PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1982. WHITBY FREE PRESS '82N REVIE w ~SPECIAL THIS WEEK Brooklin Flour Milis Flou r & Baking Supplies 40 Kg Ail Purpose Flour Cereals, fruits, nuts, mixes Christmas baklng supplies. 23 CASSELS ROAD EAST BROOKLIN.655-4851, e e e - I - NOW..the SANYO Model630. the VCR that's a lot more than a VCR! Random Access lets you instantly tune your televi sion set or record Up to 105 channels* without a costly converter or annoying pre-sets. Tune ln or record any channet by remote control tram your armchair, toc! Compare and Save with SANYO Compare the Sanyo Model VCR 6300 with the equivalent model any other brand offers. ln virtually every case, you'iI save with SAN'YO. Prcdatol$97900 OMakes Lite's Grbod Thngs.. W A M VCBetter! Three other models available ...... 4800 portable.....$S9900........ UIGONT LED Right up front. where yeu con see it as CHANNIEL you change channeis. Bright green DISPLAY LED dislay can be.seen ail the way across the reom. à DAY 1 EVENT Set yeur Model 6300 te turn iseif on PROORAMMINO and aif and record up toeieght days n advance. or set tl te record ai the samne trne every day for eight days. Neyer miss a favourite program agoin. WIRELES8 From your armchair. you con change REMOTE channeis. advance or reverse the tape. COIITROL iock in the -Record- button. cut out WITH CHANINEL commerciais or unwanted program SELECTIOII segments. freeze frame. forward or reverse search. even switch bock and forth between the program you. re wtching on TV and the pregram youre recording on VCR. OTHER Eiectronc tape counter. FEMMUES Forwardlrever'.e visuai scan ..........VCR 4300 - $799@00 .......VCR 4000 - '689000 Your SANYO dealer in Brooklin. Specializing- in Beta System VCR Rentais with over 200 rentaI tapes in stock. Open Monday to Wednesday 8to 6 Thursday to 7 -Frlday to 8 Open Sunday, Jan. 2nd 1 to 5 p.m. 14 Church St., Brooklin 65542129 For 'm public sg only becd year thg wages. .For th, the year, unions ' the. On ment'si prograni In Wh~ Canadiai Public (CUPE) Protest year for Vorkers in the cial counterpart,' OnI iector, 1982 can & ario Public Service Enr iescribed as the ployees Union - (OF ie axe feUl on SEU), staged vehemerm protests against wag e latter half of restraint. .,publie service TInanticipation of th, railed against restraint bill, passed ij tario govern- December, the union wage - restraint flatly refused to acceç 1. 1 a five per cent ceillng oi iitby, both the wage increases for cor n Union of tracts signed betweei Employees Oct. 1, 1982 and Sept. 30 and its provin- 1983. unions t- They launched a cam- a- paign designed to show. P- that public servants are it the scapegoats of a rott- e ing economy. Informa- tion, picket Uines at ie Whitby Psychiatrie Hos- In pital and' union litera- is ture condemned the # "discrimination" and ýn "linequity" of a bull-that i- would only limit wages .n in one sector of the eco- >, nomny. In October, CUPE -, crashed a Progressive -Conservative rally in Oshawa and urged oppo- sition leader Joe Clark to snuff out the provin- cial Conservatives'. re- straint legisiation.. In November, teach- ers gathered in Coburg to protest the bill, and CUPE members picket- ted the office of Conser- vative MPP George Ashe. The message was clearly that the public sector was outraged by the restraint bill. >Ashe and the Conser- vative government re- peatedly stressed that the public sector'must set, an 'example of re- straint if the economy could be expected to im- prove. The' crucial issue to the unions was that the government not oniy in- tended to limit wage in- creases, but it planned to deny them the right to strike for higher wages. The government, how- ever, said that it was necessary to remove the right to strike, other- wise the legislation would be ineffective. Ashe told the Free Press in October if the unions retained the right to strike, they would ail simply walk off the job the day the legislation was passed by parliament. The outlook for 1983 appears to be more of the same, with CUPE planning further demon- strations for the new year. The government, how- ever, bas passed the re- straint bill, which wil be in effect at least until October 1983.