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Whitby Free Press, 9 Mar 1983, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1983, WHITBY -FREE PRESS immi EU PR...u Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subjeot to the followlng conditions. AQUARIUM, 5W galion, wlth wooden cabinet and canopy, f lIter syetem, pump and corai, excellent condition, $150. Twin mattreus, box spring and frame, extra-long, 80", excellent condition, $100. Zenith storso record player with 2 speakers and stand,- excellent condition, $75. Wooden dosk, 4 drawor, wrîting top 2211 x 39"', $30. Phone 579-3354. BAUER. Suprême 10O'e hockey skates, sizo 8. Ratail $219. Still lr the box, novar ueed. PrIco $150. Great gitti Curling shoas, Bauau Bonspiele, nover used. Size 9 $35. Size 8 $25. Cail 688-0683 8 to 9 a.m. or alter 10 p.m. DRUMS for sale - Base, Snare, Tom-Tom, Crash Symbol, plus emallar symbol attached. In good condition. AekIng $250. Aiea for sala gooci b.d and matrase $25. Ktchen table and chaire $45. Living roomn drapas $40 Truck mirrors $35., PMasoe au 576-1911 altter 5 p.m. EVERYBODY reade th. Classi- fiodel Soit a househoid 0i furni- turo ... ssii a boat, or a car ... or something as smil as a bird. No malter what you are seiling, there lesa cuetomer oui tharo among aur 70,000 readers wha la your poten- tiel buyer. Phono taday, we're waiting ta heip you write a classi- fled ad. Whitby Free Prose 668& 6111. 5-STRING BANJO with case, usec 3 monthe, $175 or besi citer. Phone 668-4300. FOR SALE. BMX, Raeigh trame, Viscouni area seat, alioy 'seat post, clamnp nock, 1 place 7"1 crank, 40-18 goanlng, Raeigh tango tanks. Asking $100. CatilRab 579-0878 atter 4 p.m. FOR SALE - 19" Colon TV, Magna. vax, Instant on, ln good warking arder, $125 or boat affer. Phone; FOR SALE - Zenith 19" black and *white TV, $60. Wringer waeher, excellent condition, $100. Cash anIy. Phone 666-1663. GOLF CLUBS - 8 Irons, 4 woods. Mactregor.- Jack Burke. Excellent condition. $125. Phono 655-4344. LADIES 14 kt. dlamond cluster ring (9 atones). Total weight 1/4 carat. Asking $350. Phono 668- 5214. MANS sheapekin coat, size 4U, brand new, worn only twice. Bought for $400. Asklng $200. Must soul. Phone 666-2119. MEN'S European ski boots, size 8, excellent condition. Asking $50 or best of fer. Phone 688M095. NEW OU TBOARD MOTORS - unused. With warranty. 2 h.p. $395. 5 h.p. $695. Hawk sildo-in truck camper wth stove, sink and Ica box, sleepa, 3, excellent condi- tion, $795. Phono 985-3486. ADVERTISERS *HAVINO PROBLENS GETTINO VOUA BUSI- NESS STARTED OR KEEP- ING YOUR BUSINESS GOINO? The WhItby Free Prouas le rsd by mors ihan 22,000 of youn potentlai customers every waek - and our circulation ares In- cludes Whitby, Ajax, Brooklin ... ai te way Up ta Port Perry. eBUT YOIJ DONTKHAVE A LOT 0F MONEY TO SPENO? W. atter many ex- tra services and yei our raies are very roïasonabie. Cail now - we'ra sure wa cari help you plan an ai toc- tive advertisirig campaigri withoui goirig over your budget. I Il Sae ARTICLES FOR SALE 1956 EVINRUDE, 25 h.p., $125. Standard typawritar $45. One port- able typawriter $35. Thrae 5x7 vinyl covered room dividars with legs, $15 each. Phono 576-0769. SETTEE and rocker,- wood trame, new cushions, goid, $125. Large picture window $295. Phonoe66e 5060. 7 PIÈCE Tama drum sot plus Synare eiectronic drum. Ail hard- ware 'inciuded. 4 cymbale and stands. Lisi $4,500. Sali $2,000. Cail 668-1377. SILVER CROSS folding stroiler, excellent condition, $30. Pedigree baby carniage $50. Swing-0-Matic, rocking horse on spring, tricycle, pull toye, Fisher Prico activity don- tres, assoried ciothes, $80. Phono (416) 649-3064 after 6 p.m. SKIS, boots and polos. Ski length 170 cm. Boat sizo 10. Prico $85. Also, aid recorde (78). Prico for loi $35. Phono 683-863. STEREO, JVC raceivor and cas- setta dock with dual 508 turritable, 3-way seakers and stand. Asking $800. Phone 688-4548. SUEDE jacket, rabbit fur collan, excellent condition. Worn twico, drycioanod, aimosi naw. Size l6. Asking $100 or basi affor. Contact Mike or Anniette ai 668-8404. SUPER 'V' ashîca movia camnera, oioctrlc oye, zoom ions, $80. Haminox Super "8" projactôr, zoom, variable spoed, etc., $85. Movie ecreon $30. Phono 688-3885. 