WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 15, 1982, PýAGE 17 Chri stmas Seals stili save lungs after 79 years Say hello to Ced...e Cecil the Sensible Seal got a littie help from Christmas elf, Dana Nemis over the weekend. Lung Association volunteers distributed fresh B.C.-Holly ln shopping mails- and other Durham Region locations Iast weekend to raise funds for the Christmas Seal campaign. -Photo courtesy of Durham Region Lung Association By ANGELA TIBBLES Durham Region Lung Association one stormny Decem- ber night ini 1903 a post- man named Einar Hol- boell was working late in a post office on the outskirtsa of Copen- hagen. He was sorting great piles, of Christmas mail. As he movéd around the mailbags he paused to look out of the window, and caught sight of two ragged lit- tde waifs, a boy and a girl, before they disap- peared into the swirling snow. Einar Holboell went back to his mailbags with a sad heart. The contrast between the ex- pressions of good will slipping through his fingers and the forsaken looking children trou- bled him. As time passed, an idea formed in the post- man's mind. Suppose that every Christmas letter and parcel carried an extra'stamp, and the money from these tens of thousands of stamps went to help unfortunate children, rnany crippled with dis- eases like tuberculosis. Einar Holboell's ideas was -successful -in his native Denmark,- and in 1907 the Christmas Seal *Campaign began in Nor- thi America, specifically to help people afflicted with TB. Largely due to con- tinuing public ý support tuberculosis is no longer a major health problem in North.America. But Christmas Seals remain a.part of our Christmas tradition. The money raised by local Lung Associations now goes to support re- search into improved treatment and çletection methods for such dis- eases as asthmna, em- physema, lung cancer and chromec bronchitis. Local community pro- grams are also funded, to improve public awareness of the causes of lung disease and to help people with respiratory ..problemhs breathe a littie easier. However, the Lung Association can only continue through public support of the Christ- mfas Seal Campaign. Over 100,000 packages of Christmas Seals have been sent out in Durham Region. Just a $1 return from ail those letters wiil realize the area's target- of $100,000. Give generously> - it's a mat- ter of life and breath. 2for I HARVEy s® COUPONS AVAILABLE WHERE y ou SEE.THIS SIGN You wiIl receive I coupon with -a minimum 25 litre~ HNVYSgasoline fill-up plus I e.j Death is no t an option- ETERNAL, LIFE US! Listen to. Back to the Bible on: CHOO 1390 9:00 P. M. Monday-Friday your small-business clients (3 plus) will benefit from the, convenience of a Blue C.H.I.P Plan benefit package. Fur details contact: Michael Good Oshawa, Ontario LlG 4W5 S(416) 433-<5541 *EBLUlE >CROSS Ir 1- Fi