PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 24,1i982, WH1TB3Y FHREFEPRESS "Fre eehandise et departmentc tores is one thing, but showmehowto get free groceries. D)OMINION SHOWSY 0U! $1,off a-$10- pucAse $ ona$2 prchase,andsoon, H ere's how it works. You get I FR EE Grocery Dollar winth every $25 you spend 2FREE Grocery Dollarsvwith every $50 you spend 3 FR EE Grocery Dollars with, every $75 you spend 4FR .EGrocery Dollarswith every$10QOyou spend On future shopping trips, redeem yourFR EE Grocery Dollars and get $1 off a $10 purchase, $2 off a $20 purchase, and so on. There us no limitation or restriction on the items you buy at Dominion to get or redeemn yourFREE Grocery Dollars. No accumu 'lation of tapes. Fuil detailsareatyournearest Dominion store. Now Dominion makes Christmas Iess expensive withFR EE Grocery Dollars. You said,""SHOW ME, DOMINION." So we did. ibis promotion applies to ail Dominion stores in Ontario with the exception of Thunder Bay and Kenora. 1X4IL4XO{V~ Ck'a~t~ cîr~Mw!