35 MM S.LR. camnera, 2.8 ions, ln excellent condition, $75. Two 3W" headbaard $5 each. Phono 688- 8943. 3 HORSEPOWER air comprossor, 40 gallon holding tank, $750. 75 feet of 120-voltIlina $75. 1970 440 Magnum Rupp $800. Gardon trac- tor, 7 harsepower Viking, wiih mare attachments, $750. 1968 Triumph 650 cc cusiomizad motan- cycle $600. Phono 571-3024. 3 HAP SEARS compressor, 30 hours use, 25 galion tank, $950 nogotiabie. Phone 655-3503. WALL-TO-WALL carpet, 9x16, beige tarie, short shag, $50. Two ight green sirigle bedepreade, nylon, with matching drapes, $30 each. One rod single badeproad, hoavy beckod materiai, wiih mat- chirig drapes, $30. Tw-cuehionad day bed, 2 yoars aid, beige tana, nevar usod as a bed, $20. Apari- mant-sizad freezer, white, 2 years aid, A-1 shapo, $185. Set of 59 loathon-bound Books of Kriaw- iedga, mint condition, $150. Coi toilet $10. Phone 688-2649. YOU NAME IT - wo'Ii souit. That'e righti Yau cari sali a personai or housahoid Item or the ontIre househald If you wish by piaclng onie ad ln the CiassIfIade. Thousande ai sagor cusiomers. read the Claseifiode evory week. ht le a freasura for budgot-mindod buyers. Place your ad now and juet listen ta yaur phono ring. Cali 668-111. _I -PLEASE READ - When the advortised Item le sold, dlspoeed 0f, or unavallabie for whatever reason, the Item wiil bo doemed ta pave been sold and a commission wIil be charged baeed on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Iiiutrated below, rogardiese If price le etated with 'Ibeet of fer". If the Item le NOT SOLD, or dlepoeed of, the ad wIll be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $600 will appiy payable In advance of publication of the tiret ad. Otherwise 9 $7.50 charge wiIi ap- ply If billed whlch muet b. pald upon recelpi of bill. The abova minimum charges will be applied ta the final commission due but ln any case the higheramount wiIl be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-paid; $7.50 biled. Maximum commission: $10000. Ail advortisemants muet be placeci on an ex- clusive baes iwth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atisast ana month If not eoid. RATES (If article la sold): 15% et adverted price Up tb $400 2% oi balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertlaed for $120.00. Commission due $600 (minimum charge le $6.00). Private advortising onlyl Please notity the Whltby Free Prose Immodiateiy when Item le eoid so that we may delete It tram 1he foliowing Issue. Ail adie not titting the Emporium guidelines wili be traated and charged par woek as ragular claseified adie on a pre-paid basis such as: services, haip wanted, ciothing, rosial siate, and personai massage type ade, or adie not quotirig prico or quantity. Private ciaeeitied ade may appoar In theEmporium section undar appropriate headinge. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 14AIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whltby, LiN 551 If Ini daubteaul: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whiiby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FR1 DAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. HELP FIOHI KIDNEY, OISEAUE Give to the Kidne Foundatio of Canada NEED CASH?. YOU NAME IT - WE'LL SELL IT Use this form to mail In your Emporium Ad 1 have read the Emporium guidelines and wish to have the foliowing advertise-' ment placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. it forget to, include your phone number) 1:1 1 enclose. $6.00 to cover the minimum charge CI Charge $6.00 to my Visa account 1:1 Bill me $7.50 af ter f irst publication of my ad card No. Exp. Date Nam@ (please print - tiret and Iast namne) Street Addreas City Postal Code MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whltby Li N 5S1 FOR SAÀLE ZERO clearance tiroplace, 36" opening, $175., Approximateiy 100 emoked glass mirror tMes $50. Vanity only, dark wood, $25.'Proc- ter Silex 12-cup cottfea maker with digital dlock, used ice only, $45. Phone 683-3236. AUTOOBILES FORRSA SAELE 1980 OLD5MOBILE OMEGA, 2 door, standard transmission, good condition, 35 M.P.G. Aeklng $6,450. Phono 728-7158 anytima. VPOI Mo FOUR H78-14 tiras on rime, white wails, iwo monthe waar, $30 each. Phone 655-4289, aek for Gary. FOUR Michelini tires, 5,000 miles, liko new, $300. Oays caili868-6922. Evoninge calil688-4046. CABINET coffao tabla, A-i condi- tion, $125. Hi-fi, A-i condition, $125. Dark brown volour rockirig chair $200. Phone 668-2368. COLONIAL sofa and chair. Beige, brawn and Ivary plaid. One yaar naw. Paid $1,250. Asking $85. Muet sait. Phone 728-7744. FIRE ENGINE bunk bedo, com- plate. Boys dreami AskIng $200. Phone 668-4447. 