IThe Labanovîch family was congratulated byy local politicians at the re-ope ning of Whitby Auto Wreckers Friday. The new business will specialize in re-making and saving old auto parts for do-it-yourself mechanies. Left to right are: Kevin,ý Anne, and Walter Labanovich, MPP George Ashe, Mayor Bob Atters- ley, Charles, John, and Bill Labanà ovich, and Regional Chairman Gary Herrema.- Free Press Staff Photo The Churéh' Sp'ealks Sponsored by the WHITBY MINISTERIAL, ASSOCIATION By THE REVEREND ARNOLD R. MAIN Pastor Whitby Pentecostal Church Whenever I sit down to write an article like this I try to make sure that I arn not just sharing plati- tudes., After ail, if it is worth the time it should be something that wilI help as many people as possible with life in the now. Many, many people are going through great turmoil today. They do not need adages as much as actions. They have just been shipwrecked on the rocks of ife and they want solid answers that bear resuits. I realize also that many of the deep truths that we expound seem to be simple cliches. Phrases like, "You must be born again", "Jesus is the answer" and "You must be saved" lare common and very much misused. For many people they are just Wor- ds until they are truly investigated and experien-, ced. As a Christian (in the true sense of the word), I know there are answers as well as solutions and I have no excuse for turning people away with a "God bless you" (James 2:16) when I can do something about the situation now. If that means fauling on my knees' before God on their behaîf, fine. That,1 pro- vided I can do absolutely nothing else. * I believe without a shadow of a doubt that Jesus is the answer and that you must'be born again. But I also believe Jesus must be Lord of ail or He is not Lord at ail. Anything short of that is heresy. Obedience goes a long way with God, and there is a lot which still needs to be obeyed. May everyone who holds Jesus dear as Lord and Saviour reach out now. Don't even wait until Christmas, it might be too late. MEETING ______ The .Whitby-Oshawa Geneological Society- meein Tesay Dc. FLO RIDA' 7 from 7tol10p.m. in the auditorium of the Whit-C nd m n by Public Library. o d m n Ail are welcome. For further, information phone Gui Maclntosh at Inoldes: tA M-82792. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBR 24, 198.2,PAGElS15 Tow n council -says thanks, Whitby town council had a rare opportunity Monday night to com- mend a young Whitby, boy who returned a street sign that had been broken off its post. Council publicly thanked 12-year-old L ee, Kemp of Whitby, who found the sign for Hard- ing Street and'Rosedale Drive. Lee took the sign to East Ward Councillor Joe Drumm 's resi- dence. "lYour action in pick-, ing up a, good piece 0of town property will help us try and cure vandal- ism in this community," Mayor. Attersley told Lee, who attended Mon- day's coundil meeting with his mother and sis- CHRISTMAS CONCERT. Fairview Lodge will hold a Christmas Con- cert Dec. 15 at 1:30 p.m. at the Lodge. .There will be a per- formance by the choir, a Christmas crafts. dis- play and refreshments. Everyone is welcome. ON, SALEII um Vacations Nfr f are > kar rnnm eA ter. .Drumm said it is im- portant for the town to recognize good, deeds because "too often we 'II would like, to com. mend this young man ii his action,". Drunini said. hI:III;YPWRTE e vial evc R epair 40 DndsStee Ws 240Dafrt Ae Floatlng HeartsBrclt on yI . a>n99 14 Kt. 3 Colour 6 Dlamond Italian Cluster Rings only$ 23.n O gram only $950'0 Largest Selection Computerized 0f GoId Charmns Appralsals > In shawa only $8«00 per Item ART DEPARTMENT ON PREMISES 1I 1 Discount At Bath Flea Market Locations. 5% 1 1> Whltby <Davis Marine). 2) Bowmanville Mail. Coupon Must Be Presented At 5*/o Time 0f Purchase. 5/ expires November 30,1982 I I Froryl $31 9.loo Pl Cal 668-7955 esley's185 Brock St. N. 't$esley' WHITBY of(Corner of Brock & Mary) Tra vel1 mc. Sta&' Vou"i fqAvc 79... ZIratv/!