WHITBY FREE PRESS PROGRESS EDITION, WEDNESDAY MARCH 2, 1983, PAGE 1 %SALTO POGRES Williams Communications keeps us lin touch williams Communications apecializes I in radio producta Williams Communica- tion Services Llmlted was started more- than 30Oyears ago by Bruce C. Williams to service home entertainment products. The company was orlginaily incor- porated .as. Willams Electronlcs Llmited. In 1959, Williams, was named the area servxçç representative for Motorola radio commu- nications produets, and hà s gone on to specialize In that field. Under the direction of Mrs. Dorothy Wiliams, President, and Mr. Harold- Seibel, General Manager, 'Williams Communication Ser- vices Limited now em- ploys 12 people at its new premises on Taun- ton Road East in Oshawa. The company services virtuaily ail of the major users of two- way radio .tbroughout the Region of Durham. For example, Williams Communica- tion installed and main- tain the sophisticated radio systems of the Durham Regional Po- lice and the Ministry of Health AmbulanceSer- I Honda Accord LX WHITBY- 0% OS HAWA "Durham's Largest Honda Dealer"5 Sa/cse8rtvc.1parts,£asx 1110 Du ndas St. E-4 W~hitby,-ÇOntarloý 666-1 686-1 772 Whitby, Ohw 745 Ajax, Pickering,Tont M I vices, Region of Dur- ham, as well as various Whltby municipal departments. In addition ta servie- ing, Williams Communi- cation Services Limlted also seils and rents the complete Motorola two- way radio product Uine. The company has- esta- blished repeater sites i Oshawa, Uxbridge and, Whitby-Oshawa Hon- da, *Durham Region's largest Honda dealer, is loo#ing forward ta another successful year i 1983, spokesmen say. 3 I c 181 Taunton Rd. E. Bethany to. provide wide-area radio com- munications -tÃ" local businesses who have personnel out on the road much of the time. Somne Whitby arça subscrlbers include Oshawa Garden Ser- vice, Stokely.Van.Camp, Andrew Antenna. and Central Lake Ontario Honda .has'new Une wi*th redesigned Prelude Honda's lune-up ,is essentially unchanged froin last year, but there wiil be a re-designed version of thé Honda Prelude. uslng a combination of mobile units, linstalled i their. vehicies, -,and hand-held , portable units. Williams Commu- nication has-found an icreasing. demand for two-Way radio as busi- nesses large and small, endeavour to make the most efficient use of their employees and This- fabulons sports coupe has been on dis- play at the Toronto Auto Show and will be in deal- ers' showrooms by, the lusiwek:farh 579«241 2 M WVILLIAMS- COMMUNICATION EÈRVICIES LIMITEO Communicate with anyneanywhere,.anytime. H anduheld Portable Mobile telephone .system local & wide area two*way systems, in plan.t paging & extend-a-phones. I 1 ep, 1 ' . 1