WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 23, 1983, PAGE 9 F HIGH SCHOOL NEWSWE Denis O'Connor has championship hurdler By RAMONA MARTENS DO'C HIgh Sehool This past week has been accented by much activity. For one, many people have been con- gratulating Brian Devenyi. On the week- end of Feb. 12, Brian won the Ontario Champ- ionship (17 years and under) in hurdies. Oh, the sweet taste of first place!I We are proud of you, Brian. Another source of DO'C pride takes the form of our orchestra. They were "on tour" at our feeder sehools this week. Thanks musicians for your fine performances!1 And where are the Grade 10's this week? In Quebec City, of course. They left on Sunday ful of good cheer and bab- bling away 'en fran- cals'. And now for the spirit- ual side of our week. On Feb. 16 we began the liturgical season of Lent gathering together at St. John's for the celebra- tion of the mass. In preparation for our Len- ten focus, Peace, five DO'C students partici- pated in a two-day ex- perience of peace at Regina Mundi Farm in Sharon. We wilI hear mnore from them in the weeks ahead. Last Tuesday the junior girls' volleyball team played their last game of the season against Harwood. The girls were victorious with gamne scores of 15- 0, 15-4 and. 15-8. Allison Paul concluded her sea- son with twelve cone- cutive volleys!1 Our midget boys' basketball team aiso played their last game of the season on Tues- day. Unfortunately they lost to Anderson by a close score of 40-33. Con- gratulations gentlemen, you've had a good season. The junior boys' basketball team was also defeated by Ander- son 66-37. Brett Herod was high scorer with 9 points. That's it for this week, folks 11 By LISA STEWART Anderson C.V.I. From Feb. 28 to Mar- ch 2 about 20 A.C.V.I. students are embarking on a journey back in time into an era where fast food restaurants, television, automobiles, and blowdryers are not yet invented. This might sound like a typical Twilight Zone setting but in reality these students are going to St. Marie in Midland, Ontario. Most of the stu- dents involved in the ex- cursion are history and French students rang- ing from Grade 10Oto 13. The main objective of this trip is toview the lives of Jesuits and fur trappers between 1639- 1649. This is exactly ,what these Étudents will be doing as they follow a busy achedule which in- cludes making candles, Crafts and. coliectableis Henry Street IHigh School will hold a Crafts and Collectables Show March13 from 9a.m. to 4 p.m. at the school. Ail proceeds from the show will be used for the activities of the drama club. Interested vendors should caîl 668-2731. spoons, bowls, nails, and quill pens, carpen- try and Indian leather crafts. Aiso the students wili participate in an ail-day hike and cook outdoors. These adventurers plan to enjoy themselves tre- mendously and gain some experience and frost-bite at the same time. This last point is somewhat impossible because the students have been prepared for this trip by a seminar on wil4erness --survivai. This, excursion definite- ly promises to be very interesting and informa- tive. Meanwhile, on Fri- day, Feb. il the fun at the annual A.C.V.I. Win- ter Carnival was.kicked off with the Snow Bowi in which the Grade 13 boys were victorious. This year's Carnival King and Queen are Marco' Adebar and Tracey Lewis, while A.C.V.I.s Superman, Mr. Daleman, won the contest for the best cos- tume. Other events included marshmallow eating, floor hockey, frosh volleyball, the student- teacher toboggan race, as well as table game tournaments. The day proved to be an ail- round success and was perfectly concluded in the evening with the Valentine Dance. Also, congratulations are extended to the A.C.V.I. concert band members for success- fully completing their 25 hour play-a-thon and raising about $3,100. These events are only a few of the many ways in which Anderson 's school spirit is main- tained. Type writer RENTALS T I a Imm I I I 1.-m I Fg 97 POINT DIAGNOSTIC INSPECTION Special Regular $22.00 DSav 5a0f% Now Sj1.00 or arf eemotoring have your vehicle inspected today! GUARANTEED SERVICE GUARANTEED GM -PARTS G.UARANTEED PRICEý - - -- 't - - - --- - - - -- - - - - -- -- - Cars'and 1Iight duty trucks only Of fer expires March 31/83. FREE OIL FILT ER with lubrication and oih change (with coupon) Cars and Iight duty trucks oniy. Offer expires March 31/83. Compete F And Collisig CHEV OLDS Nwy. 2 & Thickson Rd. WHITBYTOP OFTHE HILLWHITBYý Ajourney intime - - -- - I I i also SALES & SERVICE -ce >aint !on ices rh.. a 1 ý ý ý ý ý *,q te, Ir