_________________________WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 17,1982, PAGE 11 Historical Society gives Christmas pioner flavour TP~ -i' ~ ~Making natural 'Society on Tuesday, straw wreaths and corn and pine cones and the Webt anci Cochrane R ep Ü> tj fro Christmas decorations November,23 at 8 p.m. husks doils, both, of making of apple doils. Street in Whitby. The . A V KL out of the materials that The demonstration will which they describe as The demonstration is auditorium can be en- were avallable to the be, done by Molly Me- crafts which can'easily to be held in theaudi- tered directly from the Q . pioneers, will be demon- Cart and Linda Ander- be done in an evening.- toriumn of Fairview parking lot off Cochrane u e n aI strated, at a meeting of 5son of Lewlscraft. They will. also discuss Lodge ta the north-east Street. Ail interested the Whltby Historical They will be, making the use of dried flowers corner of Dundas Street people are welcome. BThe Hon. George Ashe, MPP By(PC - Durham West) Ontario Minister of Revenue ______ VA HEMM'EN TIRES-& SALES ____________ ________'_'Your Vehicie Inspection< Station" _ _ _ _ _ Since 1975, the Ministry of Community and Social 4« fl A A1'Np,,mAq1R commumity living ôppotunities for those able to IU ~ V G I I - Sbenefit from them, and this concept bas met with V'J *IIDY great success in accommodating developmentally H T B ~iI handcapped pople. éR On October 28, the Minister of Community and Ph n :6 6 1WREN RD. Social Services announced details of a five-year '6 ' m l:2 VAN NEME plan to- further reduce the population of the <Oe odyt audy8am o6PM South Ministry's institutions for the developmentally han- Oie ffecivtoitiday .m.1to1, .m dicapped and to expand community services and __ LU M N This plan is acontinuation of apolicy which was N IAIU Pos introduced seven years ago to provide a fuller life in H E LG M N the community for developmentally handicapped B A T R E children and adults.BA T R E six institutions tbroughout the province which is12Vl scheduled to be closed over the next five years in White 0 order to accommnodate the developmentally handi- b Stock<0. deiint ls hs ntttoswsrahd ponmncapped individuals in the community. Before the 9 5Lestsa4 9 several factors were considered: W cetMsecag hre mentally handicapped; Cah& Carry e the effect on both residents and staff- who would have to relocate; DI C-AK p -a [cunsýE e the economnic impact on local communities; and, _n e the operating costs and projected capital expendi- P D HE Il urs. orMostDomestic For Most Domestic Cars HC K llý It is important -to realize that the closures will andImport Cars maiac inean a reduction of 1,163 Ministry staff and at least j45 1ý 989 beds over the five-year period. Every effort is institutions, community based alternatives or other ý ' e with Exchange On Most North areas of the public service where they qualify. _____________ Cash & Carry Amnerican Automobiles Residents moving into the Durham area will be. selected from the entire system of Ministry- e ia ,O E 50 operated institutions and have been or can be RtrClprDs as comniywilberloaed to aiewti h om nt er en- 5 used tires shocksq ail in stock for mosi presently in one of the institutions and'unable to live 9 - intckNothA erca ars for a tre."k IME f roman ppieyucntblv. j In response Lo anticipated increaseu demands on Check~an rceyuca' elee community resources created by the closing of__________________ these institutions, $33 million has been allocated by expand community services and programs for theAL TIE IN A L D an B L NC D xcp fo developmentally handicapped.UNR Y LM T OP SUnryiTgr aw This funding will expand Ontario's system of TeAISesnRDALTRn0 n 0S rlo ase '11 iglîe eras5.1Rdas f community resources to meet the needs both of resi-Th L esnRDATIE0an70SrsRiedWteOlnrLtesteledl. dents leaving the Ministry's institutions and other Suggested Retail Prico- Sale Price SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE developmentally handicapped pol wowl P 155 x 80 x 13........... $73.65 ............ 