PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS R EVIE rTr Police report violent crim es dedln during 1982 Police remove the body of Margaret Daniel, 20, a patient of Whitby Psy- chiatrie Hospital, from Lake Ontario last March. -Free Press Staff Photo The 'deaths of a pa- tient-of Whitby Psychia- trie ýHospital and a trainee of the Durham Centre for the Develop- mentally Handicapped brought up questions about, search proce- dures at the two institu- tions this year. Margaret Daniel, 20, of Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital, and 52-year- old John Demster both disappeared from their respective institutions and later were. found dead in LakeOntario. Coroners'inquests in- to both drownings re- commended tighter search procedures at the centre and the hos- pital. The juries also- iecommended there be greater police involve- ment in searches. The two disappear- ances were reported to be preceded by moodi- ness and even suic'idai tendancies (in the case' of Daniel). There is a possibility of erecting fences, around thetwo institu- tions, both located near Lake Ontario. cuffn C LEANERS <SAME DAY SERVICE ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS FLANNEL Flannel is very popular for clathlng - bath ladies' and men's. 'It is comfort- able ta wear, warm, and lts ýsof t appear- ance makes it desir- able for many uses. Flannel is a large group of napped, plain or twill weave fabrios made of wool, cotton or man-made é74 fibers. There are dIfferent' types of flannel. Some flannels have a fine twiIl weave with a sllght nap on the rlght side only. A suede flannel Is napped on both sides, sheared and then the fibers are pressed ta resem- ble a felted fabric. Another type of flIan- nel is made of part wool and part cotton and treated sa it wiII flot shrink. Man-made f libers are usually Identlfied In the name of the f lannel. Flannels may suf- fer a Iass of nap ln areas subjected ta abrasion durlng wear.' The napped surface fibers of the fabric work Into bails or "plils'. K & M Cleanors andi the International Fabricare Institute, the worldwide trade association for laun- derers and dryclean- ers, suggest that you take your flannels ta professional dry- cleaners. They know haw ta take care of your f lannel garments 50 that they wil retain their beauty through many wear- Ings. SEwg.fa,£tetILtitç3mdy 112COLBORNE ST- W.ï WHITBY 668-2831, News of a fatal shoot-. ing in a Whitby cottage last March sent shock waves through local residents. -On March .19, 1982, police discovered the body 'of 20-year-old. James Duncan, New- lands in a cottage near Thickson Road South. Newlands had been shot twîce with a 12-gauge shotgun, and had been in the cottage for five« days before police were notified. A subsequent investi- gation revealed, that Newlands had. broken into the cottage with 19- yeair-o1d Michael Davis Michael Davis of Oshawa, and an. en- suing argument led to the shootinig. At his November trial, Davis maintained he had shot Newlands in seif-defence after' New- lands- pointed a pellet pistol at his head. But the fact that New- lands had' been shot twice, and that Davis did not approach police, convinced the 12-man jury that Davis was' guilty of'second degree murder..* On November 1, 1982, Michael Davis was sen- tenced to life imprison- ment with parole after 10 years, in provincial couîrt in Whithv. N '?~, THE CORPORATION OF STHETOWNOFWHITBY CHRISTMAS TRE PICK-UP CHRISTMAS TREES WILL BE PICKED UP DURING THE WEEK 0F, JANUARY 10, 1983, ON YOUR REGULAR COLLEC- TION DAY. R.A. KUWAHARA, P. ENG., DIRECO F PUBLIC WORKS. As1983 begins, we'd like to wish aur fine patrons every blessing. Ken's Sewing10 Centrej Midtown Malil 200 John St. 4 Oshawaý 57-04 Whitby experienced a decline in crimes against people reported to Durham Regional police in 1982. The total number of crimtes against people, which includes'such offenses as ýassault, murder, rape and robbery, went from 334 in 1981, to 296 in 1982. Regional statisties reflect a similar trend, with the total number of crimes against people down to 2,568 in 1982 from 2,708 in 1981. .This represents about a 10 per cent decline in both ,Whitby and thé region. The following is a, breakdown of crimes against people in Whitby for the first il months of 1981 com- pared to the same period in 1982: ,1 1981 135 67 4 0 0 0 -29 5 Offence: - Common Assault Assault (Bodily Harm) Assault (police) Murder Attem pted Murder Manslaughter Offensive Weapons Rape Robbery Sexual offenses Threatening Wounding offenses Criminal negligence Obstructing 1982 99 65 5 1 0 33 3 I 3« iwsi ' I shn o o eh p ie s i ec'n o truhu h Haapeace fu and Jytruhu h 10 hî dayse as t. W. ~~~Wib WhyMi 2-71' 668> 5-69 '8 IN Search urocedures austioned James Du ncan 1 Newlands Cottage 1murder stuns residents