PAGE 28, WEDNMlSIi 82, IJITBY1 PRESS- e k- %11 jFui! Deals Uln Stoqe.' PrieËib et Cut from Canada gmade 'A beef the King of masis, sorteut,' Dominion flour Aulpurpose 3.5 kg bmg l- Mountsn Dew, PepoW-Fee < iet or regular ~~ ~ 750 mL ret. bt. plusdeposi pEiCOL ALL I Ps leR pidy O"ne iiwoi or Suon Pao frozen Trmdwntfetnles#» YeiMOl eh&* poeilon, "uY unsweetenedconcentrated Ail vadetin hsm ~ooedha s Oane uice IFrui t ba sd UUhlt grad, true IllSiiverwoods or Beaifice evscerated i# mosavalble100 . t. i 1litre cont. Young turkeys TomatosU p Eggnog 2n4,9<9~9 13 By the ple, soi cuti, Suile roi DomInion Grisai plain ldueiefudd0x 300) jumbo 400 gcontainer, ~5Aj49199 1199 Rtegularor mini K»ise BlttneVî bitAquafes 00nl ce.ënt. :pkg. of 30 Black Forst hmf Toohpaste Dinner nspkinsi m),36ag 14-9 1.09» coude sida 'A frUlH enfla or ojoba conditioner or Flaaleo brcn tued «bgaSU d l -I- ig d iIu OM M X* Na ture's O rganica 450 m L cont. - 675 .niL cou. ' Golen ludShmpoo Lennjuice Frn , MW slfdA ii Ihyw tlta lw Blue Water f rozen potato crlep wto, s".mbormeef Productof U.".A flehrolsorBoLpkg.- ~~ kO/73,9 1 9 Il r -ocucu o! UflWIUed «Wt Freelidm»a ~;Iocjefflor whole OSnSpoey, 398 miL cont Raînbowtrout. tofflcu oitle a emuor - - Cr doute ~1Ù~berr3 ~UxCa AsSdeed filaurs Ipowders 690 nil. contl Minerani watem NW « counbry lyýlecle, B n 170 g plg.- 'n 'such shrimp Musroom 11,98 2Ice re PMLO '2a919< Product of U.S.A Doohiin dMMWOCNP ci Fr.h Ontado no. 1 rad wet MAnniverary Sole fillet remnpppr cookies kç8i94088 1.99 Selco PrSwOfu tU.S.A. Club House.boa.pecled, stufed 280 mLOln FlorIdegroien" WmbaSMamlk3M5 nL cent Mgncan oranges Avocados Olives > .89 laue 179 350 g coiii MAixed nuts 2.ý99 Pineapple 298ew Dinner mlse : "~: Asseid utieecd(excp hcpout mu linhpo 24x00nLN M YCASE O 2599 14898 zr Vluesefctv ntlcoe fbsiesF lday, Deçember 24, 1982 except produc, andi fvesh fish a Smturday, Decen*be 18, 1982. WE RESERVE THE RIGNI TO LIMITOQUANTITIES. v j 0 ilt çvý Richrnelo scorbe rom or pkg. of 12,' sed coin ow con 14 IL