 for pair. Built- ln dlehwasher $225. Phono 839. 3213 affor 5 p.m. TIMELY! Tîmelîneàse leImportant when you are buying or eellIng. And a CLASSIFIED AD s the iow-cost timeiy way ta a qulck solution. Caît Whltby Free Prees666-6111. MORCYCYCE"' SALSIES/RNTLS 1978 HONDA 400 Tl. Asklng $850. Phono 688-3415. 1978 HONDA XL 175. Asking $850. Excellent condition, 5,000 kilo- metres, hasn't seon dlrt much. Calil after 6 p.m, 6686-8039. DUNE BUGGY, off road, shortenod V.W. framo and drive train, header exhauet systo m, 15 Inch ail Terreno tires and chromo wheels. T-bar Inciuded. Rune weli, muet be.. soon. Asking $500. Phono 688e *1195. 14.FOOT HOUSE TRAILER, Shamf- rock, blue and white, aleepe 4, olnk, icebox, 3-stovo ,burnor, follet. Asklng $3,000. Phono 855- 4352. 1973 FORD Wlndow Van', powor steering, powor.brakos, 302, V8, standard, neode sonne body wMork. $800ase e. Phone 688-227. ONE 44 TON TRUCK complota wlth Iawn spraying end tree and shrub spraylng equlpment. Evèry- thing roady ta go.. Asklng $8.300. Phone 655-3932. YOU HOU HT E W RE J U T" OURLO CA L> N EW SPA PER que Bring your films"in for GQUALIT.Y.PHOTOFIN'ISHINO You can count on us for ailyour photofinishing needs. UA ITY PHO1FNISHINGr .................................. Our newest service IN-STANT PHOTOCGPYINO .at low, low rates ... *.while you wait ... We're open to serve you when you ineed us. Canon NP. Co n&na d br w et u ho ueata logueacontainengahu dreds afasamplesào invitations,0annou cements,0reception and response cards thank you cards, novelty and place cards plus a variety of special accessories to help you plan your perfect wedding. ç p M I... PUBLISHINO/WHITIY FREE PIESSp 131 BROCK STREET NORTH, WHITBY - 668-6111 OPENMONDAYTO FRIDAY9:OOA.M.T0'5:OOP.M. J 6 à

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