58.00'9 ,0 New services which will be developed include two P 175 x 80 x 13........... $82.80 20 0x1......$....1..........Sae93.00 types of supervised community living alternatives. P 185 x80 x13 ...........3$87.60 ............66.00 235 x 60 x 14.. ..... 146.80......... Sale 101.«00 The first alternative is to provide the handicapped P 195 x 75 x 14 ........... $97.00 ................. 70.00 adult with an apartment and supervision and sup- P 205 x75 x14 ............ 104.80................... 74.00 245 x60 x14........ 168.90......... Sale 113.00 port appropriate to thatjndividual's needs. P25x7 5....... 0-6........... 5O The second alternative is the "family home" in P25X7 5.....0.5........50 which the handi capped individual is placed and P,215 x75 x15 ............ 115.15 .................. 81.00 235 x60 x15........ 168.90 ......... Sale113.00 receives the support of family living. Additional P 226 x 75 x 15............12M.65 .................. 85.00 support will be provided by a worker assigned to P3x5î. ....187........900 255 x60 x15........ 190-90.......... Sale 125.00 assist a number of individuals and families. P25x7 5....... 3.0........... 30 Perhaps the entire policy of the Ministry of Com- Suggested Retail Prîce 1 On A 1 KIGVE AA R175 x 70 x 13.........$ 17.25 ............... Sale 9.00 27X85 4 LT.........177-20 ............... Sale $128.00 The Kingsview United Tswl efo o4 157x3..... 7.' . . .ae9.0 30 x9.50 x15 LT.........21700 ..........Sale 151.00 Teawil e ro 2to 4 P 195 x 70 x 13.....186- .................. Sale 99.00 31 x 10.50 x 15 LT ........ 235.40.......... Sale 163.00 Chrh Wmn ae p.m. and a supper will 0P32x52.07x1513b.........195.70......~.....Sae140..x2SxSL.......217 Sale 183.00' hodn hi nulbe by ticket only fromf 5 157x........118.65 ......»........... Salel102.00 31 x10.50 x16.5 LT ....... 24950.......... Sale 170.00 Merry-Go-Round. Ba- 195 x 70 x 14........... 127.25................. Sale 106.00 Sl zaar in new and largr t63p iktad P 205 x70 x14.......... 137.95 ................ Sailo0.00 3x25x65t...si failtesthsadditional information P 215 x 70 x 14 .......... 144.30 ................ Sale 113.00TAS O T RU K AD L facliie tisyear on are available by calling P 225 x70 x14.......... 140,75 . ... ............ Sale 1117.00AS OR R CKR DA W7edned2a, 7No.m e 723-6773, 723-6813 or P 235 x 70 x 14.......... 148.00 ................ Sale 120.00 31 xl10.50 x 1511 ....... $223,65 ..........Sl 150 l7rmt7.. from the Kingsview P 215 x70 x15.......... 154.60................. Salel120.00 33 x1 2.5Ox 15LT ........ 285.15................ Sale 175.00 There will be booths Church Office at the P 225 x 70 x lb........... 160.30 ................. Sale 125.00 31 x 10.50 x 16.5 LT...236.90................. Sale 16300 featuring knitting, corner of Wilson Road P 235 x 70 x 16.......... 16650.......... Sale 129.00 33 x 12.50 x 16.5 LT...... 271.45 ................ Sale 183.50 crochetiig, sewing, and Adelaide St., P 255 x 70 x 15.......... 17250.....1...... Sale 134.00 quilting, Christmnas arti- Osa. cles, doll clothes, candy, Tshe awa rw n TA MU D TERRAIN RADIAL TIRE 31x 10.50 x15LT........29.0.............. Sale 172.00 touch and take, baking, clude free babysitting 27 x 8.50 x 14 LT 190.50 ............... Sale $135.00 31 x 10.50 x 16.5 LT . 25............27.0Sale 180.00 jams and jelliles and a service in the afternoon. 30 x 9.50 x 15 LT 233.30 ............... Sale 160.00 33 x 12.50 x 16.5 LT .362........36.0 ...... Sale 203.00 booth just for children.