PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5,1983., WHITBY FREE PRESS ~.' ARTICLESS 'I~ OR S.IF~E j FOR SA LE AIR CONDITIONER $40. Glass covered ratian table $90. phone 668-937. ALUMINUM siorm and screen door with grill, aixe 331/4"I x 8ot½",, $45. 14" colour TV, brand new, Sears mako, $350. Phono 683-1345. AN md iln the Whiiby Free Pres CIassiflld Section will seli aimomi anythlng. Cali 668-111. BAUER Suprae 10'MI hockey skates, size 8. Rotail $219. Siftli n the box, nover usod. Price $150. Great gîfti Curling shoos, Bauer Bonsplels, neyer usod. Sîzo 9 $35. Size 8 $25. Cali 686-06838Bto 9 a.m. or &lier 10 p.m. *EAUMARK Ire. rm portable zig zmg sowlng machine ln carry case. Aeklng $130. Cmii66&.3674, BEIGE à BROWN 4 pc. chester- Iid. New condition. Asking $400. Phone 668-260. CHESTERFIELD and rocker, wood lrame, now cushions, goîd, $150. Large picture window $295. Phono 668-060. CROSS-COUNTRY SKIS, 190 cm. with polos and boots, size 5, $45. Cross-country boots, size 7, $12. Figure skates, size 5, $4. Figure skates, size 6. $8. Boys Cougar boots, size 6, $6. Two echool dssks, blue and red, each $12. Hamster cage, round, sturdy, matai, liko now, $10. Phono 668- 9482 evonInge. DRUMS for sale - Base, Snare, Tom-Tom, Crash Symbol, plus emailer symbol attached. ln good condition. Aaking $250. Also want 10 sei1 good b.d and mattrose for $25. Please cmli 576-1911 mlter 5 p.m. FIVE antique oak chairs with bma- thor semIs $250, very good condi- lion. Ono pair of girls size 10 Karen Magdanson skates $12, ex- cellent condition. Phono 668&9170. FOR SALE - Complote smw sharp- onlng oquipment ln 16' tralior, $5000. Phone 655-4814. FOR Immediato rosuits, use 1h. Fr. Press Emporium - 668-6111. FOR SALE - 2 pair boys Baùer skates, mixe 5 & 5h, $10 «ech. Mens' Torino skis wih poes & boots $40. Antique buffet with mirror $100. Bookcaae, 3 ehelves with 2 doors ai the boilom, $75. Atari vldeo gamne, 6 carlridge, $25. Singer treddlo sewing machins $Z. Color TV et, RCA, 26" f oor modol, $50. Chesterfield & chair, gold, $100. Picnic table $20. Mens' 10 speed bike, light- welght, now tires & tubes, $75. Assortment of books & records $10. Tyco racing car et, command control, $25. Phone 579-3353. FOR SALE - Steel box traiter (Dat. sun pick-up box), 15" wheels, $350. Phone 655-4814. LARGE train set, NGauge, 124 cars, 16 engines, 27 eiectric swii- ches, building and transformera. Asking $1,495. Cmli afier 6 p.m. 579-3408. MENS European ski boots, mixe i. excellent condition. Asking $50 or bosi oller. Phione 668-0495. MIJSKRAT'fur comt, mixe 12-14, godcondition, $250. Cali 668- NEW OUTBOARD MOTORS - unused. With warranty. 2 h.p. $395. 5 h.p. $695. Hawk slde-in truck camper wilh stove, sink and Ice box, aleepa, 3, excellent condi- lion, $795. Phono 985-3486. 1956 EVINRUDE, 25 h.p., $125. Webcor reel-to-reel tape recorder wih ampilfier $40. Reminglon eloctric typowrlior $50. Standard typewritor $25. Threo 5x7 vinyl covered room dividers with legs, $15 emch. Phono 576-769. ONE mmmli dvertisoment la ail it takes. Place your article for samie In the Whitby Free Prose and get Immediato rosuits. Tho Free Pross la road by over 70,000 potentiel buyers ach week. Thlnk about what we can do for you ... thon cmii us. Whitby Freo Press 668-611il. ONE lake fur coat, -size 44, $100. On. Serta bed cheslerllold bed, nover usod, $250. On. brown tweed winler coat,,size 16, $50. One Woatheraiî rain coal, sizo 14, $10. Phono 668-1398. PIERRE CARDIN doublo-breasted raincoat, mon's, sizo 44 rogular, beige. Worn live timesi $60. Phono 571-3423 mter 6 p.m. PIONEER model KE3000 AMIFM cassette car radio, eiectronic dilgi- tal tuning, pro-sot stations, auto- ejeci. ln original box. $225. Phone 668-980. PORTABLE Singer sowing machine $60. Gendron baby buggy $5. Double bod, side rails and foot board, $15. Exorcise lounger $25. Elsctic trains $60. Stuflod anfimrais $1. Phono 576-6479. SCHOOL domk, ouid oak, $45. An- tique T.V., 7" Admirai, wood cabinet, Ilrst rmodol Admirai T.V. manuîactured ln Canada, working lice old, $425. Solid wainul trostie table $300. Ktty bod, ould birch, diepoeable anitary mattrees, $59. Phono 668-4098. SELL your unwanted articles quickly and eamiiy with an md ln your local newmpaper - the Whtby Froe Prose. Cali 668-6111. When the adveriised Item la soid, disposed of, or unavailable for whatever reason, the Item wili be deemed to have been sold and a commission wiil be charged baeed on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illusiraiod beiow, regardiesa If price la staied wlth "beat of fer". If the Item la NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wlili be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 wiil appiy payable ln advance of publication of the lirai ad. OiherwIae a $7.50 charge wIll ap- ply If billed whlch muai be paid upon receipi of bill. The' above minimum charges will be applied to the final commission due but In any case the hlgher amouni wIil be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-paid; $7.50 bliled. Maximum commission: $100.00. Alil adverisemenis must be placed on an ex- clusive basîs wiih the WKITBY FREE PRESS and run ailoasi one mcnih If not sold. 5% o adertied ric up o $ .00RATES (if article sa soid): EXAMPLE: Sold item advsrtised for $120.00. Commission due $6.00 <minimum charge la $6.00>. Priva. mdverising onlyl Please noilty 1h. Whitby Free Pross Immedimîeiy when Item* la soid 80 Ihat we may doiete il lrom 1h. foilowlng Issue. Ail ada not fitting 1h. Emporium guidelines wiil be iroated and charged per weok as regular classiflied ada on a pro-paid basis such as: services, help wanted, clothlng, real oBlate, and personal message type ada, or ada not quoling prica or quantity. Privai. ciassilled ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headinga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM PO. Box 208 TIHE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS I$ THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. if in doubi cmii: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. ~*, ARTICLES FFORAI.ELEq 7 PIECE Tama drum sot plus Synaro oioctronlc drum. Ail hard- ware Inciuded, 4 cymbale and stands: Liai $4.500. S011 $3,250. Cmii 668-1377. SHOPMATE radiai arm 8mw, 7 Inch bledo, wlh stand, $225. Phono 655-3215. SKIS, boots an*-poles.. Ski iongth 170 cm. BOOt ixe 10. Price $85. AISO, Old records (78). Price for lot $35. Phono 683f.68 CALL 668-111 10 Place your md. FORORSAI.E minum, suilabie for patio or store front. Cost now $975, wiii sali for $30 Or boat Offer. Phono 579. 4388. STERLING SILVER ladies watch $75. Phono morninge until 1 668- 3579, afiernoons and evoninga 668-6424. SUPER -8- Vashica movie camera, olectric oye, zoom lana, $80. Haminox Super,,811 projoctor, ZOOM, Variable spood, etc., $85. Movie screon $30. Phono 6683885. ~VARTICLES 101RS1 SALE] THOMAS DoLuxeEuropomn 1125 oiectric organ wlth a double key- board. includes bonch, iight and shoot music. Liko now. Asking $975. Phono 668-2725. 3 HORSEPOWER air compreesor, 40 galion holding tank, $750. 75 feet of 120-voit lino $75. 1970 440 Magnum Rupp $600 and tralier $75. 1975 250 cc Skidoo racing machine) $200. Gardon tractor, 7 horsepower Viking, with more et- tachmonîs, $750. 1968 Triumph 650 cc customized motorcycie $600. Phono 571-3024. TURN UNWANTED ARTICLES INTO Use this form to mail ln your Emporium Ad i have read the Emporium guidelines and wish to have the foliowing advertisé- ment piaced under this section of the Whitby Free Press. (don't forget to inClude your phone number) D I enclose $6.00 to cover the minm El Charge $6.00 to my Visa account Dl Bill me $750 atter f irst publication Card No. Nom* (piemmo print - f irat and luet namoe) Sîrset Addross City num charge i0f ny ad MAIL Exp.DiteTO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O0. BOX 206 131 Brock St. N. Postai Code Whi tby LIN 581 THREE oak Chairs $15 each. Brasa lampa $30 pair. 