tMUTORISTS CAN SAVE MONEY ON. SELF-SEV 64$ BUT L05E fl li-IROUGII NEGLIGENCE. 3'0% 0F MAL, DRIVERS SERIOUSLV NEGLECT CM I-ICKS AND MêJNTENANCE . FUEL AN4DIGNITION SYSTEMS SUFFERWORST, I1U~~«~ BUI AFFECTGA MILEA&E. *5th Wheel Kits *Custom Grills WHJTBY FREE PRESS, AUTO GUIDE, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 20,1982, PAGE 7 Check Under the, Hood< When Serving Yours elf How long bas %it been -since you took a really good look aroundyour- car? If you have to pause to remember when you last checked your tires, oui coolant, battery or other coin- ponents, you may have put it off too long. <* Fluids: Check engine oil, transm 'ission oil, power steering f luid and coolant; add as needed. Caution : Neyer remove the 'radiator pressure cap when the engine is hot. *Battery: Check for corrosion on terminais, a common cause of starting trouble. Check electrolyte, level and add water as needed. Another caution: When working near a battery, be sure there is no- open flame. Do flot smoke. Batteries emit 'ex- plosive hydrogen gas. e WIiile the hood is How toBuy AU.,C e Don't let the at- tractive appearan ce of the car convince you of its truc running condi- tion. The car may be dlean and shiny, but-it's what's under the hood that rcally counts. a Do -look at the paint job for indica- tions of any accidents that the vehicle may have'been in. Any dif- ferences in pain t shades or rippling of the paint surface may mean the car had been repaintcd duc to a serious acci- dent, 1 0Determine tbecar's mileage. It is the res- ponsibility of the seller to provide- you with the accurate, cumula- tive mileage of a car. a Test drive the car. Be alcrt to, any strange noises in the engine or transmission. Check the brake pedal for snking, the stcering wheel for top much play, look for' uneven t read on the t ires, noticc the condition of the shock absorbers, etc. 0 If the seller offers any warranties, be sure to get thcm in writîng. A seller can he held legally responsible for any guarantees or ad- vertisementi. Having such -information in writing makes the burden of proof much casier on the buver if later legal action he- B&T7 [USEDA UTO PARTS OSHAWAS IIusA 1ST Et ONLY VUSIT US A SELF-SERVE 13TUNTNRD3 AUTO PARTS STORE (416) 433-552 5 GMC Steel Fenders Il99" . Ford Steel Fenders $189115 . BODY FOREIGN REPAIR & PANELS DOMESTUC DURHAM BUMPER SERVICE 25 GRENFELI ST.. OSNAWA 579-5018 579.5124 Speclallzlng ln re-chrome bumpers and white metal parts. comes 5necessary. eFinally, have the auto inspected by a m ech aniv o f y',o u r choice. If the seller ohjects to this, <1I) not huy the car. up, take a look at your drive beits and hoses. Frayed or worn belts should be replaced, as should soft, brittle or bulging hoses. '0 Take a look at your windshield wipers. The rubber will be come brittle with weathering and age and may be worn to a point where wipers smear or streak the. glass.. How's your supply of washcr fluid? 0 Tires: Invest lin a good tire guage and use it frcqucntly. If you haven't checkcd tire pressure since summer you'rc Iikely to find them underinflatcd, says Car Care Council. Even a couple of pounds of underinfla- tion can cut tire. life by about 10 percent. Four pounds of underinfla-' tion can cost up to three percent in fuel economy. Take a look at the service stieker on your door jamb. Time for a lube job, oul and filter change? One good'rea- son for getting the car on the service' station lift is so you or your serviceman can check underneath for leaks; leaking exhaust system parts, leaking sbock absorbers, lea kng engine or transmission seals. And this gives you an opportunity for another, dloser look at your tires. Finally, as a1 part of your periodic inspec- tion program, make 'a walk-around- check of ail your I ights,- in- cluding -turn signais. If, you have no one with you to help check brake lights,' you can do it yourself, in .broad day- light, when another car is behind you at aïn intersection. Just tap your brake pedal and look for the reflection' of your brake Iights-in bis headlights, *Phaeton Convertible Tops *Opera Lights eCustom Vinyl Roof Packages ~,> smllixnvcstgceÀft tiat wfIuttake pur'car Ioak ftkc a omilUaut bu bcks.' Q~i 1~r O 0 N w Trirn & Glass Works Ltd. 8-133 Taunton Rd. W.571908 Oshawa 51-908 Jd I 1AUTO'*BOD.Y,'LTD' COMPLETE AUTO, BODY WORK - REPNIR AND REFIMSH COMESEE OUI COM -PLE 'TE LIMNýE 0F> CUSA"TOM 0DRS ',ACCESSO0RIES - I& ýln-r