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Whitby Free Press, 13 Apr 1983, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESIJAY APRI L 13, 1983, WHITBV FREE PRESS pmm. PEU.. -p.m AQUARIUM, 50 gallon, wIlh wooden cabinet and canopy, filtormaystem, pump and coral, ex. collent condition, $150. Twln mat- tiess, box sprlng and frame, extra long, W0', excellent condition, $100. Zenith star so record ployer wlth 2 speakers and stand, excel- lent Condition, $75., Wooden desk, 4 drawer, wrtlng top 22", x 39", $30. Phone ý579-335. ATARI vldeo game syatem linclud.' Ing Joysticks, paddles and savon game cartrldges - lncluding PacMan, Space invadora, Vldeo Pinball, Nlght Drivers, Star- master. Oniy $275. Cal 668-000O BRAND NEW 24 volume of ency- clopedîas, 10 vol. chîldren's ciasslca, 4 vol. medîcal book. Worth $1200. Bell for $690 PIsase.cal 728-2370. ELECTRIC lawnmower, Sunbeamn doluxe, $100 or boat aitfer. Cali 668-wS9. ELECTROLUX rug ahampooer, nhw condition, used twlce, $200. On. moto-cross bîke, excellent condition, $50. One 20" chlld'e bike $20. Phone 5764993. 5 1PuCE ktchen eset wlth brown uPholstered chairs, excellent condition, M20. Child'a desk and matchlng chair $25. CaiI&miter 5 p.m. 0001-525.> FOR BALE. BMX, Rleîgh trm, Vîscount areo seat, ailoy seat post, clamp neck, 1 place 7" crank, 40-18 gearlng, Raleigh tango foike. Asklng $100. Cal Rob 579«O7 after 4 p.m. FOR BALE 1978 Honda XR75, mînt condition, $M0. 1976 Honda XR75, good condition, $350. Boat, 14' fîberglasa, convertible top; mator, 30 h.p. Johnson, elso- tMec tarl; and traller, 800 lb.; $1 ,25 for package. Phone 655& 3977. FOR BALE Zenith 19" black and white TV, .$W. Wrînger washer, excellent condition, $100. Cash only. Phone6000.163. GARDEN TRACTOR - walk behînd h«avy duty type, Briggs & Straton engins, 12 Inch tires, 3 speeds iorward, neutral and re. verse, four attachments lncluded. One iurrow plow with coulter, one disc harrow (8 disca); one cultîvator; one iront end blade for gradlng and snow. Ail ln A-i shape. $995. Phono 055.4995. C.E Slow Cookor, used twice, $25. GE Coifeematic, good con- dition, $2. Phoneo 668.7965amier 5 p.m. GUNS FOR SALE: 20 gauge $00. .22 cal. $50. Cali 7284849 and aak for Ken. JET FLOATINO dock, 18 piecos, $500. Cast Iron roll top bathtub, $50. Cali 668.7496. KILN, ln good condition, 3 years old, »sking $450. Air brush, 2 years old, asking $100. Free glazers lncluded. Phono 66. 1077*aierO p.m. KUBOTA FMail mowor, new, 5 i*.t wlde, fine cut, modol 3661, 82,000. Phono 055-3477. MANRS aheepakin coot, size 40. 1M7 CHEVIELLE, 4 di., good rmn- ning condition, node mInai work for certification, $200 as le. 1978 Honda 400 hein, mInt condition, boer box, hlghwmy bars and mag whoels, muet ha ean, $1,200. Two bw'gandy bed chairs, Dite new, $UWsir. On@ York exarciso bonch wlth log exerciser $60. Cmdi Os0.e12 Emporlum Ads wIII only be accepted subject to the following conditionse ONE heavy duty set ai acetyloe torches, by Ilquid air, complote with cuttlng tip end hases, $200. New heavy duty air hammer $40. Phone W3-1654. ONE ad In the Whitby Fiee Prose Emporium Section wIl seil aimosa nythlng. Cmll«l -11. PLUMUINO fîittinga, 1Il"end up, copper and glvnized, *$300. Smaii dînette table and four chairs $35. B.d $30. Phone 608. 0202. PROPANE gas spaco hoater com- plote with pipes $125. Wringor wmshing machine $75. Phono 723-1605. RADIAL TIRES, two HR70-15 mounted on Chrysior rime, $00 pair, good condition. Two GR7O- 15' tires, flu condition, $45 pair. Original set ai mountod Herring Fox Hunting Scene prInts, four prInts ln set, producod by NeW York Graphic Society, sot $130. Cili mter 6 p.m. 608-3885. STEREO, JVC recoiver and cas- sette dock with dual 508 turn- table, 3-way speakers and stand. Asklng $80. Phone 668.4540. SUEDE jacket, rebbit fur collar, excellent condition. Worn twice, drycleanod, ammot new. Sire 16. Asking $100 or bost offor. Con- tact Mîke or Annette at 008-8404. 3 .P. SEARS campressor, 30 houro uso, 25 gallon tank, $950 nogotîmble. Phono 055-3503. 