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Whitby Free Press, 3 Nov 1982, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 3,, 19 82, WHITBY FR-EE, PRESS Whitby's Most WideIy Read C LASIfIEDADQ LA. A PàFWESUIAL I 4 LIMITED OFFERi ACARPET STEAM CLEANING ENTIRE HOUSE $125,00 Maximum 1,500 sq. t ..................... SLivIng room, dînlng'room, adjacent hall..154.00' SBedrooms, each with 454.00 speciai ........ 10.00 NO GIMMICKS - NO EXTRAS. FULLY INSURED - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED < 4 THERIUG BUG ê831-2102 Pickering. A COMPLETE SERVICE ON TRANSMISSION, DIFFERENTIAL & DRIVE LIN ES CAR PENTRY HOME RPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Kitchens, Ceramic TII- Ing, Drywaîî, Rec. Rooms, Cedar- Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES CALL 668-4686 QjjjVICE HANDYMAN Wiil do any Jobmaround your home. REASONABLE. Coli Ry 666-1508 CONGRATULATIONS on your for- thcoming marriage. Plesvlew our samples of engraved weddlng Invtations at your isisurs in aur Ajax Plaza store. Dlckson Printing &Off ice Supplies 683-1968. Custom-mmde bridai wear, ~dresses, jackes, pint suie. jSlightesaiterations in my home. Reusonable rtes.I 649-3340 1 (Claremont) 1 DU8TYDOLLIES -- QuiiIty'cdean- lng wlth a difference. Cali Judy WHITBY FABRICS Custom Sheers à Drapés EXPERT ALTERATIONS ALSO CLEARANCE OF SUMMER FABRIC.S 215 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-4821 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for GoId and Silver coins, old guns, clocks, jeweîery, dishes, furni- ture, crocks, oil paint- ings and seaiers. FRIEN'DLY FLEA MARKET 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA 725-9783 st clair 's1h. poirit & peper peeple Sifeway Plaza ' ldtown Mail' 1150 Simca N. r200John St." Oshawa 576-9971 576-2431 EXPIERIENCIED, caring book- keeper wili ç00 your weekiy payroii ta manthiy Jaurnais inciuding trial balance. 1-rite or manual. Reason- ibie rites. Plck-upldelivery Oshawa/Whitby. Phone Gliah Schreiner 655-3944. HELP le on the wîy for f irme whose printer hie recentiy gone ouf of business. Lau DIokson hie the cast cuting ideas you nsed il a tims 1ke thie, 683.1968. EDUCAINA SERVIES "GRAMMAR for people wha hate grammar" le the Ideai pooket rsference book for business pao- pis. $3.95 per copy and available at Dickson Prlnting & Office Sup- pilies ln the Aax Plaza. Dealer on- quiriesinvited 683-1968.- AU3TINS WÀNNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Chartes St., Whltby EVERY MON. & THUR$. AT 6:30 P.M. AIl estates and consignments weîcome. The place Io bey o«se#i. We wiII pick Up. 666-3731 668-8403 <DAYS> (EVGS.) AU3T0NS CORNEILS AUCTION BARN AUCTION SALE FR1., NOV. 5 - 6:30 P.M. 3 miles east of Little Brn- tain or 7 mlles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay/ Little Britaîn Rd. The pro-, perty of Mrs. William Thornton of Woodville & Miss Candice RIch of Oakwood. Victorian style settee, parlor chairs, 18 ou. ft. freezer, pressback rockers, Ing lis 24" stove, bed chesterfieîd, maho. gany chest of drawers, rocking chairs, Bell eiec-, trio organ, parlor tables, Kenmore dishwasher, re-. frigerators, .3 pc. parlorj set, wooden wardrobes, hall tree, qty, of picture frames, toois, china- & glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R. 1, Lttle BritaIn (705)>786-2183< AUCTION SALE SAT., NOV. 6 -1 P.M. At PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE on Shirley Rd., 4 miles south 0f Port Perry. With antique, bedroomn suite & wash stand, Uni- dine table & chair set,, 4- pc. chesterfieî 'd suite, Captains bed, pull-out' couch, cedar chest, dressers, ferneries, 5' bar, 7' cupboard unit, '24" stove, wood stove, good twin tub washer, wringer washer, C.B. unit, Ski- boose, baby carniage, sewing machines, office desk, 3/ roll-away bed, humidifier, wool blankets, playpen, good lamps, numerous dishes, 5 h.p. snow blower, water pump, saddle, circular saw with 4 blades, 1/2 ton rear bumper, qty. of f loor board, 81/2x20 tires & rims, kiddy wagons, brooms, shovels & many more Items. Torms: cash, Visa or known cheque. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 YARD S6ESALES YARD SALE - Saîurdîy, Navember 6, 9 m.m. ta 4 p.m., 65 Teresa, cor- ner of Reynolds and Teresa, Whit- by. Noariy now rug 9xl2, ktchen gadgets, caffso and end tables, plus craft fable wlih Christmas giffe and decorîtions, speciale ln sfiinod glass. CAARPOOLS CAR POOL - Going ta Lesllieand Yark Mille mrom and Vicori Park and Finch area. Leavos White Oaks C. ln Whitby af 8 a.m. Ciii afler 6 p.m. 668-5753. AU3TINS CORNEIL'S AUCTIONW BARN AUCTION SALE TUES., NOV. 9 - 6:30 P.M. 3 miles east of Little Bni- tain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay/ Little Brîtain Rd. Crafts- man radial arm saw, hall stand, parlor tables, cheàts of drawers, oval top trunks, large qty. of antique pîcture f rames, dressers, Quebec heater, chrome kitchen suite, 30" electric stove, chester- fields, occasional chairs, f lat-top trunks, coffee & end tables, qty. of tools. DON CORINEIL AUCTIONEER RAR 1, Little Brîtaîn (705) 786-2183 RPERNNALS O Holy Saint Jude, Apos. tle -and Martyr. Great in virtue and rich In mira- cles. Kinsrrian 0 f Jesus Christ, the faithful inter- cessor 0f aIl who invoke your special patronage lni time 0f ne ed. To you I have recourse from the depths of my heart, and humbly beg you to whom God has given this great power, to come to rny assistance. 'HeIp me ln My present and urgent position. In return I pro- mise to make your name known, and cause It to be invoked. Three Our Fathers, three Hall Mary's, and three Glorias. Saint Jude, pray for us and aIl who Invoke your aid. TTO BU ARE VOUR antiques, china, gms or aid' furnIture In the wîy and caliacting duet? 'Turn th ese thlngs Inta cash. Phono 655-3526. BEST CASH FOR COLOR TV'S. For parts or resfaring. Cmli Oshawa 433-0125 anytime. FOR SALE] ELECitRIC STOVE, apartmonf sized. Wall burner wif h al îftach- monts. Gardon tractar wif h al if- tachmenfs. Waler pumpi, jet pumps and piston pumps. Phono 655-8009. Going out of business. Save f rom 10% to 30% on your Christmas shopping from our large gift Une. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 23 King Street West Oshawa CASH FOI OLO ÀIl Goid and Silver Items, rings, watches, earrings, chains, me- dais, and dental goîd. Damaged or broken Items acceptable. Spe- cli pricesPfr Canadian and American silver coins, any condition. Also buying any for- eig n silIver coins. SHIOITYS CIGAR1 STORE 121 Brock St. N. Whitby Exclusive Agent In Whîtby, for Northîand Goid,& Silver lflC. *,, ARTICLES FOR SALE AoVesProducts LIcuignew nutritionîl diet progam uaratee telois wegtor money back guaran- 579890. shawa3hone 76.- 0707 or 723-7552. PariPery phone 985-8619. BARGAINS - Soiidoak bedroomn suite $350. Child's tricycle and twa-wheeier bike. Queen size vel- vet heidboird. Fisher Pice laye. Wall mirror. Tules. Caii 686-1611. DRY FIRE'WOOD. Beach, mapie, white birch. 18" sticks. Deliver anywhero. $45 per single cord. Phone (705> 454-8260. LARGE train set, N.Gauge, 124 cire, 16 angines, 27 eiectric swit- ches, building and trînsformers. Aeking $1,495. Caii afler 6 p.m. 579-3408. LOOS, WOOD. U cul, ws cul. 705- 374-4623. Little Britln Roid, 5 mi les north of Oakwood. POOL TABLE, ouid aak rails, feit clolh, rubbsr cushians, balis, cues and rack inciuded, Ilke new, $350. Schaal desk, soiid aak, $45. An- tique T.V., 7" Admirai, Wood Cabinet, firet model Admirai T.V. manufaclursd ln Canada, working like aid, $425. Soiid wainul trestis table $300. Killy bed, soiid birch, dieposabie sanitary mattrees, $59. Phane 668-4098. VISIT our usod furniture wirs- houes by appoinîment. Blg savinge on deeke, chairs, filing cabinets, etc. Caii Dickean Print- ing & Office Supplies ta arrange an appointmient ta view. 683-1968. 2" Storm Doors Triple Semiod 5Scaiors$1 89.5.4 stylos insîalled inciuding tax. Aiea eca- naomiamad energy efficient torm or replacement thermal windows and patio doors. FREE ESTIMATES Durham Glass 666-3355 after hours 666-1847 FORRA SALE 1974 FORD 3/ ton van, mechanic- miiy A-1, finishsd Interiar. $1,900 certified. Ciii eveninge 839-3291. 