'Large full size mIrror $20. Car jack wlth stands, heavy duiy, $60. Phone 683-6638. TIMELINESS la important when you are buying or sellIng. And a CLASSIFIED AD la the l10w-cost tlmeiy way 10 a quick qolution. Cmii Whilby Free Press 668-111:, WALNUT BUFFET wiih glass -dors, excellent condition, $150. *Outeido waii chlmney unit for wood siovo, $200 or best oller. Dorchester stermo wllh twln speakers $25. Phione 668-0495. WOOD 24' extension laddors $30. Snow skimmner, ai steel, $50. Phono 668-1987. ZERO clearance lireplace, 36" openlng, $175. Approximaîeiy 100 smoked glass mirror tMes $50. Vaniiy oniy, dark wood, $25. Proc- ter Silex 12-cup coîlee maker with digital dlock, used twice oniy, $45. Phono 683-3236. à %NUEUSJ ANTIQUE PINE - Nova Scolia rope bed, 48" wide, asking $250. Phono ANTIQUES FOR SALE - Victorien sofa with mtching chair $250. Victorien wing back chair $150. Canadiana b.d $175. Square omk dinlng tabla, a legs, 4 beaves, $400. Two matching 'winil back chairs,, now, navy cotton, $200 oach. Secretary dask, datod 1879, $800. Cali 579-765. THERE ARE PEOPLE wliliing 10 ln the Whitby Fr. Prse Empor. um Section. As fast as a phone Cmi, routs 'happeni Cmi 668& 6111 today. AUTOOBIES W FORAISALE 1978 H1ONDA CIVIC, fhatchbiack automaîic, one ownar, boY good, god running condition, needa ires o be certifiod, 57,000 original Miles. $1,200 Or bosi ofer. Phono 6681564.. 1972 CHEV CAPRICE CLASSIC, 400 motor and transmission, new brakos i the wmy around. Aeking $50 or besi roasonabie offer. -Phone 666-94o. 402engins, had ring and valve lob and rebulit transmission. Aiso new fuel pump and wator pump. Runs excellent. Seil for parts. $600 or besi offer. Phono 579-4388. CABINET colfea table, A-i condi- tion, $125. Hi-fil, A-1 condition, $125. Dark brown velour rocklng chair $200. Phone 668-2368. CIJRVED SPACE lurnIture, thro. plec es, inciudlng spoon chair. Ex- cellent condition. Asking$40 Phono 668-1564. MATCHINO fridge, slave and Ian., Fridge, goid, $220. Siove $150. Fan $15. Phono 579-4212. ONE black bar, good condition,' $75. One black recilner chair $40. Phono 668-4116e ONE PHONE CALL AND YOU AWAKE A SELLINO GIANT. Place your advertisement under Iheý Whitby Free Prose Emporium sec- tion and get. immediate resuits. For luriher Information or 10 place your md ln the Free Pross cail 668. ROLL TOP desk, medium oak' finish, ie 50" x 24" x 42" high, oak veners with soiid oak roll-top, custom made (new). Asking $500. Phono 668-1385. SEARS lrost-free refrigerator/ freezer wiih Ice Maier. Full size. Brown.' Good condition. Oniy $150. Phono 725-7729 days. SINGLE DED with maitresa, ln good condition, $50. Two places of broadloom, blue, 12' x 18' $120, 12' x 8' $40. Phonoe668-960. WRîNGER - WASHER,',excellent condition, $235. Phono 623-7522. 3NMOUlOLES FOROSASALE 1975 TNT SKIDOO, 340, good run- nIng shape and excellent candi. tion, neede 11111e work on, libre. gimes hood. Aeklng $700. Phone 839-9725. THERE are peopleý wiliing 10 pay good money for the tInge you'vo tired of. Check your closets, attic and bamement - start tho now yemr with cash In hand and your spring cioaning don. Placo your md ln tho Whltby Free Press - as fast as a phono cati, rosults happent Cali 668-111, 1970 GMC % Ton Truck, long box, 10-1 pistons, aluminum Inlake, much moro, $1,100 or besl offor. must soul. 1975 Honda 500 motor: cycle, needs lune up, In good shape, $500. Both for $1,400. Calii Wade 668-7520, I -1I --. . . -m.. . PORfC M ,7 afp N GEl YOUR MESSAGE ACBS m )Ze *Economically *Conveniently *Ao-curately fZ- CLASIFIESOOOOOOOOOOO066861 i osa aa mau 2% of balance over $M.00 1