35 MM 8.LR. camera, 2.8 Iens, In excellent condition, $75. Two 30" headboards $5 each. Phono 008- THINK MONEY - Think the Whit- by Free Prose Emporium Section. One amaliladvertieement s la i Il takes. Place your article for sale ln the Whitby Frais Pros. and got Immediate rosulta. The Free Pros. la romd by ovor 70,000 potentiel buyors each week. Thlnk about what we can do for you ... thon cmli us. Whitby Free Prose 008-0111. TWO AR-14 bookaheif 2-wmy speakers rted at 150 watte oach $225. Two Shure FM-57 micro- phonee complote with dosk stande, 10w Impedance, $150 for pair. One large Lszy Boy reclinor, leather, elightiy worn, $75. Phone 666-M95. - PLEASE READ - When the advertissd Item la sold, disposed of, or unavailable for whatever reason, the Item wili be dsemed ta have been soid and s commission wili be charged based an THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iuustrted below, regerdiesaIf price la stated with 'best offer". If the Item la NOT SOLD, or dlsposed ai, the md wili be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 80.00 will eppIy payable ln advance ai publication ai the firet md. Otherwise a 87.50 charge wilii p- puy If bilied whlch muet be paid upon receipt aibilîl. The above minimum charges will be appiied ta the final commission due but ln any case the hlgheramount wili be chmrged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-paid; 87.50 biiled. Maximum commiesion: 8100.00. Ail advertiaements muet b. plmced on an ex- clusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and mun atiemet one manth-lf not sold. 5% of advertised puIce up ta 840.00 RATES (if article la sold): 2% oi balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertised for 8120.00. Commission due $8.00 (minimum charge la $0.00). Privato advortiging onlyl Piemsesnatiy the Whitby Fiee Prose lmmediately when Item le said sa that w. may deloto'It from the failowIng Issue. Ail ade flot iitting the' Emporium guidelines wiii be treated and charged per week as regular ciasesiiied ade on a pre-paid basis such as: services, heip wanted, ciothlng, rosi estate, and persanal meesage type ade, or ade nat quatingpruce or quentity. Private clasalied ada may appoar ln the Emporium section under apprapriate headinge. ALI. ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO:- FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby, Li N 5S1 If In daubt cmii: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE j FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. MUSRTCLES TM IVEAUOOIE FOR SALE FORSAL 200 WATT P.A. Amp and 8 Chan- nel Mixboard. Great for recording or performlng. Excellent condi- tion. PaId $1,800. AekIng $900. Phono 088-48U8&miter 6:30 p.m. VACUUM - Fliter Queen with'at- tachmente. Excellent condition. $150. Phono 743-0929. WALL-TO-WALL carpet, 9x16, beige tone, short shag, $50. Two light green single bodepreade, nylon, with matching drapes, $30 each. On. rsd aingle bedsproad, heavy back.d materimi,.wlth mat- ching drapes, $30. Two-cushlon- od day bed, 2 years oid, belge tons, nover used as a bed, $200. Apartment-sized freezer, white,,2 yoars old, A-i shape, $105. Sot of 59 ieather-bound Books of Know- Iedgo, mint condition, $150. Cat toilet $10. Phono 668-2649. WOODEN DESC $70. Kitchen cupboards, counter, double aInk, $400. Apartment sized humidifier $50. Please ceil 668-2785. AUVOTIVE FOUR Michelin tires, 5,000 miles, like new, $300. Dsys cmii 688- 6922. Evonîngs cmli 668.4046. AUTOMOTIVE PARTS FOR SALE - Four 7" wlde deep dlah spoked universel rims for 15" tires $125. On. new olectronlc Ignition con- version kit for ail GM V's 1959«ta 1974 and Amorican Motore V8's 1963 to 1974 wlth Delco distribu- tors $50. Phone 579-2352. C FOR SAàLE 1000ý OLDSMODILE 'OMEGA, 2 door, standard transmission, good condition, 35 M.P.G. Ask- ing 85,695. Phono 728.7158 mny- time. 197* VOLKSWAGEN, as le, for parts, $200. Phono 608-1317. ~ ~- TUE IIfIOUGN NEW a USED CAR BUTS IEAD .,DU... SELL JUST CALL 668-61111 1973 FIREBIRD "1ESPRIT", neede body wark, 81,100, in now parts. Wiii soit for same. Negatiabie. Cmii 728-0050 ster 5 p.m. 1973 PLYMOUTH FURY, 318, sutomatlc, power brakes, power steerIng, hemvy duty, rune good, needas$Ooebody work. $250 as le or trade for air comproseor, sand biastlng equlpment or paint squipment. Cmil08-8785. 