1972 FORD LTD. pawer stsering, power brakes, autamaîlo, gaod condition. $450 as le or cani be car- ieid. Phono668-1210. ARTICES TYPEWRITER RENTAL, mîny mîkes and modela, by the week-- end, week or month. Discaunts ivilieblè. Dicksan Printing & of- fice Supplies ln the Ajax, Plaza. Ciii us for business machine repaire 683-1968. FREE: Drop Into 1he Dickean Print- ing & Office Suppiy store ln the Aax Plaza and pick up a free capy of thoir 1982 Metric Cîlendîr. Printed ln twa colaume, if makes for hîndy reforenc.o. 63-968. FOR SALE PRIMAE for ans week, thon In Real Estafo, for $15,000 mare. BeaufifuiN retiroment lakefraont homo, Scugog Island, Stevenson's Point. Lowsr Level: 1 bedroam walk-out apartmnent, fireplace, washroom mand paio. Upper Level: 3 bedroame, firepiaco, two wîik- culs ta baicony. Phono 965-7187. S,11FORSA SALE OUTSIDE CANADA - LOT FOR SALE - Large building lot In beautlful Sun 'n Lake Esîates noir 5.bring,- Florida. Champlanehip golf cour- se. Reasanable price. Phono Oshawa 728-1276 affer 5 p.m. FORRR 4I'NT ~~NELP ANYONE interesed ln warking ln Australia or New Zealand contact: Stof*s Warid Trade Ltd., P.O. Box 8, Lumby, British Columbia, VOE 2G0. Phono: (804>547-9214. AQUA MIST AQUA MIST improves gai mile- ago, Improves horse power, cuIs carbon deposifs and re- duce engn. png. impl in stallation, affordablo prie. 60 day manufacturers guarmntes. Dealiers wantod. Ground floar opportunity. Phone 579-8908. MARCO, MARCO has Immediate open- Inga for part-lime and fuli-fîme sales representatives. ExCep- tionalIincome potentil. Train. ing provlded. Earned company car progrmm. For appainîment and Interview phono 579.8 WANTED - A reilabie mature wommn ta babysIt In my homeoOc. cmsionaliy. . Thiokeon .Rad ares. Phone 723-6890. SCECE CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTRE PRE- SCHOOL - the centre wlth the dit- ference. 15 acre laI, farm animais and modern facililties. Pragrame momning and afternaon, Monday lhraugh Fridîy. Cali 686-1411 any- time la registor yaur 3 ta 5 year oid or ta look over facililties. RESPONSIBLE MOTHER wili babysit ln My home. Any mgo wel- corne. Hot lunches provided. White Oîks Court, Whitbyares. $50per week. Ph.ono668-5016.ý WILL DO babyeittlng ln my home. Wooico area. Caii 579-9206. APARTMENT for rent on Highway 2 near Harwood. Suitabis for pan. sioner or single quiet persan. Ra- sonabie. Phono 2443471. THREE-ROOM WHITBY OFFICE SUITE with Privais Washroam. Hie over 750 eq. ftL of fuily broadloom- ed and air-conditioned spîciaus- nos. Main Office about 32. fef long. Couid b. divided Intoemaîl-. or Offices. For furfher Information ciii Mr. Burgess belween 9 a.m. and 5 p.. il 668672. FORRRERI1NT Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic' errors in publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up to a maximum cost of the f irst Insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear In the paper one day before they can be changed or canceiied. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; 11ie each addition- aI word. You may charge your Ciassified Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card, ready when calîing. BIRTHS, DEATHS - 87.00 for the first 100 words; 12e each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f irst 50 words; 12o each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 32o perline. (No word ads ailowed.) BOX NUM BERS: Box numbers are available at an additionai charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wili make every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no iiability regarding loss or damage alteged to arise through failure or deîay ln forwarding such replies. We will not be responsible for box number replies not called for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to Insert or cancel Cîassified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to Insert or cancei Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 OTTER CREEK Store for rent in new neighborhood plaza in prime Whitby subdivision. - Air conditioned - Call Mr. Searle (416) 223-6550 ATTENTION DISPLAY& CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS

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