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Whitby Free Press, 6 Oct 1982, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 6,19 82, WHITBY FREE PRESS CLASsiFEAD PIANO, apartment sized, Wlnter, $1,5w0. Skates, figure, Don Jac'- son, size 68, $45; and, Delta, slz%ý 5C, $25. Roler skates, Dominion, leather, size 6, $45. Al lîke new. Phono 855-4207. COME VISITJJS SO ON BLACK. AND WHITE television $30. Sterling silver ladies' watch $75. Counter-top dishwasher, used twice, $25. Phono mornings until 1 p.m. 668-3579, aftemoons end evenings 66846424. 2" Storm Doors Triple Sealed 5 colors$1 89 50 a4 styles, Installed lncluding tax., Alo uco- nomîcal and energy efficient storm or replacement thermal windows and patio doors. FREE ESTIMATES Durham Glass 666-3355 after hours 666-1847 CERAM1CS- CLEARANCE A iimited quantlty of locaiiy-made ceramies MAKE us AN OFFER.' No reasonable offer refused WH1TBY FREE PRESS 131 13rock St. N. Whilby, AIuBlroES FOR SALE 1668 LDS CUTLA8>. $M0. 1972 Charger $50. 1973 Chrysier $40. 1974 Vega $700. Celi Ron alter 4 p.M. et 66"818. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL -, 1977 Mercury Cougar, 4 do;or, smaii V8, automatlc, pis, pib, fuily certif led, t1,995.00. Lic. No. SEB 756. Hop-, kins Auto Sales 668.411. SUPPLIES MALE, Beagle dog, neutered, had his shots, aimost one year old. Phono 668-4740. PONY, tralned, Western Engllsh, and pulls a cart. $M0 or bost offer. Phono 65584. ~RERMTIONL V~EJE TRAVEL TrRAILER, 19 feet long, siight roof damage. Asking $65W. Phono 655-3838. A .ung. f r yeur Lune Aq..sI.tI.u ilS-ai APPLES RED WING ORCHARDS Open this' weekernd, Thursday through, Mon- day, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (weather permltting.) Please look for our new entrance off Dur hum Road 23, 1.3'kilomtresë north -of Stopllghts at Hlghway No. 2,;haifway between Whitby andAjax. Golden Deliclous, Cort- laànds,,Maclntosh and Ma- couns- while they last. Red Deliclous, Russets and Spies. Haîf-bushel bag, $5.50. Containers provided. Special holiday'funl En- joy our "FarmnFood FestI- val". Corne for lunch 11 &.m. to 2 p.m., Siturday, Sunday and Monday only. Bonfiires, hot doge, cider, cof le. and doughnutai Try our Homernade Red Wing Applesauco FRIEE with this ad. For -further Information cal us at 6é8-331 1. ANTIQUES, furniture, glass, china and coliectables. cash. Phone 655-3526, CASH FORGOLO, AIl Gold and Slver Items, 'rings, watches, earrlngs, chains, .m e- dais', and dental gold. Damaged or broken Items acceptable. Spe- cial prices for Canadian and AmerIcan silver coins, any condition. Aiso buyIng any for- elgn silver coins. SHORTy es CIGAR STORE 121 Brock St. N. Whitàlby. OZ'! RiiE. FREE: Drop Into the Dlckson Prin- tlng & Office Suppiy store In the Ajax Plaza and pick up a f ree copy 'of their 1962 Motric Caiendar. Prlnted In two colours, It makos for handy reforence. 683-1968 CALL841 11 to place your ad. TrYPEWRITER RENTAL, many maires and modela, by the week-, end, wsek or month. Discounts avaiuable. Dickson Prlntlng & Of-' lice Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Cali us for business machine repaira 683-196. O'0FFICE'SPACE FOR RENT -WHITBY - Three-room Whitby office suite with pri-* vate washroom. Mas over 750 square feet of fully broadioomedý and air-conditioned spaciousness. ,Main office about.32 feet long. Couid be divid- ed into smalier offic- es. For further infor-, mation cail Mr. Bur- iges s between 9 a.m. ad5 p.m..at:. 668-6372 *UYING OR SELLING SEETHE... TEWNDERS' W W VACATION u Clerwtater - Eight three b.d. room twobathoomhomes, heatd polstenisclose to .major attra "ctions and beaches, 'famile wcome,,, 683-5503 AcCOMMODATION FREE RENT. avaliable for respon- ible tomnai. In eÀchange for ight housekeeplng duties. In iuxury air- conditioned apartment, Whitby ares. For more Information, pisese cail 668-1415. R'ÀLESTATE FD OR SALE/RENTI MECHANICAL SERVICE SHOP à MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION STATION. Business, equlpment, and stock. 3 year lase. Asklng only $16,500. Gohan'Reaiiy Lid. Realior 57&8281. 1. Tenders are invited to suppiy and Instail (530> new double hung aiuminum storm windows for Bldgs. No. 20, 25 and 26 and'for Cottages No. 9, 15 and 16, on the 2nd floor only at the Whitby Psychiatric Hospitai, Whitby., 51-ECR (64712) SEALED TENDERS wiii111be receiveduntil 3:00 P.M., Local TMme on Wednesday, October 20,1982. Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the Ont- ario Ministry of Government Services, Regional Manager's Office, 178 Queen's Quay East, Toron- to, Ontario, M5A 18B4. NOTE: For further informatilon regard Ing the Ten- der, please eal Mr. G.,LePard/Mrs. A. Rosgsetto at the above address, Telephone No. (416) 965"034. The lowest or' any tender not necessarily accept- ed. Ministry of Government OntriaServices INVITATION TO TEN DER SEALED TENDERS for the projeets or services lIst"ed below, addressed to *the Chief, Contract Administration, Ontario Region, Publie Works Canada, 4900 Yonge Street, (lOth Floor), WilIow- dale, Ontario M2N 6A6, will be received until 1500 hours on the speclfiled closlng date. Tender Docu- ments can be seen, or obtalned on payment of the applicable deposît, through the. office of the- Dîrector General, Public Works Canada, Ontario Region, Tendering Office, lOth Floor, 4900 Vonge Street, Willowdale, Ontario. PROJEOT No. 641079 - Brooklin, Ontario, Post OffI ce, Cleanfing. Closing date: Thursday, Octob.r 28, 1982 Deposit for Tender Documents: Nil Enquirles: (416) 224-4240 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed.- The Oshawa Symh- phony Association held its annual meeting ln City Hall on September LILIAN.NORTH We are pleased to an- nounce that Lilian North 'has attained the status of top pro- ducing salesperson for the rnonth of Sep- tember. We know that ail her clients, as wel as past clients, couid not make a wlser de- cision'than aiiowing Lilian to serve their family reai estate needs. Congratula- tions Lîlian on a job weli done. 668-6221 or 68 3-6221 Ù24 Dami ST. M. WNITRY 'Ri11ght Acrose From The Curling Rink." Qn riVy 14. Mhe annual report, which reported a stable financial position, was read. Conductor Wins- ton Webber, lu his re- port, commented' that "Our financial poition ià one Which any orches- tra would envy, espe- cially In these timnes'1 He'also ,reported the ap- pointment of Mrs. Lyni- da Shewchuk of Bow- manville as personnel manager' and the or- chestra's need of cellists,., New chairman is Dr. CM. Elliott, recently retired from ý the Durhamr Board of Edu- cation. Taking the posi- tion of secretary is Mrs. Ruth. Petreshyn' of Whitby. Vice chairmen bus. 668-8897 res. 576-3265 HARVEY MINTZ LIMITEIJ 122 brock st. South' member broker whitby, ont. Li N 4J8 GRACIQUS LIVING - Located ln Whitby, this early Century home Is a rare find. Features 5 bedrooms, 5 battis, 2 fireplaces & located on large treed lot. Ideal for the large famiiy or the professionai who enjoys quality. Caîl Charles Black 668&8897 res. 668.1934, are' Leo DeBruyn' andi Margaret Drynan of Oshawa; treasurer, Marion Davenport., Oshawa. Newly elected to 'the' board of directors are: Rie Amneloot, Roy Atkin- son, Elizabeth Klassen, Ronald' -McNaught, Trudy McCallum, Helen' and Rita Willard, all-of Oshawa, and Robert Mason of. Pickering, Executive director of the orgamzation is Mrs. Barbara Bagnell of The orchestra's -26th seasonbegins later 'thi s fall anid 'subscériptions are now. for sale. Per- formances by, Arthur Ozolins, Norbert. Kraft, Mark Dubois, and ýJohn- ny Coweil, aUil nteràa- tionaily knowni artists,. are features of the sea- son. For information eaUl 579-6711. Brochures are available at Middleton'sý Book Store, 113 Dundas Street West, Whitby. 16 ROSEHILI BLVD., OSHAWA N.W. WHITBY l n "Otter Qreek"l. 4-Lèvel Det. BIS. Formai Dmn. Rm., 11½ baths,,W/O. from Fam. Rmn. & Don,-... f0 Patio. Many Extras. Open, To Ail » Offersài Cali 576-2500. GRATH CRESCENT - N. E. Whltby. D'Ange- Io Bulît, 2200 Sq. Ft. ail Brick exterior & Alum. Fascia. 4 Bdr- ms., oak, StaIrease, Mn. Floor Laundry & Fam. ' Rms. Green- house 'Ktchen, Cera- mie files & upgraded Brdim. $64,500 Mtge. at 12% to '86. Cali 576-2500. ,CUMMUTERS HOME - Handy to 401 exit & Wooico Mail ln Whit- by. 3 Bdrms. plus Den; loveiy Ree. Rm. wlth f ui1iy bricked, wall1 F.Pi. Mn.-Flr. Laund. Rm. 52' x 144' Lot. Try $15,0ý00 Dwn. Cail 576-2500. ALSO 25 ACRES - 1800 Sq.- Ft. Rancher. 4 Bdr- ms., Liv. Rm. with F.PI. '& Walkouf. Form. Dmn. Rm., f in- Ished Bsmnt. Spring- fed Pond, Ideal for Horses. Only 71/ yrs. old. N.eof Port Perry & 9 Pâi. to Uxbridge. Terms Avallable. Only $123,000. Cail 578-' 2500. lARGEr REAL ESTATE LTD. >18 ROSEHILL SUDO. OSHAWA, ONT. PH. 5782600LU 5604 'I Symphony eleets newbod jjjr- - ,ýý= 71, 1 -- ý - I..,ýýý,.,.,ý"I.Mýý,ý,--- ý-,-,ý-ý.-,7ý

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