WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAYDECEMBER 15, 1982, PAGE 23i The difference iis i the dressin The holiday turkey Iw't complete, il off without a tastY stufjig to finish Tasty' Stuffings for the Holiday Bird. A. turkey without ail the hol- iday trimmings is still. terrifie eating . .. but the festive season means festive turkey and that includes the stuffing. Stuffings can. be made in hundreds of ways and everyone has their own favorite. The basic is the ever-popular bread stuffing -a savory blend of bread cubes, onion, celery and seasonings. fyou're îooking for a'change t his year, consider adding chopped apple or dried fruits, sausage, inushroomns or nuts. AlIow about 1/ to V4 cup stu!- fing for each 0.5 kg (1 lb) of turkey. Pla ce two-thîrds of-the stuffing in the body cavity and the remaining third in the neck cavity. Pack the stufing Ioosely HOLIDAY ENTIERTAINMVENT* SPECIALS 4 FamiIy Fun Discounts- Christmas Party Rates - -Boxing Day Brunch.- New Year's Eve Gala- 4.-PLUS Fine Dining4 "l'il Be Back.Before Midnight" the big comedy/thriller stage hit starring Murray Westgate. Brlngthe whoie famii. plus matînee performance. New Year's Eve Gala Aspecial 6 part dinneèr, includesparty fvous midnlght snack, and "'il'1 Be Back Before Midnight". 180. per couple alinclusive!, New Year's DayStfPaiei late atnerone Group rates for your attenoo perormnceChristmas Party fun. with an eye-opener lunch. Dinner Alone» Orfour course di*10. Cabaret Night Every Friday fun, music, and sang night framl10p.m. Corne ta the show and stay after arjust drap in. No caver charge. Snack menu of course. Dinner I Show M A-I LD Package frorn $19-95 Sunday. 2 Shows Sat.j D inn . 419 BROCK STREET NORTH U PiaynOUSe WHITBY 668-9000 TOR.IAJAX 686-3911 because it' swells- during cooking. Tempting though it is to pre- pare and stuif the turkey ahead of time, it shouldn't be doneý for several reasons. Moistened stuffinig doesn't keep WelI, and if it is chilled before cooking, wilI take too long t'O reach 740C' (165'17)j the temiperature needed ,to kili food spoilage bacteria. If you are concerned'with saving tiMeC, prépare the ingre- dients ahead of time and com-' bine them just before stuffing the bird and roasting. Or, cook, the stuffing outside the turkey in'a covered casserole for 30 to 60 minutes. Mushroorn Stulfing 9,cups soft, stale bread cubes. I tsp. sait '/4 tsp. pepper 1 tsp. 'sage V/2 tsp. thyme V cup chopped parsley 1 cup butter, mielted 1 large onion, chopped 1 cup choppedcelery' 1 cup chopped m'ushrooms- 1Mix bread cubes, seasonings and parsley. Saute' ônion, cel- ery, mushroorns in butter and add, to 'breaà d emixture. ,'Toss lightly but th oroughly. Makes: 9 cups stuffing. Fruit-Nut Stuffing 6 cups fresh bread cubes 1 cup butter, 1/2 cup chopped celery 1 cup chopped cranberries 1 cup chopped, dried'apricots V2 cup raisins '/2 cup chopped walnuts or pecans, 1 tsp. sait V2 tsp. pepperý V2 tsp. savory Prepare, bread'cubes and 'set aside in deep bowvl. Meit butter. Saute ceiery, cranberries, apri- cots and raisins, in half thebut- ter until celery is, tender and fruit is plump. Add to'-bread crumbs in bowl,'along with the nuts, additional butter and sea- sonings. -Toss t'O MixweII. Makes: 7 cups. THeRET WALLý, 116 Dunidas Street West, Whltby 668-7021. A favorite eating spot for Chinese food loyers. A large selection of Canadian,dsheslo served. Every Friday, the chef pýrepares roast tender beef witb gravy on the 'special menu. Free delivery on mini- mum order.,- Open, from: il a.m. to i1 a.m. weekdays, Friday, and Saturday open till 2:30 a.m., Sunday to, 10 p.m. Fully licensed. Tuesday closed. CORNER PIZZA' Christmas ~jFREE SM 9~with purchase Special iail Pizza of every r,' large. $1.0 off any oarder- Yau pick up. Op.rr4 p.m. to 2 &mn. Tues-Sat. 2Q4 Brock St. S. Whltby 668-8807 GOLDEN GATE. 107 Brock Street South, :Whltby668-8321. This 'popular Chinese~ retarnt bas been in Whitby .for 30 years. The specialty of the bouse is bar-be-qued spare-ribs. A new dish is being in- troduced. It's, a'special combination of light hors d'oeuvres called Bo ,Bo plattr ýEat in the delightfuuji decorated Bamboo Room at one of their cii,- cular bootbs. Open Monday to Thursday from il a.m; to 2 a.m.; Friday and Saturday fromn l'.m' te3 a".m. and Sattday tiini pâ..Fully licens- ed andhbmne deliver. .*~o ~* -. ~ e5k0 - For Thée Holiday Season Meat Platters -SpeciallyMade Cheese Baskets ' Gnsrbrsad: Houses < &okiiFig«ures Tree Hangers i Fins Quaiity C hocolates Lýarge Selection of Gifts New Year's Party & Dinner Dance at' club Ann rene (Scugog. Island - PortePp), 8 piece orch DOORS OPEN AT 8:0*ÇM. $35 per c ouple includes ai you can cat, bot & cold buffet. Special treat at- midnight, party hats & favours. Tickets availabie at: SAM THE RECORD MAN, Oshawa & Peterborough IRWIN SMITH MUSIC, Port Perr y BARRY'S VARIETY, Port Perry M 5NUhNa 9 576-4096 ~ g 1-705-292-7722 and Durham Road 7 Eust of Port Perry iVéit f~jj «tilde & STEAK ANDU SEAFOODMHOUSE O PE N SChristmas Day and New Years Day There is stili tirne to reserve for your Christmas Party and New Years Party. Cali today. 557 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA RESERVATIONS CALL -576-6999 1% N Admil