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Whitby Free Press, 10 Nov 1982, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEDNESJ)AY NOVEMBER 10, 1982e WHITBY FREE PRESS Denis O'nnor Highý Sehool to relocçatei Ajax -Dents 0 'Connor High Sehool wfIl be moved to Ajax after 20 years'of operation in Whltby,'the Durham, Region Separ- ate School Board decid- ed last Wednesday. In a nine to six vote, the Boanrd, decided to purchase a 10-acre site in Ajax to accommodate a new sehool by Septem- ber of 1M8. The décision- upset Whltby Separate School trustée Chuck. Roche, who said the move will "1destroy"' the Whitby communlty.' Although the pur- chase price of the Ajax site was flot disclosed, reports say it is as much as $80,00 cheapter than- the 13-acresaite in Whit-- by, which is currently owned by a land developer. *Ajax has also offered fmnancial assistance in building recreationai' facilities for the schooL, and free use of theI town's sports facillities. Whltby Major Bob At- tersley says he is "very disappointed" by the decision to move, Denis O'Connor, and says. hé wiil do whatever poss- ible- to retain its pré- sence in Whitby. 1, 1"We've > always preached a -rounded community," the Mayor' told'- the'. Free Press. "tAnd Dents O'Connor was part 0f that, round- ness." Attersley said, he is concerned about "'land swapping" in the, Ajax, offer, 'and, said,,ho be- THE CORPORATION OF TH ETOWN OFWH ITBY NOTICE 0F APPOINTMENT TO BOARDS'AND COMMITTEES, Any ci ,tizen who, is lniterested ln serving 'on one or more of, the, f oliowlng boards and committees is invted ta submlt an application to the under- signod on or before November 22nd, 1982, for con- sidoration by Town Councli: (a) Whitby Cemetery Board- one year term; "(b), Fonce Viewer - one year term; (c) Game Preserve Commlttee - aona year term; (d) Whitby, Public Library Board, - three' year term; (e) Committee of,'Adjustment - three year term; (f), Local Architectural Conservation Advlsory CommIttee -three year term;, (g) Property Standards Commlttee- three year term; (h) -Board of Management for'the Whltby Cen- tral BusIness .Distrlct Improvement Area, - one year'ter'm; (1) Senior Ctizens' Activlty Centre Executive Board -'oneo year term. Application forms may be obtained by contactlng thie Clerk's Department at 668-5803. Donald G. McKay Cierk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossiand Road East Whitby, Ontario L1 N 2m8 ensO'CoÃ"nnor HIgh So-- hool h bee'apatof the Whitby community for 20 years, but foliiowl ng -a.,sohool board-dec>isi6n asât w'eek, the 'sohool wiii be moved to Ajax-." The Durham Reglon Roman Cathollo Sohool Board decided in a nine to six.vote to purchase a 10-acre site for a new sohool ln Ajax. ,But many Whitby residents feel the community ,wli, suffer f romthe ioss'0f, Denis O'Connor." -Free Press Staff Photo *LFLm g' mFVVV ILAA! ue- o nce'ta purchase price between the, -two sites, Attersley said the extra three acres in the Whit- by site coiild be taken out. to make it "'a com- petitive offer." "We are workrng with the developer," Atter- sleysaid. Ho expressed some concerum at <nf tu e sehool- is re-established in Ajax, many separate sehool supporters nla'y, direct their taxes to the'. public schools, putting an extra burden ."on Henry. Street 'High School and Anderson Coliegiate The Mayor, admiitted there is littie the Whitby. town couneil can, do to alter'the Board's deci- Sion, but promised' to "push it from this end.' Attersley sâidl he believes separate school supporters have started a petition ta protest the board's decision to move Denis O'Connor. Proponents of the move point out that the Ajax site will put' the sehool in the centre of the western part- of Durham Region., - 1Trustee Auna Crosth- waite of Pickering clauned that 60 per cent of the Grade 9 students arie bussed. to Whitby from the western part of the Region. SHAREYOUR REýCIPE AND.WIN. * ~'The hussie of the upcomning Christmas season is quickiy comlng upon us. You wiiI soon be preparing to entertain, your speciai guests and te create afeast for your famiiy. Everything must be perfect. You wili want to be prepared and therefore start your plans soon. To h.ip you and ail our roaders plan and be prepared for this spociai occasion, Tho WHITBY FREE -PRESS le pubiishing a Guide full of Holiday Rocipos and tips for homo ontortainmont on Docomber 3,1082. M~I Ifyuhave a reclpe for any of the followlng whlch 'ou wouid- like to share pleaso send t ln by November 19,1982. I. Chrlstmas Feast 2. Delîclous Dessert 3. Beverages (Egg Nog Punch) 4. Appetîzers & Party Platters 5. Gourmet Food 6. Holiday Candy 7. Food Gîfts 8. Pa*rty Snacks 9. Tips * By'sharing your holiday recipe or tip for better home entertainment you Miii becomne eligibie to win a. prize and make the season. an enjoyabie, one for ail. Ail entries wiIi be judged and a prize awarded to the best overail. Please submlt your logiblo rocipo aiong wlth your namo, addross an'd pono numbor f0: WhitbyFree Press 131 Brock St., N. P.O. Box 206 <Whitby, LI N 5S1 The, .renamiug,0f. Brooklin Memorial Arena to Luther Vipond Memorial Arena will take place in Brooki Sunday, November 14 at the arena. The dedication wil follow Brooklin's Remembrance Day ceremonies which start at 1:30 p.m. Ail friends of Luther Vipond and interested citizens are iuvited ta attend and share this moment. Whitby town council voted unanlmously last month to change the name of the arena tai honor of Luther Vipond's contribution to, the community., Vipond died last summer in an automobile accident. There will be a short address by the family followed by the unveil- ing of the new sign.' ABîLITY FUND lieves the Ajax site still needs ta, be selrviced with sewers. 1"4We can't get into land swapping here, " Attersley said. "And the Whitby site is ail set to go." When 'asked about the Arena will Ibe'rename d PEACOCK LUMBER ÊLII. IN.STOCK. Over 1,000,000 feet of kiin dried, 1 i

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