GET YOUR PULSE RACING WITH THEALL NEW 1983,~ Get your pulse racing in the gutsy sports coupe that's in top formn for'Ã83. Aerodynamnic sporty stYling. Fast sloping hood. Notchback rear end. Retractable headlights. PULSA RNX. SPORTY PICK-UP PULSA R NX SPORTY STANDARDEQwIpMENT Charge ahead in coînfort with the maximum in sporty standard equip- ment. From bueket seats, AM/FM 4 speaker stereo radio to tinted glass ail, around. And more. Pulsar is fuily equipped and lists for only $8183. * ~ f Style. Power. Perform- ance. Comfort. Ail in the gutsy sports coupe that'S a good sport for gas" economy and price. You can't pass up this much gutsy sports coupe for the money. Drive it. And get your D~N pulse racing. i * ~Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price. F'reight, pre-dellver and striping extra. -i **DiI Il * 4 44f ~ *U Iê~g4te a a ¶ ¶113 ~S 41