1972 BUICK SKYLARK, body good condition, neede transmis-- sion, V8, big block, now tires on rosi. $300 or beet offer. Phone 608-1377. ONE Genidron Infant lovo seat $25. On. Gondron chIld love seat $50. Bath ln goad condition. Phone 655-3575 aitor 5 p.m. and weekends. SILVER CROSS falding etrolor, excellent condition, $30. Pedi- gree beby carilage $50. Swing-O- Mstlc, racklng hars on spring, tricycle, pull taye, Fiaher PrIce mctivity contres, eseortsd ciothes, $00. Phono (410) 849. 3004 aitor 6 p.m. GOODS M SAL I AlE &-PC. BEDROOM outfit for sale, Includos mirrai, box spring and mattrese,, In good condition, $1,000. Aiso, ans Germen crib ln excellent shape for sale, comoes with very good mattroos, $100. Phonoe68-9042. KEN?4ORE waaherlepln dryor, good condition, $100. Phonoe668 7821. KITCHEN countertop, 146"~ long, beige, with moidod backsplmsh from loft, 86" ta double sink cen- tre, $60. Kitchen countertop, 1811 long, with two filihed onde, $25. Chopplng board- for dishwasher, good condition, $50. Phone 576- 3925 evonînge. - FOR immediato resulte, uee the Free Prose Emporium - 68-0111. ONE highbmck Lazy-Bay chair, eloctrlc, bulit-in vibrator and heeter, avacado green, thîso manthe aid, $75. On. Simplicity waehlspin diyer, $75, good waîk- lng condition. Two mavie pro- Jectars $25 oach. Phone 008- 0193. MOVING - 9 piece salid oak dining room suite. Brand new -, neyer umed. Pedestai extension table, beige volvet an chairs. 7- foot buffet and hutch wlth light glass on sides misa. Exquisits. PmId 85,997.98, msklng $4,J00.00. Bought 2 monthe mgo. Phone 008&2395. NOTHINO baats mn md ln the Whitby Freo Piess Emporium Section when It cames ta soiiing your unwanted articles. Galil008- 6111 now. QUEEN-SiZE bed chostoriold, redvoiour, like now, $40. Calii 000&2702. OUEEN-SIZE watorbed wlth brown volvet button tuit, four poster with wateî mattrose, heat- or, watorbed shoots and mattrose caver Inciuded. $50. Calil008. ORSL APACHE "Mesa" Traloer, 1975, FOR SALE good condition, 2-20 lb. propae YAMAA talibike NX 80, botties, 3-way frIdgs, now epar. bAught ew summer ai 182, tire, slops 6, curtains, ail ABS nover ridden ln wîntor, mînt con- etero 500. Poo 0-70 dition. Porfoct beginneres motor mtrSpm bike, $695. Cmii 655-4207 efter 4 p.m. COVERED box trailer. 7 foot by 12 1001 HONDA intorstats, 14,000 km. Too mmny options ta Ilt. Ex. cellent condition. $5,400. Cmii 655-3917. 1M00HONDA M00ce HAWK, bought In sprlng 1081, good con- dition, holmets and a rain suit ln- ciuded, 17,000km., weli mmintain- od, muet seji, $1,200 or boat offer, wlii certIfy. ,Eminont argan, Saulna A315, two full keyboards, f ivo pro-set percussions, Orbi- tono and Arpeggio-metic Rltmlx box, foot pédmle, $1550 or boat ofior. Phone 683-307. 198 YAMAHA Endura 175, low miloago, voy good condition, $1,Oooiirm. PhanoOO8-0494. 1978 050 KZ KAWASAKI, 15,000 kilometers, good shape, muet osii. 81,000 certif isd. Phono608- 5155. INSJRSMENTS HOHNER Tango Il M Accordian, 96 bas, totaily, rsconditionsd, $900. Thros-year-old Yamaha ClamaICal Guitar, excellent condi- tIon, $120.. Phono68-7905 miter 5Sp.m. PLACE your md In the Whltby Fiee Piss now - as fast me e phono cmii, resuits.happonl Cmii FRSALIj 1971* OLYMPIO Skldoo with oisc- tric stait, ans owner, 10w hours of use, $40. Double skidoo tralier $200. Phono (416) 649-3064 allsi 6 p.m. foot, 5 'foot high, remfovebie top, 2 .iectric brake axies, 81,800. Phonoe6553477. THERE ARE PEOPLE wiilng ta pmy gond money for thinge you've tired of. Place your adver- tis * ment In the Whltby Free Press Emporium Section. As fast as s, phone Cmli. rosuita happeni Cmli 608-61 11 today. 1974 CHEV % TON with csp, 64,000 originel miles, very gond runnlng condition - body neede work. 81,000 firm. Phone 08-& 4830 between 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. TRUCK and trailor. 22-foot Mastercomch fuliy oquipped. 1974 3A ton Ford Pick-up. Askîng 810,500. Cen be seen et 14o Brock Street North, Whitby or phono 608-111. VAN - 1982 ;4 Ton Chov, 350, V8, 4 barrel, Super Van conversion, loaded with extras. Asking $8,500. For liat of, options, Mlaso cmii 668-8178. FOR immodiste resuits, edvertieo ln the Froe Prose Emporium. Check your cioseta, attlc and basament - stant summer with cash ln hand and your eprîng cleaning dons. Calil 008111 now. M 'I ________ ~~Q~WL I.wARTICLES Sto ARTICLES FOR SALE FO R SA L E YOU NAME U T WE'LL SELL UT The Whitby Free Press's Classified Pages CALL 668-6111 TODAY WHITBY FREE PRESS a 1 _e

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