5-PC. BEDROOM outtit for sle. Includes mirrar, box spring and matirees, In gaod condition, $1,000. Aiea, ans Gorman crib ln exceloent shape for sala, comos with very gaod matirese, $100. Phono 668-9042. INFLATE your money suppiy. ln ihese lntiaiionary days, monoy le preclous. Evsrybody yeams ta find ihat pot ai goid, but seems ta ovoriaok a sourco of monoy mosi familles have. Yee, look ln your ai- tic, celiar or garage and you aro eure ta find remnanie 0f chIid- hood, thinge ai yostorday not being usod todlay. Thoso Items can b. your pot af goid by advortising ln the Ciaseitied columne. Cai today and we'ii hoip you writo a sura-tiroealeling .ciassified ad. WhItby Freo Prese 668-8111. KITCHEN, countartop, 146" long, beige, with moided backspiash from tel t, 86" ta double sink con- tre, $60. Kitchen caunieriop, 18" long, with iwo finished ende, $25. Chopping board for dishwashor, good condition, $50. Phone 576- 3925 eveninge. OUEEN-SIZE bed Chesterfield, red valour, ike new, $400. Cali 66-. 2702. i $0 YOU TI-OUGHT WE WERE "J UST"9 YOUR LO CAL NEWSPAPER... '001.00 0 a. 0..ee . . . . . . . . . . . . .....e a0 Bring your films ln for ;:~::: We Provide QLITY PHOTOFINISHING I..'NSTANT PHOTOCOPYING .0WUA IeIl0 You eau count on us eropntsrvyu for al your photofinishmng neetis. W'en oen ee ou Oe:: .:.... . .0: OPNMODYTOFIDY90MT 000 .P..W ..... il ,ROLL TOP dek, medium Oak finish, sIZa 50" x 24" x 42" hlgh, Oak vaners wlth solid Oak roll-top, cUStom made (naw). Asking $500. Phono 668-1385. ROUND maple table and 4 chairs, Colonial style, aeklng $300. Double bed bedspreadi, two pilllaw shamne and curtains and two table coveringe (suitable for hldeaway tables), India waave, beige In. colon, $275 complote. Desk with thma ,drawers, light wood, $200. Four-drawer cheet, Ilght wood,. $150. Phono 668-8684. 2.PC. Danieh olive cheetertieid sot. Suitable for tamily roomn. Asking $125. Phono 6833894. WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-111ý MOTOCYC ' OR SA SALE 198 HONDA 400 ce HAWK, bought In spring 1981, good condi- tion, hoimots and a rein suit In- cluded, 17,000 km., waii maintain- ed, muet oeil, $1,200 or best otton, wiii certify. Eminont organ, Solina A31 *5, twa full keyboards, f vo pro- sot percussions, Orbitons and Ar- peggio-matic Ritmix box, foot pedais, $1,550 or beet offor. Phono 683-4307. 1978 650 KZ KAWASAKI, 15,000 kiiomotors, good shape, muet seil. $1,000 cantliid. Phone 668-5155.». VAMAHA trait biko, NX 80, bought. now summer of 1982, nover ridden Ini wlntor, mInt condition. Pertect b.gInrior's moton bika, $695. Calli 655-4267 aller 4 p.m. 1971 OLYMPIC Skidoo with slc- tre start, oneoawner, low hours of use, $40. Double skidoo traiter $200. Phono (416) 649-3064 aften 6. P.m. 1974 CHEV %k TON wiih cap, 64,000 original miles, vary good runnirig condition- body neade work. $1.000,firm. Pharia688-4830 batweeri 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. TRUCK and tmalilen. 22-foot Master- coach fuliy oquippad. 1974 V4 ton Ford pick-up. AskIrig $10,500. Cari ba sean a81146 Brock Street North, Whiitby or phone 868-4111. VAN - 1982 3/4ion Chev, 350, V8, 4 barrai, Supor Van coniversioni, ioadod with extras. Aeking $16,500. For liai of options, pleaso eaul 668-178. ADVERTISERS *CAN'T DECIDE HOW TO WORD YOUA AD OR JUST WHAT INFORMATION YOU SHOULD INCLUDE? Taik to one of our protes- sionai advertlsing consult- ants. They're hars oahoip, you. Wo cari aiea heip you put an eye-catching ad to- gather. Our paste-up dopartment consiste of oxperienced people who wili design a tastofu, ef- fective ad geared epecific- aily towards your service and the message you want to put acrose. a SOUND TOO 0000 TO BE TRUE? Caîl the Whitby Froe Pross now and gai ail tho particulars. = ri~. I d 1 juuri m 1

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