PAGE 10, WEIJNESDAY MAY 4, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRI WOMENS' INSTITUTE Ite annual meeting of the Womens' Institute was held at the Brooklin Community Conter on April 20 wlth Bessie Acton and Mrs. Smith of Whitby as guests. At "hi meeting new officers were lnstalled as follows: past president,- Ruby Sonley; president, Marion Hall; firet vice president, Carnie Arksey; secretarytreasurer,_sseCowY; Tedmm GEORGE C. WHITEDD.,FRCC> ANTHONY J. BALLARDDDS,FRCD(C) ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL SURGEONS are pleased to announce the relocation of their office to 209 Slmncoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario LIG 4T1 as of April 25, 1983 Telephone: (416) 576-5311I Hlstory, Hilda Stanley; public relations, Elleen Young; family and consumer affairs, Laurel Hamer. The retirlng secretary treasurer was presented with a corsage and gift as a sign of appreciation for her falthful work. The next meeting will be held on week earlier on May il at 1:30 p.m. at the Brooklin Community Con- ter. Please make note of the change of date. PAY ATTENTION A man went to the race track and noticed a priest make the sign of the cross over a horse. That horse went on to wln the race. So the man watched each time the priest made the sign, bot on that horse and it won. When the last race of the day came up, ho had won $18,000. Ho again watched the priest make the sign and bot aIl his winnings on that horse. The gatos opened, the horses were off and the one ho had bot on took only a few stops and fe11 down dead. Finding the priest, the man asked what had gone wrong. The priest replied, "You Protestants just don't know the difference botween a blessing and the last rites."1 See you next week ...Roxanne Reveler Brooklin Bakery drop-off - Frldays, before noon please 655-4951. West Lynde stu dents get new playground Studonts of West Lyn- de Public School have a new creative play- ground in their yard and they owe it ail to them- solves. Tho studonts raised just under $9,000 in five days by selling sun cat- chers at six dollars apioce. The 30 by 50 foot play- ground was picked by the Parent/Teacher Association as this year's project and it was completed by work- ors last Thursday. Jili Groenwood, a five-year-old kindergar- ten student, was. select- ed to take the first turn- ble down the wiziding slide. Jil'was pickod for the honour because she was moving to Mark- ham the following day and would not otherwise get the opportunity of using the apparatus. Top sellers in the campaign were also an- nounced. Scott Robin- son, a grade two stu- dent, sold 83 sun cat- Ban.ned films to be* shown place. Matthew Ayres, a grade two student, sold 62 and held down second place. Tracey Birke, a grade four student, took third place with 53 sold and Tracy Morasch, a grade eight student, took fourth place with 51 sold. Mrs. Anderson's grade two class was the top primary class in sales. Mrs. Bergorin's grade four class took the junior honours, while Mr. Hadju's grade seven and eight class Durham Region Lung Association wiil show two controversial Na- tional Film Board pro- ductions at its annual meeting in Oshawa on Monday, May 9. Both movies have been banned in the United States by the Federal Department of Justice. The depart- ment cites misrepre- sontation of both- the acid ramn issue (dealt with in "Acid Rain - Re- quiem or Recovery") and the U.S. role in nu- clear prolifération ("If you Love This Planet") as reasonable cause for imposing the ban. The Lung Association considers both issues highly relevant to its work in the health pro- motion field. Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting, which bogins at 8 p.m. in Adelaide House (Oshawa YWCA) on Centre.Street South, Oshawa. The Association's year-end business and election of officers will also take place. 00000. BOOK SALE. Beginning at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 7 the Whitby Public Library is holding their annual book sale in the library auditorium. There willbo a good selection of discards, and- secondhand books, both fiction and non- fiction, many in very good condition. The sale will continue through the day, until 5 p.m., but plan on coming early for the best selection!1 YOU CAN BE A PROFESSIONAL -~ HAIRSTYLIST ART E& TECHNIQUE Haustyling Schoal ENROIL NOW FOR NEXT MONTH'S CLASSES 7 Government Licensed Instructors 27suvccoisfual yeurusof hmrtyllngexpeionco 14 Ontario St. 221 Pitt St. Oshawa Cornwall 576-0479 938-9313 Thank you for helpifig out studerits today to he professional hairstylists tornorrow. Are you between age 60 and 71? If you are and you wish to secure a payout annuity HERB TRAN 668-5968 725-6564 Mutual Lufe of Canada Product Placement Service Type writer RENTALS also SALES & SERVICE 9